The Neal Larson Show

2.7.2025 -- NLS -- Elon Musk Targets Waste, Trump Reshapes Government

Neal Larson

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On this episode with Neal and Julie, they dive into the latest political and cultural debates, discussing the reactions to Elon Musk’s approach to government inefficiencies, the federal workforce, and the broader implications of Donald Trump’s policies. They examine the left’s reliance on government funding and question the sustainability of certain federal jobs. Neal and Julie also tackle the debate over school choice, unions, and parental rights, raising thought-provoking questions about taxpayer-funded education options.

The conversation shifts to media narratives, government influence, and public perceptions surrounding transgender policies in sports. They reflect on whether political disagreements can return to a place of civil discourse and discuss the evolving role of political parties in shaping policy. On a lighter note, they discuss the upcoming Super Bowl, share listener predictions, and highlight a special musical performance in recognition of Presidents Day.

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Welcome. We've arrived at Friday. Why is it when you wake up and you go to work on a Friday? It feels like you're walking into a party. Like you're walking into the green room and there's refreshments. And you know, some Van Halen play, and then you know something. You know what I'm talking about. It's great to be here on this Friday.

And as we do on Friday, coming up in a half an hour, we will have our studio for cover. And the reason we call it that, we're actually in studio four here at Sand Hill Media. So we thought it would be cool to call it studio four covers. And we have Hagan Gittins performing for us a little bit, a little bit later.

And always look forward to that very needed diversion. And it just fits on a Friday. The lefty meltdown continues. This is so much fun. I just have to tell you, I probably have so much glee that I probably need to repent for it. At some point for, the the shouting Freud that I'm experiencing as the left.

They don't know what to do. They don't know what they're going to do. It was just telling me about a story. Some lady went and had herself sterilized so that she would not bring a child into Donald Trump's America. Now, I will say that that's probably a good choice for everyone. That people who want to sterilize themselves make a permanent medical decision based on who the president is for the next four years probably shouldn't reproduce and pass along either the genetics or the flawed thinking that that leads to.

So I would say from a generational perspective, problem solved. Which is okay, but how nuts is that? I feel bad for I don't I mean, I say I do, I feel bad for them, but I say that in the vein that I would never want to be in their situation. I would never want to be so addicted to government money crack addicted to government money, that I have this kind of a mental reaction and breakdown to Elon Musk coming in and doing with the federal government what he has done with company after company after company, which is let's look for inefficiencies.

Let's get rid of those inefficiencies. And if their, their activities that are being done that don't contribute to the mission and the cause of the organization, we stop doing it. It's that simple. It's really not that hard at all. When you when you look at it, we had a story. There is actually a local angle on this.

And the Idaho National Lab has now directed. Well, B, I will say it's, that all Battelle Energy Alliance employees will be required to work in person in labs and offices in the coming months. So we went through this. They tried to kind of spin it and say, well, didn't really have anything to do with Trump's executive order.

We just think it's better and more collaborative. It's more innovation, more strong sense of community. Just kind of phrases like that. And I didn't know this. Somebody said in the comments after Trump was elected, they renamed their H.R. office from Human Resources in Diversity down to just human resources. Is that true? Somebody texts that in if you work at the in and you you know, that's the case.

I guess my my take on it is it's kind of an insult to everyone's intelligence to maintain that this has nothing to do with Donald Trump being the president and his policies and executive orders. I think it has everything to do with it. And I think it's obvious. And the deeper I thought about it, I had this realization.

I think that Elon Musk is probably not just looking at government agencies proper, but he's also looking at our our private industry contractors like Battelle and others, saying, can we get more bang for our buck, that this demand for efficiency and productivity will will be included in the contracts that we sign with these third party mega, massive global corporations like Battelle or Lockheed.

And we want to make sure that the taxpayer dollars that are funding those contracts are also getting, maximizing the bang for their buck. So my hunch is that this was a move to safeguard the the likelihood of renewed contracts with Battelle into the future. That's my guess, that that must be, part it. That's what I would do if I were, the head of, head of Battelle.

So, you have the I will say this. And again, this is all sort of just because we all know lots of people that work at the INL, because there's so many people that work at the INL, from what I've heard, is that there has been in the last few years, this implementation of a, a DEA culture, if not formally, certainly informally and, look, I'm, I'm, I will just stated not specifically to the I inl I think that this is just a general observation about this.

These departments make the work place toxic affair. Speaking with Julie, she pointed something out that was very common sense and basic. She said human resources covers everyone. The word human itself is an identifier, is a unifying identifier. Yeah. It's everybody who's working there that's human. Every homo sapiens. But then when you add and diversity, you begin to highlight the segmentations of society.

And it's impossible to do that without an insinuation that some levels are considered in higher esteem than other levels. And it creates this pitting one group against the other, even though maybe they're public or or cover statement is to the opposite. Well, we want everyone included. Well, the word human is pretty inclusive. I don't think you need additional qualifiers beyond human, human resources.

So, good observation there, but I am so happy this has been one of those things. Julie and I had a little yoga moment yesterday where we were doing the, and everything, and, and we said Donald Trump's the president of the United States, but but the the tentacles of what that means is that we don't have to live with these toxic, mandated, foisted upon us ideologies.

That's a good thing. That's a good thing. One thing that I put down on my notes here, I typically do, the, the show without a lot of notes, like, I, I have a basic idea of what I want to talk about, and then I talk, at at will, but I wrote down two words left addiction, and I didn't finish the phrase the left's addiction to massive amounts of money.

Not their money, not money. They not wealth they've created, but wealth that they have confiscated for their own ideological purposes. And that is apparently what USAID has been all about, all about. One of the things that I like about this USAID, maybe this was by design, maybe it just happened this way. But I think that it's very important that the Trump administration take probably the most egregious agency and make them a public example to take this agency that we all know.

Once you start diving into it, there's massive WFA waste, fraud and abuse happening inside this this agency and where the money goes, loads of it. Millions here, billions there, hundreds of thousands over here. And I think they are making USAID a super public example because it's low hanging fruit. There's a lot of nonsense built in to what they've been doing, what that does is it creates an expectation for all of the other agencies.

It makes all of the other federal workers go, you know what? I could get laid off if I don't start showing up for work, I might have well, I might I might be in the unemployment line if I don't start proving myself. That's a really I don't know if every worker I used to, I used to feel like it's a good thing for workers to show up worried about getting fired.

I, I don't really mean that. Absolutely. It's sort of a hyperbole way of, of making a point that you don't want the other extreme where you feel so secure in your job, it doesn't matter what you do. And I think there's a wide swath of the federal government workforce that has lived under that expectation and that belief that it doesn't matter.

I can sit at home all day and watch prices right.

