The Neal Larson Show
Neal Larson is an Associated Press Award-winning newspaper columnist and radio talk show host. He has a BA from Idaho State University in Media Studies and Political Science. Neal is happily married to his wife Esther with their five children in Idaho Falls.
Julie Mason is a long-time resident of east Idaho with a degree in journalism from Ricks College. Julie enjoys reading, baking, and is an avid dog lover. When not on the air she enjoys spending time with her three children and husband of 26 years.
Together these two are a powerhouse of knowledge with great banter that comes together in an entertaining and informative show.
The Neal Larson Show
12.30.2024 -- NLS -- Prophecies, Politics, and the Jellybean Legacy
On this episode with Neal and Julie, they delve into reflections on past predictions, offering a time capsule segment where listeners can hear what they anticipated a year ago. They discuss the cultural significance of presidents' personal quirks, like Reagan's love for jellybeans, and touch on broader historical moments, such as the optimism surrounding Reagan's presidency. The conversation shifts to current political dynamics, focusing on Trump’s base, media portrayals, and the potential implications of his re-election.
Listeners call in to share predictions for 2024, ranging from Trump’s chances in the presidential race to geopolitical alliances and cultural shifts. Neal and Julie also ponder the timing and consequences of leadership changes within the Republican Party, emphasizing the importance of strategy and unity.
The episode wraps with light-hearted banter about New Year's Eve traditions and reminders about local deals, capturing the show’s mix of serious discussions and relatable, everyday moments.
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And good morning. It is 807 on Newstalk 1079 Neal Larson along with Julie Mason. On this Monday we are on the downward slide of 2024. So we're going to do something very end of year ish. A year ago, Julie and I, we just made some predictions. We asked our audience to call in with their predictions. And then at that moment, I set a reminder on my phone.
And ten minutes before 6:00 this morning, I get this reminder. Like this time, that doesn't happen very often. I'm like, what is this? And it was reminding me that we need to play back the predictions from last year about this past year. And so Julie and I was able to find it. It wasn't at the top of my memory, but I was able to search and find it.
We listened to it. It's about a 15 minute call in segment and some interesting predictions, Julie, about the presidential race, about political control, about geopolitical dangers. And so coming up in about a half an hour from right now, we're going to just play that back for you so that you can hear what you all were predicting a year ago and see how close to the truth that you came.
And then tomorrow, of course, is New Year's Eve. We will have a segment tomorrow where we'll do another one of these time capsule types segments for a year from now. And assuming you and I continue to do radio a year from now, we'll play it back in a year. So, okay, so we have that. But I also have an announcement.
And, this is not something that we sought out, but about a month, month and a half ago, we received word that Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles and, Matt Walsh were ending their radio show at the end of the year. And we did not want this to happen. And, I talked with Westwood One, who syndicates their radio shows.
They said they had been negotiating with them for months to try and keep the shows, and it's just not part of what the Daily Wire wants to do anymore. And so, we will have them on tonight. We'll have them on tomorrow night. But that's the end of the run for those three. So what we will do in its place, that's probably the biggest question is, we we've scanned what's available to us in order to air and we have decided to reinstate Guy Benson, who used to be in the on in the evenings here.
We're changing it up just a little bit. We have the one, our Bill O'Reilly. It's actually a podcast hour that's sort of retrofitted for radio that currently airs at 10 p.m.. We're going to move that earlier to immediately after Mark Levin. So it'll be Mark Levin until seven, and then we'll have Bill O'Reilly from seven until eight.
And then we'll have Guy Benson from eight until 11. So yeah, still a fantastic lineup. It is. It's a great lineup. We like Guy Benson, good show. We had to make some changes, about a year and a half ago and had to reshuffle some things. There are shows out there that we looked at, but a little inside baseball.
A lot of this shows will not allow you to delay them by more than X number of hours. And so there were other shows that we were interested in. But they come down in the morning and and they did not. And quite frankly, we don't want to delay the programing that much either, because a lot of times these hosts are dealing with things that are happening right now, and by the time their show airs, it's an old story or it's a story that's developed beyond, beyond what they're talking about.
Yeah, if that makes sense. Absolutely. So just to to recap and reiterate beginning Wednesday night, our lineup after 7:00 will be as follows one hour of Bill O'Reilly from seven until eight and then three hours of Guy Benson, eight until 11. And then we're back into Redeye Radio. So perfect. There you have it. Yeah, and it's all set.