And I'm still going to get my paycheck. I can skip the the, you know, semi weekly or biweekly. Zoom call that lasts 18 minutes. And because Price is Right is on and I'm still going to get my paycheck. That's the nonsense that's going to come to an end under Donald Trump. A very interesting side note to this story.

I thought it was so revealing, so revealing that unions are suing to prevent federal workers from taking the deal that Donald Trump has put out there. His EO from three, what, three weeks ago where he said, look, I'll put a deal on the table. You can walk away right now. The deadline is February 6th, which was yesterday, and I'll have a follow up in a moment when we will pay you through the rest of the fiscal year.

You'll get your full paycheck. You'll have everything that you had otherwise, but you're quitting your job and you're walking away. But you'll have all these months to find something new to, to go seek your your next chapter in life somewhere else. That's a pretty darn attractive deal. In fact, you had some government watchdogs that were looking at it going, paying people for doing nothing.

It almost reminds me, I remember growing up and I never quite understood this. The government would pay farmers to not farm. Do you remember this? It was a CRP program, if I remember right. And farmers would get a paycheck from the government if they just let their land sit and do nothing. That did not resonate with me. And I, I know that if they raise too much of a certain crop, then the prices would make it so nobody could be profitable in it.

Like I, I can understand economically why they did it, but from an individual standpoint, why would farmers get money for raising nothing? And that always kind of just aided me. I don't need to be lectured by by farmers. All right. I get that. But in it, because in the same way, I understand I have a very good friend.

He's taken the deal. He's walking away from his very nice, nicely paid federal job, and he feels like this is a really good move for him and for his family. More power to him. I think that it's great, but the unions are now saying no, they've sued. Listen to this Fox News report. All right, Sandra, we got some breaking news and a Fox News alert now on that employee by our program.

We were speaking to Carolyn Levitt. We're about, at the top of the hour. The number one we were speaking to her had been marked. Its 40,000 employees had decided to take the buyout. That number has now increased to 60,000. But there's a wrinkle, because, unions representing federal workers had gone to court in Boston saying that this was an unconstitutional move by the president to offer this buyout, that any buyout would have to be authorized by Congress.

Judge George O'Toole. It was a federal district judge up there in Boston. Has, put a temporary injunction on the midnight deadline, for employees to submit whether or not they're going to take the buyout. He has now extended that until Monday, at the very least. Again, these federal unions are saying that, any kind of buyout like that would have to be authorized by Congress.

Okay, they know it's coming. We've told you this before, and this is proof unions are only about political power and survival. They know once these people make their exodus from the federal workforce, their numbers go down. Their contributions go down, their influence goes down. So they are now using a judge, our federal judiciary, to maintain their survival. And in so doing, they are restricting what the people they say they represent from making a career choice.

These people are never about that. It it's not about that. And you have to understand that about unions. I, I make a an over-the-top comparison and I will be very honest. And I know this is over the top. It's it's the Pyongyang policy. It's the North Korean policy that says you can't leave. We will not let you leave.

Your presence and participation is mandatory. That's what they do. That's how they operate. They say they're looking out for you. But when it comes down to the basic level, they don't want you. They want your dues. They want your your payment. They want you. They're not looking out for you. They never have. They never have. This is also true in education.

This is a this is a great segue into the parental rights bill. When you hear people that are kind of wringing their hands over parents being able to make choices about where their kids go to school with, well, let me put it this way, taxpayer is making choice choices about where their kids go to, where the taxes go for their kids.

They take the Pyongyang approach. You can't leave. If you leave, it's entirely on your dime. Even though it's on your dime anyway. So. Well, we're afraid Alibaba doesn't. It doesn't really matter, all right? They're not about what they say they're about. They say they're about kids. They're not about kids. They're about maintaining a system and control and influence.

That's what they are about. And never, ever forget that. And again, this is a good reminder. I want you to memorize this, this question. When you have people griping and moaning about Wendy Harman's bill about parental choice, just simply ask them this question why do you want to prevent lower middle class children from getting a private education, asking that?

Hopefully it doesn't just start an argument and lead to being defensive. Hopefully it makes them think, all right, we're going to take a break. It's a Friday coming up in ten minutes. Our studio for cover Hagen Gittens will join us and we'll take a little break from things. Will also take a phone call or two on the other side of this commercial break on Newstalk 179.

All right. 829 Newstalk 107I, Neil Larson, along with Julie Mason. Hi. Julie is so Hagen Gittens is warming up her voice. Wow, she sounds amazing. Guys are going to love it. Getting ready for our cover. Coming up. But let's take a phone call, shall we? All right. Caller, welcome to the show. How are you today?

Hi, guys. Good morning. How are you? All good. Good. What's on your mind? Yes, I, I guess I'm just going to kind of challenge the, the union thing. I'm not a union guy. I'm not a fan. I I'm I'm a little nervous about the whole efficiency thing. I could see how it could go back crazy, but I'm excited for it if it works.

Right. Yeah. Not a fan of you, but going to get that out there. I've heard a lot of stuff about how, you know, at the AFL, you know, if your outlet needs a little tightened, you may get fired if you put a screwdriver chip, because. No, no, that's maintenance job. You'll get fired. Yeah. Right. Yeah, I think that that's trash.

Right. But yeah, I, I'm trying to be objective and ask myself, is it constitutional for the president to get the paychecks like that? You know, despite how I might feel about that, is that unconstitutional? And if it is, are we willing to actually say it, even if it's differing from our party, I don't know. Well, so what constitution or what part of, you're worried that it's unconstitutional that we're going to pay people to not work for a few months?

Is that is that what your concern is for the president to initiate that? Yeah. Okay. It came via you know, I don't agree with unions in general. Is the union correct? Well, I don't I don't know and I don't know if actually anybody knows because all of this could be from a legal standpoint, pretty subjective. And so it might just depend on the judge.

But what I do know is the president is over the executive branch. Like he has wide powers over everything that happens in the executive branch. It's Congress's job to either fund it or not fund it. But it's the president's job to decide so much of the policy within the executive branch. Now, how that applies, I don't know, but but if the president doesn't have the power, Congress certainly doesn't have the power to dictate the the this level of detail within the executive branch, if that makes sense.

And yeah, all fair, all fair. Biggest point, I think being that even though I don't like that, South Park or them, you know, hopefully, hopefully there's actually people out there that are going and I really don't like unions, but are they right. Hopefully we're actually being a little bit objective about that because I found myself while driving thinking that like, man, what if they're right?

Are we so into our politics, so into our party, that tribalism? Are we willing to let Trump do something? Well, I we're so excited about I'll be honest with you. I don't even know if the unions have standing in this case. These are individual employees making a decision about the future of their employment. So I don't I mean, I agree with that.

They might be legally right, but they may not have standing for it. Yeah, I can agree. Yeah. Absolutely. So yeah. But it's stuff that I'm hoping for, you know, bias, and objective thinking. Yeah. I would say if we would, if we would reverse engineer it, follow my thought process here. How else do you trim the federal government?

How else do you trim them down it do you wait until you Congress just just doesn't give them a budget and you let them flounder? There's got to be another option. Then they just aren't given money. And so it dries up and dies. Like there's got to be an option to restructure or reorganize individual departments of the government above and beyond funding.

Does that make sense. So yeah. Yeah. But I would you know I'm thinking about it. Wouldn't it have to be destroyed by the same thing that created that. Well I believe that's, that you have actually a great point there because you said or U.S. aid was actually created by executive order by Kennedy. Yeah, yeah. JFK created USA aid with an EO.

So I guess maybe that's the answer then, you know. Yeah. Well, thank you for the call I appreciate it. It's 834. We've got to break away and get ready for our studio for cover. Hagen Gittens just minutes away and we're back. It is 839 on Newstalk 178. Neil Larson along with Julie Mason and Julie. It's Friday and we always love Fridays around here.

So fun. We're joined today by Megan Giddens, senior at Hillcrest High School. I've got the right year. So senior awesome. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Hagan. So I have always been from Idaho Falls. I'm like born and raised and yeah, I'm going to be graduating here in a couple of months. I am a singer. On with the singing S.O.S. Group, which is very fun.

How long have you been singing? Hagan? Probably like for years. Okay. Since I was little, I've always loved to sing little. And, What's your favorite genre of music? I don't know, I love right now. It's definitely like more of the pop music, like, let's, you know, mainstream stuff right now. But yeah, you know, I love all drama genres.

Okay. So you are on Instagram. Our audience loves to connect with our our performers. So tell us where, our listeners could find you on Instagram. You search up Hagan Gittins. Hagan Gittins. Yeah. You also brought some moral support. Finley's here with you. She's performed in the past and will be performing in the future. Yeah. We're so excited.

Finley, you'll be back with us next week. We have heard her rendition of The Star Spangled Banner, and we wanted to recognize Presidents Day. So she'll be with us next week and just bonus, she came today to support her friend. Yes. All right, so, Hagan, tell us what you're going to sing for us today. I am singing from the start by Levy.

By Levy. We actually had to have a little tutorial on how to pronounce that. So we appreciate you telling us, but we haven't. But apparently she's like a massive star, right? Like she's won a bunch of awards and Grammys and everything else. Oh yeah. Okay. Which is we're kind of getting to be. Yeah, we're oh, we had to look all that up.

All right. So, the song is from the start by Levy and Hagen. Are you ready? I am all right, let's do this. I'm on.

Don't you notice how I get quiet when there's no one else? So round me and you in awkward silence. Don't you dare look at me that way. I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same. Oh, the burning pain. Listening to you harp on about some new song made. She's so perfect. Blah blah blah. Oh how I wish you wake up one day.

Run to me. Confess your love. At least just let me say that when I talk to you. Oh Cupid jumps right through and shoots an arrow through my heart. And I sound like a loon. But don't you feel it to confess I loved you from the start.

But I did. But I did, I dududududu, none. I dare you to die. But by and on I did, I did, I did, I did, I did not, but, what's a girl to do? Lying on my bed, staring in to the blue. Unrequited, terrifying. Love is driving me up. It's insane. I have to get this off my chest.

I'm telling you today that when I got fired through, woke you fit walks right through and shoots an arrow through my heart. Yeah, I sound like other men. Don't you feel it to confess I loved you from the start I confess I loved you just thinking of you I know I've loved you from the start.

Hagen, that was beautiful. Thank you. Our audience loved it as well. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you so much, Hagen Giddens 844 on Newstalk 179.

Off to a great start here on a Friday on Newstalk 107 nine rolling along. And if you'd like to reach us on the Stones Auto Group, call and text line, that numbers (208) 542-1079. Another big thank you to Hagan getting this great performance stellar performance today. Yes she does on so good studio for covers that well that'll be in the archives.

We've got quite a lineup for several are already scheduled for the next few weeks. Super excited about what we're bringing to you. Yeah, yeah it is. It's fun. It's fun for this to bring energy and life. And when we start getting messages from people and people calling the station and feeding us different, well, we wish we had enough slots for everyone who wants to, but we just we we we're getting a lot of, you know, a lot of interest in it.

And so we do it once a week and we are a news talk station, after all. But we we love it. It's just so much fun. It's our little reprieve. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. So. Okay, let's open up the phone lines. Okay. (208) 542-1079. And you know what? We'll implement the very risky Friday rules where we allow callers to bring up their own topics.

Now, normally that cannot be trusted, but on Fridays we will open up and we'll be vulnerable. We remove the safeguards that are in. Not really. We love hearing from you and bring something out of left field. There was there was a couple of things, Julie, that we didn't we didn't get to that I'm shocked we didn't get to.

And but I need to verify this. I have seen an online image of a news report out of Rexburg that the police were called because a tickle fight got out of hand. Have you seen this? This is real. The person copped to it. The person who was part of the police report, she said that was me, it was I.

We were the ones and really nothing bad was happening. We were just having a good time. Okay, I just did a search. There's a standard journal story dated from 2018. Police respond to tickle fight. No injuries reported. So is it a you know how Facebook sometimes a story gets resurrected? Maybe. But where? I saw the girl raise her hand and say this was me.

It was after she was tagged because her friend knew it was her. Then she came on and it was in the what is it the Life in Rexburg Facebook group. Yeah, or I love Rexburg, whatever that Facebook group is. And it was in that group that the girl claimed responsibility. She was the one that was the tickle fight.

Oh, okay. But was she the one from seven years ago then? There was no timeframe listed. I have no idea. I'd have to. I'd have to find it, but I thought, okay, this is perfect for Neil and Julie to talk about. Yeah. It's so Rexburg. You. Yes. Didn't a marshmallow fight make the news in Rexburg a few years back?

It did. I swear it did.

But here's the story from 2018. Police have responded to numerous fights in the past, but a 1st May have been on Saturday when they responded to what they described as a tickle fight. There were no injuries. Rexburg police received a call from a concerned person saying they heard a man yelling stop! And then later heard stomping. Shortly after they heard the noise.

It became very quiet. Police made contact with the tenants of the apartment and they admitted to having a tickle fight. Okay, I, I love that it is very Rexburg. Yes, you know what? There's something very innocent and sweet about that. That that's the worst of the worst that gets reported into the Rexburg Journal. Like a tickle fight. Yes.

Or something very, I don't know, small town and hopeful that this is our good and our culture. Yeah. Yeah. That's true, that's true. And Rexburg has had less innocent stories, but you know that it is good to be reminded of of some of that. All right, let's go to the phones. Hi, caller. Welcome to the show.