It's all good to go. What is the fate? Let it be written. Yeah, let it be done. Let it be written. Let it be done. And, that's that's how it is. But but we're excited. It's going to be a good lineup. It'll be wonderful. Okay. President Jimmy Carter has passed away. He was 100 years old. And this is a passing that I think most people actually celebrate.
Well, he lived a very long life, did a lot of good things in his life. He was widely remembered as just a man of decency and did a lot of good and will remember him that way as well here today. And, I remember, you know, how different presidents have a thing outside of their political shtick or beliefs, like one aspect of Ronald Reagan was he loved jelly beans.
I do remember as a kid, the first thing that I knew about Jimmy Carter is he liked to go jogging. Oh, yeah. I haven't heard that one today. Yeah, of all the stuff I haven't heard that that was the thing that stayed in my mind. But, you know, I that was. Look, when he was elected, Julie, you and I were.
How old? 76. Oh, three years old. Yeah. Three. Four something like that. And, so we don't have a lot of political memories. What he stood for or whatever. But I do remember seeing a book, and he was on the cover of it, and he was jogging, and that was like one of the things that was important.
And it. Okay, so my political memory of, Jimmy Carter was my dad being so, so incredibly happy that Ronald Reagan took his place. Yeah. And that he didn't get a second term. And that's about all I. I just remember the conversations at the dinner table centering around the concept that this man can't be president for a second term.
So. Yeah, that's about my memory. As I was, reading about it yesterday and listening to news this morning. There's a lot of talk about the things that he did after his presidency. He worked hand in hand with, habitat for humanity organization. He would even go out and build the homes, you know, when he was a healthy.
You know, he hasn't been healthy for a few years now. But when he was healthy, he would actually go out and build the homes. The extremely humble man, he wasn't a politician who showed up and made a ton of money off of being a politician. He made enough money to live very comfortably. But he wasn't this enriching himself.
Yes. This mass. Well, that we look out with, you know, Nancy Pelosi and now Dan Crenshaw. It happens on both sides. This is not a Republican Democrat thing. It's both sides to it. And he didn't seem to be that kind of a person. He just he served at the will of the people and and really loved people. And I think that's a great thing to be remembered for.
Yeah. Agreed. I remember from 1979 to 81, I actually lived in Moscow, Idaho. But I was the Italian kid, and my dad, when he was, he would have been about 42 at the time, decided to go back and get his engineering degree. And so we left the farm behind for a couple of years, moved up to Moscow, and I can remember we had a little black and white TV.
That's what we're watching on. And I can remember watching coverage of Reagan versus Carter on that little black and white TV when we lived in Moscow, Idaho. And I just I have these vague little snapshot memories of that presidential campaign. But I was, what, all of seven years old time. So, yeah, it it was but but I like I remember the country being overjoyed when Reagan won the.
They didn't just win one overwhelmingly. Yeah, yeah. And so what did he take all but three states? Something like that. Well, in 84, he took all but Minnesota. Okay. And his his opponent was Mondale. I don't remember how the electoral count turned out in 80, though. I'll. I'd have to look that up. Yeah, I can't I was looking at a map, but I wasn't paying super close attention.
But it was overwhelming. And he had somewhere around 49, 59 delicates and that was it. So I would never argue that Carter deserved a second term, but I do believe that he inherited kind of a cruddy mess in because I think the, the, the sky high interest rates and all of that was was not entirely of his making.
I don't think he was the strongest president, certainly. But I but I do think he was kind of handed a rough, yeah, set of circumstances. And we needed someone like Reagan to to pull us out. Come on and write the show that you mentioned, the word celebrate. And I think that is so appropriate. The man lived to be 100.
Yeah, he we have seen pictures of him recently. His family did release pictures around, the election, which some of us felt was politicizing a man's poor health. But you know it. Yeah, it probably depends on where on your personal opinion. And therein on your, you know, your paradigm, what you've experienced in life. Yeah. So when we say celebrate.
Yeah. I'm, I'm so happy that he's in it. And now a better place. Reunited with his sweetheart and and not and trapped in a body that was frail. Yes. And not a that's exactly it. That there is this sort of this sense of good for him, you know, that's that he's he's lived a long life. I think he lived, a very, respectable life.
And, he he won't be remembered as the, you know, the country's greatest president. But I think him personally was among the the more decent men that we've had as president before. Yeah, I think you're right. Let's see. He won Georgia because he's from Georgia. He, won West Virginia and he won Minnesota. So, you know, I remember being surprised by West Virginia when I saw the map, but I couldn't remember exactly how many states.