Good morning guys. Hi. I, I just wanted to bring up something I've been thinking about for a while, and it's a little bit off topic, but, you know, ever since the, Roe v Wade came in, there's been probably 70 million abortions, 60 million, which that includes 60 million taxpayers. You know, we have our, birthrate going down.

That includes that there's there's so much out there that, the abortion issue contains and at the end of the day, that abortion issue is going to be or could be the our demise as a country now that we don't have that workforce. There's, you know, they say that we have to bring in more and more people, immigrants, whether they're illegal or illegal and, you know, to make, you know, to back up what we've done to ourselves.

Yeah. So, I'm all for, the Trump policies, because they incentivize ourselves to do better for ourselves. Anyway, that was just my my thinking this morning. Yeah. No, I, I agree with you, on that, I, I think that greatness requires a higher standard in and a lot of work and, and that's, that's important. You want to hear really unpopular opinion that goes along with that.

I believe that if your job is challenging, active, that turns into rewarding and you are a happier person in everyday life. Agreed. So when we're talking about rating these unnecessary jobs, jobs where people aren't even doing anything, where they're sitting around, where they're patting their pocketbooks, where they might think that that's happiness. But I don't believe that's the way that we're actually engineered as humans.

And they will find greater happiness if they start doing a job that requires effort and concentration and commitment. And all of those things will make you a happier person. Well, it's like children. I believe one of the reasons we love our children so much is we sacrifice so much for them. We give up so much. And I think the same in a ways true of our work, that the the deeper we become invested in it, the more meaningful it.

Yes, a great, next caller, welcome, welcome. How are you today? Doing pretty well. Doing pretty well. Good. Just a quick comment on one of your earlier callers that was talking about the Idaho National Lab. Yeah. I was wondering what you and your co-host would be able to do to get the director on your program. Get his perspective on where he thinks all of this is going, about what Trump wants to do with the federal workers.

Maybe a little bit about the future. Yeah, yeah. Now, yeah, we could reach out. Yeah, we could reach out to the director of the AML. I they love to work through their PR arm. They don't like to give us live interviews. That's a that's a tough ask for them. Yeah. Yeah. Well they I think you're on this back to work or having people come back into the office.

You know if they're not hiding anything or living theory, you know, in a live interview. But anyway, you will enjoy your program and you do have a wonderful day. You as well. Thank you for the gong. (208) 542-1279 yeah. Hey, this is pretty standard in very large government, director jobs. So, we attempted to get the director of health and welfare in, in Idaho on one time big no go.

Remember when the water fiasco happened? We tried to get the Department of Water Resources direct drawn big no go. They like to work with their PR departments. They do not want to answer questions that haven't been crafted and designed and fulfill all the various people that they are trying to make happy at the time. It's just too it's too vulnerable to use that word again.

Hey, I have a really, it's a doge question, but it'll feel like a change of subject. Julie okay, I will forget it if I don't bring it up. Oh, no. Cool. So we have one minute. You were talking about, an Idaho based newspaper that's getting federal funding. Yes. What if, in the same way, we require food companies to put on their label.

What's in your stuff? You know, if a media outlet is receiving payments from the federal government that has to be printed plainly and clearly on their website, what portion of your funding is from the federal government? Yeah. Government funded. This could be applied to PBS or Idaho Public TV or any state's newsroom, type newspaper. I think that that could be just so we know to what degree you might be influenced as a media outlet by by the government.

Yeah. At first blush, I can't think of anything that's, you know, too far with that. All right. Now or two coming up on Newstalk 179, it's Friday and it's not moving. It's anyway it it was a present. Yeah. It's one of those where I could listen to it ten times and then I'd start to grasp what it was.

But it was saying but ready.

All right. Welcome everyone. I thought for those federal employees having to go back to work, that is the sound of comfort to them. And they're probably missing the prices. Right. Theme song. So we just wanted to play that. We don't want them to miss it. It's like you're. Yeah right. I mean, if it helps you get through your workday because you're not at home watching prices, right?

We'll help you out a little bit with that. We're so Torpey, Julie, we're such twerps. But it's good. It look, I, I think that there is a time and a place for working for. Are we diving into this? Are we ready? Here we go. Okay. Sure. Why not? It's Friday. I think there's a time and a place to work from home.

It has clearly been abused. And I don't know if you're the person who's listening, who's like, no, I work every needed hour I at home. I'm glad. Yeah, I'm glad for your conscience that that's how it works for you. I and I hope, but if we're going to look at a program overall. Yeah. Work at home has been abused.

Absolutely. The last time I watched prices, right. Bob Barker was telling me to get my dog spayed and neutered. What's what? The teeny skinny microphone. Price is right. I don't know, it's like they tore it off the podium at sacrament meeting and took it down. Now that's. Yeah. What is that about? I don't know, you're right, though, that.

But nobody else has that kind of a microphone. I might we might install those here in this studio. Teeny tiny. Yeah, three feet long. All right, now you know what to. We could expand this, Julie, if I don't even know what soap operas are still around. Are there still soap operas? Are days of our Lives. Is still around nowhere?

Yes, there are still soap operas. I obviously don't watch them, but yes, they're still around. Okay. Like sands through the hourglass. Is they still playing go? I don't know, like sands through the hourglass. So on the days of our lives. Okay. La la la la la la la la la. Is bowing. Hope still on it? They're in a nursing home.

Are they right? Bow and hope. They're. They're discussing their AARP subscription. And now we go to the cottages where bow and Hope are getting their diapers changed.

I said, I want a tapioca bow. Did you look at Margaret in the cafeteria? Bow? He is my man. And those are my dentures, right? Is another world still around? I have no idea. All right. This is a weird Friday, right? Oh, every Friday show. That's true. It's very weird. We apologize in advance for whatever happens over the next 50 minutes, but we would love to hear from you.

(208) 542-1079 is the number. If you'd like to join us. And, Julie, listen to this. Let's dive into the news here. This trans issue. I don't know if America has been more unified on an issue than this one. Oh, we talked about this before. This, like this, survey. What is I, what I want to say poll polling, poll before the results of this poll came out.

You and I talked about this earlier this week that this was a gigantic win for Trump. This is not Republican. Democrat. This is sane versus insane. Yeah. It is. So this is Harry Enten on CNN. Listen to this report. I think these numbers are really illuminating on this topic, because I just think there's such a clear trend among the American public.

So transgender female athletes and women's sports only 18% of the country says that they should be, in fact, allowed to participate in women's sports. Compare this to the opposition. I mean, my goodness gracious, 79%. You rarely get 79% of the country to agree on anything, but they do in fact agree on the idea of opposing transgender female athletes in women's sports.

But can I stop here, though, because I have a problem with this and the way that it is phrased, because the the effect is not the motivation. The motivation is to protect women and girls in sports. The effect is, yeah, trans people cannot, cannot play. We are not in favor of Trump's EO of the law that may be passed, I think.

Was it Crapo that put it forward, that Barbie heart put forward in the Idaho Legislature and that's passing all across the country. We're not putting that in place to ban anything. We're putting it in place to protect something. But the left and Harry Enten, who I think is probably one of the most honest people on CNN, he's falling for the media loaded language here, and they're framing it as a ban on trans people, even though that's not inaccurate.

I don't think it's as accurate as it could be, because the entire motivation of doing this is to protect the integrity of the sport and to protect women and girls who are playing in athletics. I completely agree with your analyzation of this, that that for that crazy 20%, 21% if we want to be completely accurate because he said 79.

So the 21% think we're punishing trans people. Yes. That's the purpose. No, the purpose is to protect the the the women and girls. Yeah. In these sports, as though we're vigilantes out there trying to, you know, track something down. We're not. No, we just want to we just want to protect our daughters. And that's how they get lost in all of this.

That's why it's 79% CNN. Yeah. Figure out the real reason. Because the reason it's 79% is because people have daughters. People have wives. Yeah. People have granddaughters. They care about them. They love them. They don't want some six foot four man dropping his drawers in a locker room while the girl is sitting there trying to change into her swimsuit.

Let me let me ask it this way too. Just I think people understand our point, but I want to add one more layer to it. Are we trying to ban trans people from going to the movies? No. Are we trying to ban trans people from, you know, just going jogging, shopping at the small with me, right? Or working at the gas station or working as a lawyer or whatever?

No, we're not trying to ban them from anything. We're just simply saying girls shouldn't have to play against boys in sports, and women shouldn't have to play against men in sports. That's it. So I take exception with this drumbeat by the media that this is a transgender ban. It's not. It is. But that's not the purpose of it.

It's not the motivation of it. So would they then phrase not being able to drink and drive as an alcohol ban. All right. Good point. We have the law that you can't drink and drive. Not because we're banning alcohol. We're protecting others on the road because you are now a danger. Yeah. If you're inebriated. Yeah, exactly. It's just that this whole.

You know what, though, I don't know that they can actually see it any other way. It they are so it is so deeply embedded in them that they have to assume the least noble motive of their political opponents and then tag that motive and put it all over their, their analysis in the description of the issue.

I also you and I had a strong conversation about some people's reactions to things that are being done by the Trump administration. One of them is this, the, the getting rid of Dei in the workplace. Another is this, protection of girls and women in sports. I, I hope that people can settle their emotions enough that you can have a conversation that includes that it's just a better society if we don't highlight just one group.

Yeah. I hope that you can calm your emotions enough to understand this is not about destroying people. It's not about hurting people. It's that's not the question about Dei in office spaces and Dei in federal programs. Yeah. What we're trying to get back to is a logical place where the most qualified person obtains the job. That feels very basic.

Yeah. It it does. And it's common sense. Yeah I miss common sense. I miss everything not being so emotional. Eddie too I was thinking on the way into work today. Everybody's a fascist or everybody's a communist or everything. I'm like, could we ever get back to the days when you just didn't agree with some other people? I wouldn't that be nice.

Real nice. I, I actually think real people kind of in their real lives are like that. You know, we have coworkers who don't see things our way. We don't think they're communists. And I sure as heck don't think they think we're fascists. And so but for some reason when we talk about the national dialog Trump's a fascist.

Republicans are fascist. It's white supremacy. It's white nationalism. It's like it's like you you put these people in these super extreme boxes over here. We do it to them to it's Marxist this and it's Marxist that. I think there is some element to it, but they're not overt Marxists. I, I wish everybody could just dial it back and go let's have our disagreements.

Let's have our political victories. And you're going to have some political losses too. But at the end of the day, can we all be Americans. Can we all just go? We lost a few and we won a few. And let's just try to make our country great without these hyperbole laden labels that we throw at each other. I it's it's just this constant fight or flight that we're in and what politics has always been contentious, but has it always been this extreme?

Have we always had this suspicion that everybody on the other side is either a an Marxist or a fascist or something else? Okay. I you know what I think it is, and I don't know how accurate I am with this. I actually think it's that we've taken politics that used to have its nice little cozy home over here, and we could enter that home and sit down on the couch and talk politics and, and even get a little heated and, and overwhelmed about a certain issue, say, abortion or whatever.

But it existed in this little area. Now politics is like a tentacle that finds its way into absolutely everything that's done. Yes. It doesn't exist solely on its own anymore. Yeah. Yeah. No, you're you're not wrong. You're not wrong in it. It's in commercials. It's in sports. It's in school. It's everywhere. When I when I look at it, Julie, like we, you know, we we live in a community and it's different viewpoints.

Right. I don't I don't view everyone who views it differently than I do as part of a Marxist conspiracy or plot. I do sometimes think that they might be and I'm not saying they're idiots, but they're kind of treated as the useful idiots, you know, that they'll carry the messaging and carry the water. And I wish we were all a little smarter about about that, but I don't think they specifically are part of it.

However, I do think there are global influences that are are perpetuating those tentacles into every avenue of public life that they want the NFL field to have. These these politically laden messages. I think the NFL is kind of backing off of it a little bit, but it it's they're they, they want LeBron James to bring up Black Lives Matter and to, to do all that they want in entertainment for these artists to not even be able to perform at a presidential inauguration without getting canceled.

Snoop Dogg, Carrie Underwood they want they want everything always at this fever pitch in all areas of our lives. Because the more they can keep us in that fight or flight mode, the more controllable we tend to be. And that's the chaos theory. Yeah. Yeah, it really is. Yeah. So yeah, I think that's true. I think part of of to get back to that place is one group of people can't continue to be the abused.

Yeah. And so what I mean by that is I said I was either yesterday or the day before that until we can meet on common ground. The right has to be more aggressive about their arguments. For too long we sat around and said, let, let whatever happens be. I'm going to do me. You do. You will have our separate areas and that is not how it's working anymore.

Yeah. And so until we push back enough that we're all back on neutral ground. I don't think we can get back to a healthy place. Now, people would say, I, Spencer Cox, would completely disagree with what I just said. Yeah, he ran a campaign on that. What what's a give better or something. Whatever. He's. I can't remember what it's slogan.

I disagree better disagree better I am whatever what you actually want with that Spencer Cox's for me to keep my mouth shut while the other side keeps abusing. Yeah. I'm not going to do that anymore. Someone has to stand up for these kids. Thank goodness representative Hart did what she did several years ago. Because look at the momentum that that that grill.

Yes. And now we're at the place that we are. Yeah. What if she had just sat back and said, oh, we're going to disagree better? No, no, no. Sometimes you have to disagree vehemently when when you have political forces wanting to put highly graphic sexual material in front of my kid in a library. I'm not going to disagree.

I don't care how I disagree. I'm I'm going to fight that like hell to stop it. Those kids need protection. Absolutely they do. And and we as adults need to take care of our kids better. That's what I want to do. Better not disagree. Better or no. Take care of our kids better. Yes I agree. Look out for freedom.

Better. Yeah. I'm advocating for somebody who doesn't have a voice for themselves. Yeah. And that's exactly left. Would say, well, that's what we're doing with the I. No you're not. Yeah. Because in that when I advocate for that child, I expect them to be the best that they can possibly be. And indeed, nobody is expected to be the best that they can possibly be.

They're given their reward based upon their skin color or their sexual orientation. And that's the difference between them and me. Yeah. Yes. Merit is always going to mean merit. I mean that's the that's the very definition of it is it means you are deserving of the status you have earned. Yeah. So 923. All right. We just solved all the world's problems.

Did we. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. All right, so I we'll take a break and come back again. If you'd like to reach us on this Friday on the Stones Automotive group calling text line (208) 542-1079. Back after this. Hello, Facebook. How are you? All right. People are really changing the name of their Trans AMS to Trans Am. Not.

Did you think trans electrical. Oh, yeah, I love trans. I never got all caught up in that. Like if a guy was driving a Trans Am, I was never like, I. I actually think that that is probably true throughout, like, most guys thought they were awesome, but girls were pretty like, okay, it's a Trans Am. And I remember growing up like, if I got Hot Wheels cars, like, I, I loved my little.

They just looked cool, like they were absolutely cool cars and I the 70s versions were cool because they had the fin popping up in the back. Yeah, but I liked the 80s version too. Like the kit car, Yeah, yeah. Turn off the heat. Okay. I just googled it. You can buy kits to set up your Trans Am like kit.

The car. Was. So it has the the lights blinking back and forth front. Yeah. Oh I'm a wreck. What am I doing over here. Okay. Get your crap together Julie.

Okay. Do do do. Judge issues. Nationwide injunction blocking Trump. Executive order on birthright.

It's 929 on Newstalk 107. You know what we got to do? I'm glad I remember this. And not 30 minutes from now at the end of the show. It's Super Bowl weekend, And I'm actually kind of curious which team our audience wants to have wins. So why not right now? We won't start counting until, we come back from our our news break here in just a moment.

But we are going to do a call in and text in flagpole. Are you for the Chiefs or the Eagles? So I'm. I want the Chiefs or I want the Eagles to beat the Chiefs and refs. Well, I was just going to say people to prove me wrong because I'm thinking that the Eagles are going to win this poll overwhelmingly in this area, I think.

But maybe there's more Chiefs fans than I know. Yeah I don't I've talked to people there. There is some big Chiefs fans around here. That's why I'm curious to do this because like you just dislike my own biases. I'm like, everybody's going for the Eagles because, you know, the refs are always helping out the Chiefs. But you know what?

There's a lot of love for Andy Reid. Understandable. Absolutely. And I think there are people who just like the Chiefs and they like Patrick Patrick Mahomes is a stand up guy. Like I do like Patrick Mahomes. I just don't like it. I want the Eagles to blow up whatever the NFL is trying to corrupt and coerce here. And that's that's why I, I'm well plus Philadelphia's near and dear to my heart too.

So did you see that some, a reporter on press day for the Kansas City Chiefs asked Andy Reid what his favorite book was. Yeah. And he said, Bible Book of Mormon. Yeah. Like he said things. Yeah, I it's hard not to like him. He's just a good dude. Yeah, he is a good dude. He is a good dude.

And I hope he gets beat. That's okay. Yeah. We're both rooting for the the I want the Eagles to win. Yeah. Yeah. So okay with a caveat. Can I put a caveat on it. Yeah. Don't destroy your city if you do win. Oh for the love of all that is holy please do not have riots. Tear down lamp posts and turn cars over.

Yeah. Start fires. Don't do that. Just celebrate like regular people. Not in the other night. Neanderthals. Let's all. I have never understood that. I just. And it either. I've never understood that. It's like I'm trying to think of an award that I. Yeah, like, if I won an AP writing award, I went home and I took a hammer to my windows because I won an award.

Like, I don't understand. You have to do it to your neighbor's windows because they don't have to pay for the crap that they destroyed. Yeah. That's true. That's somebody's your stuff. You're going to do it to your neighbor. So I guess I at some point I, I want to understand the psychology behind that. You just won. It's a time to celebrate, not go out and create destruction.

Like what? What are the psychological layers there that lead to that I don't want? There's lots of ways to celebrate that still kind of unhinged, like get drawn, okay. Do it like do whatever, but don't. Yeah. Don't vandalize. Yeah, yeah. That's true. No, someone said I root for any team. Not in the NFL. I don't watch football since they became anti-American in long.

I get that. Yeah. Hey, any time I can find an excuse to eat little smokies, I will.

Or should we take a break and we'll come back when we return? What it is. It's a day of a correction, apparently. Okay. Are we getting corrected? I'll. I'll. I'll do this one. They didn't ask Andy Reid what his favorite book was. They asked him what his favorite trilogy was. Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry. Fact check. If I'm Dwight on the Office.

False. Yeah. All right. We'll be back after that.

Okay. I need a weekend because the people who are angrily angry that we're talking about the Super Bowl, you're doing the same thing that we talked about with Valentine's Day the other day or just earlier this morning. It's not your thing. If it's not your thing, it's okay. Yeah, it's all right. It's okay. We can't be. You have to be your theme.

All things to all people, all the time. We as much as we are most things to most people most of the time. We can't be all things to all people all the time. Someone redeemed my hope in humanity because they said, I'm with Neil. I watch sports for three things the chippies, the dips, and the KPIs.

It's funny. Yeah. Okay. Fox NFL theme. We'll play that for love even though I can't play it on Facebook. So Facebook, I need to warn you, you will not hear the music for the flagpole, but I will be playing it for the everybody else. Yeah. Oh, totally meant long. I can I can grab it in a loop and loop it.

Yeah. Hold on. Hear me? Oh!

What now? That was Jim from the office that said that, not Dwight. I don't know if they're even true, but that is the day. Yeah, they're proving our point here. There's about 12 corrections in the text right now. Okay, here we go. I'm going to turn us down for a moment. I hope this doesn't trigger it, but here we go.

Come on, American.



Okay, okay. He got it recorded. You know what? You can hate the football. Sorry. You can hate football. You can hate everything. Whatever. That's a heck of a theme. Oh, whoever built that score. Yeah, it is really good. Yeah, and I just need to, Are we getting a lot of texts from people saying, no. Someone Christine is asking, no, no, no, no, no, it wasn't Christine.

She's saying she wants to watch it. Jacob is saying, are you excited for the final episodes of Cobra Kai? Did you know those were coming out? I knew they're coming out at some point and. Absolutely. Yes. All right. Okay. We have like, we have ten minutes of this looped, so we're good. I watched an OJ new documentary that's out now that he's died.

Yeah, I watched the first episode while it was while I was working out last night. Pretty good. If you're looking for something and you like that. That crime story pretty good. Yeah. Netflix. I think it's Netflix. I came across, you know, how online they have the ten best blanks? Yeah. And I found a list that was the ten best, political documentaries.

Okay. They were heavily lefty like, one was, the the Ruth Bader Ginsburg documentary and the, but there was one that actually jumped out at me. Most of them lean left, but, it was like an Oliver Stone follow up to JFK. It's not that old, like maybe 20, 21 or 2. And, I, I am fascinated to remember what it was called because I would totally watch that.

I looked it up JFK and I think it's on Paramount Plus, I have Paramount Plus. Your Cobra Kai comes out February 13th, by the way. Okay, good. Well, then I'm going to have to postpone Valentine's Day for just. You can go pick up the hot dogs at Costco. Yeah, bring them home and watch Cobra Kai together. JFK revisited through the looking glass.

Kate, we should watch this. And let's watch it like the same weekend or something. And then we can talk about it on a post show for exclusive content. Okay, not this weekend, but let's let's. I don't think I'm going to get to walk outside today looking at, Mother Nature. It's not snowing right now, but apparently it's supposed to start blowing and I would rather walk in the snow than the wind.

I will not walk in the wind. I hate it. I get you all right. 940 on Newstalk 107 nine, it's Neil Larson along with Julie Mason and Julie. It's flagpole time. We know what weekend it is. And, hold on, that did not execute the way I wanted. We know what we can. It is. All right. So our question to you on today's flagpole, the super game, the we can say Super Bowl, the big games coming up on Sunday.

Who is it? You know what we could do? Let's find some movie tickets or something to give away. If they throw out a score. Only the people. Well, no, we want people to call in too. If you call in. But you want to guess on the score, text in as well. Okay? Yes, but call in. Who do you want to have, when and what do you think the score will be?

(208) 542-1079 that's the stones Automotive group. Colin text line. Did I just make it too complicated? Everything's too complicated, but okay, that's life in general. Okay. Contest. So I think we can make it work. All right. We want to hear from you. Who are you rooting for? For the Super Bowl. And guess the score via text if you want.

If you get it right, we'll we'll we'll hook you up with some movie tickets. Okay. What do you think the score is going to be? So I saw the like the over under. And I think the Chiefs a couple of days ago were favored by like a point and a half or two. So it could be a close game.

They were expecting something like 45 points total to be okay scored. So 20 something to 20 something I, I if I'm a guessing man, 2824 I was going to say 20, 28, 21. So we're real close to each other okay. All right. Yeah. Okay. 2821 Eagles. All right. Let's go to the phones. Caller who do you want to win.

Go ahead I want the Chiefs because of Andy Reid okay. You're an Andy Reid loyalist I got it I get it. All right. Next caller Chiefs or the Eagles. The Eagles 3428. And Mahomes will get two roughing penalties okay. Throwing in a little extra there. All right. 208542 179 flagpole chiefs or eagles as we head into the big weekend.

And, you can also text in if you'd like, but we love it when you call in. Oh wow. We got a lot of, a lot of texts. I always know when we've got a lot of text because it never loads correctly for me. But guess what, you guys? I'm getting a new computer and then it will load correctly.

But you're going to have to. It's. I'm on the spinning wheel of death, so texts are up to you. Someone said Go Eagles. Not sure about the score. Eagles come through late in the fourth. Chiefs nation 2417. Any team but Taylor Swift's go Eagles Kansas City 18 to 21. Eagles win 27 to 17. Eagles win 3513. Chiefs The birds 35, Chiefs 21 okay I think it's slightly tilting to the Eagles now.

I'm trying to play catch up. Yeah. All right finally loaded okay (208) 542-1079. We do love it when you call in because we love to hear your voice. Yeah. We might have a question for you too. So call it. Yes. (208) 542-1079. That is the Stones Automotive Group call and text line. Someone said, I want the Eagles twin, but I think the Chiefs win 3128.

That's a close game. Very well could happen. Chiefs 34, Eagles 24, Eagles 31, Chiefs 28. I want Eagles, but the score will be the Chiefs 32. Eagles 23 is 32 a weird football score I mean that's only 16 safeties. What what do you think you can I have to have like, AA2 point conversion or something in there to get a 32.

Yeah, yeah. 32. That's all right. I mean, you absolutely could, you could, you could you know what's weird? I read a piece a while back while we're waiting for the calls to come in, and we'll summarize the text here in a moment. There's, there are a number of scores that have never been scored in any NFL game.

Oh, yeah, that makes sense. That that's possible. Yes. Because some of them you would have to get two safeties. And you know, not every like the score four is a weird one. Nine points is doable. But it's a touchdown and a field goal or three field goals or whatever. But there are scores that are way less likely, like 11 is a weird NFL score, and they're actually some combinations of scores that where both scores under like 50 that have never happened, ever happen.

That's crazy. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Guess what? I heard one I don't know if this is true. I did look it up because I included it in my podcast, but I said I got this off the internet. That could be wrong. Yeah. If the Eagles lose the game, their overall win loss record in franchise history will be six six, 6066, six oh.

How does that work? Six six, six six, six six like they have 666 wins and 666 slices. Okay, gotcha. If they lose yes. Oh that's weird. I have no idea if it's true because the internet lies on a regular basis. That's that's true. But it's easily look up a bowl. Yeah. It was all on a Reddit thread.

And then there was some like if you guys don't do a regular search for news on the internet, there are so many crazy internet sites that are developed via, I know. Yeah that's true. They it's all reproduced via I, there's no real people involved. So there was several of those. What world are we heading into? Head first.

What it is. 208542 179 I'm a little surprised we haven't gotten more calls. Julie. I'm a little surprised by that too. The Eagles are winning. Are they okay. Like by not very far. Like about five. Yeah it's like it's closer then. Yeah. Then I thought 2854 279. A lot of interesting scores. We're gonna have to keep track and go back in the text to grab everybody.

Somebody sent in the Penguins. One score for one, Red Sox three because of the three pointer at the buzzer. Gotcha. We're mixing NHL, the Major League Baseball and, NBA. Okay, let's go to our our caller. Go ahead. Your prediction for the Super Bowl. We're going for the Eagles 3128 okay. The underdog to win okay. Eagles 3128.

Thank you for the call. Someone said check out NFL score a then. Oh maybe that'll give me the 666666I don't know. Yeah I think you like New Orleans is filled with voodoo. Like that's kind of what they're known for. Yeah. And if that is real that they have a win loss record of that. Yeah. What kind of voodoo is out there?

No. Right. Yeah. That's that's weird. Okay. Someone said the Philadelphia Eagles are 638, 639 and 27 all time. Okay, so maybe they're not counting some, like, preseason games or something. Or maybe it was there an NFL season that was canceled that they didn't finish all? Maybe they're not counting those I don't know. Yeah. Or maybe they were just flat out lying.

Possibly. However, it's only 2 or 3 years before you could actually if they stay like right at that 500 mark, they could get to the six six. Yeah. Would would like Satanists like to say they want to root for the Eagles then maybe that would be weird because you'd want your team to stay at 500, which is not something you want.

Deep thoughts. Yeah. All right. Two five for two on us. So we're going to call that. Good. Thank you for the few people who did call in and the masses who texted in today. Yeah. So many. Thank you. You guys. We'll go back and look. Yeah. That's good. Okay, let's break and then we'll come back. We'll have a nice long final segment to talk here on.

Newstalk 1079 Barrett on down. And now you're going to have that rolling in your head all day long. I have never made one tons at home. Have you ever made one taunt? This. I think what Lisa's talking about here is Gary was asking how to make those, instead of tortilla chips for your pork nachos. You know how they make wonton chips?

Yeah. So I think that's the conversation they're having, but I've never done it. She says it's so easy to get the thin wonton wrappers, ground chicken, ginger, scallion, sesame oil, soy and a little bit of Hussain. Oh, no. She's actually telling him how to make the actual wontons. Then you feel silly and steam. Oh, I do like wontons.

I like him too. I like him too. We're going to listen to something here. Okay. You good? And that I know what's happening nationally this morning. Blue state plans to allow trans athletes to compete in girls sport despite Trump's order. Once they lose their federal funding. If they do. Yeah yeah yeah I mean he said that he goes fine go ahead and do it.

But we're not going to fund it from the federal government. So it can't be a college that takes in any student loans, anything like that. Okay. So here's my question. How does this let's let's just sort of say Idaho doesn't allow this, right. What if we play northern Arizona and Arizona says no transgender athletes can play and they bring their transgender athlete to play in Idaho?

What happens in that? I mean, you have a jurisdictional weird thing. How is the NCAA responded? What the NCAA has said in the wake of it is they are going to review it like they didn't counter Trump and they said this needs to be consistent all throughout the United States. So, okay, which tells me they're going to end transgender sports.

Yeah. And you know what? They can throw Donald Trump under the bus. Sure. They can just say we cannot afford to not have federal funding. And pursuant to the the the executive order from Trump, this is our policy. So, yeah, this is a good menu idea. Gee with the left Jeff. He says I love soup or bull bull.

Sometimes I want soup. Sometimes I want a nice steak. That would be a good menu. Make soup and steak and call it your soup or bowl. Oh yeah, that's a good idea. I like that, I like steak anytime. Sign me up. The Japan Prime Minister is visiting today. Oh he it's 953 on Newstalk 1079. Again. We've got a few minutes here Julie.

It's been fun to add all of the love selfies that we've seen is then the lead up to Valentine's Day. And we've partnered up with destinations in and Black Swan in. And this is like this most easy promotion we've ever done. Listeners just send in a love selfie. It could be them holding the heart hands or if it's an in a photo when you were younger, maybe a wedding photo or an, an engagement photo or a vacation picture, text it to us to (208) 542-1279.

That's all you got to do. And then after we get all of them, by this time next week, it'll actually be Thursday, Valentine's Day eve. We will choose the winner. And then that way, they'll have the certificates in time to present that to their lovey dovey. Very sweet. Yeah, yeah. Hey, join us and know that we might post your selfie.

Probably. We'll post your selfie on our Facebook page at News Talk. We've got a gallery there. Dozens and dozens, dozens of people, which is so fun. So yeah. (208) 542-1079 okay, send them to us and it's going on for another six days. But, all right. Julie, State of California and its public school athletics Association has indicated it will not fall in line with Trump's executive order to, allow biological boys to play against girls.

The California Interscholastic Federation said it will continue to follow the state's law that allows athletes to participate as whichever gender they identify as California Family counts. Outreach Director Sophia Laury told Fox News Digital that her state's intent to defy Trump's executive order has made her feel disgusted and so California's going to go ahead with it. Is this just high school sports?

Because, yeah. How are they going to tell a college what to do, especially if it's governed by the NCAA and the NCAA ultimately decides they're not going to allow that? I guess I would imagine they couldn't. The state couldn't. And unless they're going to take the bold step and pull their universities out of the NCAA, which would be crazy, that would be crazy.

And then my next question is how far reaching is the, The executive order by trump card? Does it reach clear to, schools can't receive any kind of federal funding? And if that's the case, California K through 12 are getting federal funding. So does it. Is it lined out that deeply. Yeah I don't know. Like does does it apply to the just the athletic side or the scholastic part too?

I don't I don't know. That's a question. That's a really good question. So but you know, I feel like and we've seen this trend maybe California, because of its size and influence, it might be a little different. But we have seen sort of these Democrat holdouts, whether it's a mayor or a governor, it lasts anywhere from 24 to 48 hours.

And then they realize the actual implication if they carry through in their defiance of Donald Trump. And actually, I'll just say this way, in defiance of the presidential order, losing funding nonstarter for nearly every, every municipality and government out there. And so they usually cave and crumble and I think they'll have to if you missed the earlier segments from today, we talked about how there's a new poll out that 79% of Americans agree with Donald Trump and the executive order to remove transgender males from, well, men pretending to be women.

Look, I'm going to say it much clearer than the language. Men pretending to be women from girls and women's sports. So I most of the country agrees with what Trump did. And that means, you know, probably 70% plus of Californians agree with it. It's not going to go over well. Yeah, it it isn't. You know what I found fascinating about those numbers that CNN was talking about?

67% of Democrats are in line with common sense, but independents are actually lower than that. Because the only thing the Independent Party is so full of those people that, well, that just people get to do what they want to do. The libertarians. Yeah, maybe. I suppose they don't want any regulation. Yeah, that could be which could go the other direction.

Yeah. That's that is a good point if you're independent minded. Yeah. Well I think right now and this, this is probably a whole big discussion. We don't have time for. I wonder how much of the Democrat opposition to it is simply about the survival of their party right now, as opposed to them thinking like it's just a common sense position.

Yeah, maybe it's like this is hurting our brand and hurting our party. So hey everyone, have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the Super Bowl. Please be safe. Send us your selfie too as well. Your love selfie to (208) 542-1079 Julie and I will be on Facebook Live. Just text live to 285421279 for a a post show for a few minutes, and we'll see all of you back here on a Monday on Newstalk 179.