So, yeah, it wasn't great for him. Yeah. And, Reagan run every one. Oh, no. He won Hawaii as well. Okay. So there was four. There were four. Yeah. And, Reagan won all the rest of it back in, in 1980. Hey. Yeah. Anyway, so we can talk about that. It's going to be a fun week. Of course, Boise State playing in the Fiesta Bowl tomorrow evening.
And they're. Where are they at in Arizona. Is that where they're playing? Okay. All right. So enjoying some warm weather down there. Yes they are. And and we also have I, I feel like the Trump Derangement Syndrome had a little bit of a resurgence over the weekend, more than we've seen. I think there was kind of this deflated resignation to the fact that Donald Trump is going to be the president again for four years.
But you sent me a couple of clips and I thought the these are the rantings of deranged people. Yes. And I wondered if it was fueled or inflamed by the fact that people are are reflecting on the past year. And when they reflect on the past year that all that's going to do is agitate them. It's an itchy sweater, right?
Yeah. They can't get this year off fast enough. Like, yeah, that's true. Yeah. And so I wondered if that inflamed their comments. But then I also go to the fact that this is their religion. And so they're not going to walk away from it gingerly. They're, they're going to do kicking and screaming. Well yeah, I think they are.
And, and I guess you were you offered them that if that's what they have to go through, then that's what they have to go through. But this is Rick Wilson and, well, just listen, it's an inevitability that the hyper populist non-college-educated part of Trump's base, which is the plurality at the minimum, a majority of you take certain arguments, were always going to be preconditioned to believe that the word immigration or the word visa always in their minds means brown people bad.
And so they have this belief that that, you know, the guy with the G.E.D. and his fake Oakley sunglasses, his goatee and his pickup truck, you know, the the Universal Twitter bro that you see in every avatar on Twitter. That guy is thinking to yourself, oh, well, I could have been the senior software designer at Google, if only it weren't for dye or immigration.
It's absurd. But now you see these people that relied on that as a core part of their business, just like Donald Trump does. Also, by the way, for service staff at Mar-A-Lago and other resorts, you see this conflict. It's going to eventually be, you know, the hyper populous. They don't really care about the the more sophisticated arguments about H-1b or O-1 visas they carry around people.
Bad. That's their whole that's their whole driving conditioning. They've had it for fought from Fox for years. Okay. So he can have the tantrum that he wants to have. But I have I had another thought Julie, we we talked about this clip earlier this morning, Donald Trump, if he's going to call them brown people I guess we go with that term.
Donald Trump attracted far more brown people than any previous Republican president has in a very long time. He the lines are changing here. And I think this guy who clearly is a liberal, I think he's known as a Republican strategist, but he's a terrible one. He it's it's not these sort of stereotypes that you're trying to throw at Republicans.
Number one, never were true. And number two, they're even less true now than they ever have been. And so he it's just him being angry. He didn't like the outcome. He's got to find a way to insult people on the other side. And so he pulls out the race card. He pulls out the, brown people bad card.
And it's just not true. Look at the people that that Donald Trump has chosen. Vivek Croma Swamy Kash Patel no, she's from Hawaii. Tulsi Gabbard, I mean, they're they're lots and lots of people that are not sort of white European descent people that Trump has chosen to surround himself by. Yeah, it's interesting because at the very beginning of that clip, Rick references uneducated.
That's what he actually calls them uneducated people. Yeah. And so his his understanding of Trump's base is a whole bunch of uneducated people voted for him. Well, maybe it's time to look in the mirror, Rick, because you're considering yourself white uneducated. That's your sounds elitist, number one. And number two, your opinion isn't representative of what happened. So who do you think's wrong here, Rick.
Yeah, well, and that's a very good point. Look, your side can't figure out what men and women are. Yeah, okay. Your side can't figure out what pronouns to use. Your your side is completely in in disarray right now. But yet you're lecturing on all the things wrong with the contingency that elected Donald Trump. Yeah. Voted for him. Not just not just Electoral College, but with the majority of voters.
So I, you know, say what you want. I know it was hard. I know November 5th hurt really bad. So we'll give you a little space to have your tantrum. But if you want to be relevant in the future, you can't just insult the other side and attribute racist motives or these these horribly, at least noble motives to the other side, and hope to think that that's going to land you into the realm of relevance.
Again, it's not. Yeah, it's kindergarten rules. Stop calling people stupid. Yeah, that's the basic thing here. Yeah. Do you want do you want to figure out who these people are? Maybe go back to kindergarten and realize I don't have good relations with people if I call them stupid to their face? Well, let's go back, because Joe Biden did this and created a problem.
I mean, Kamala Harris had way more problems than this. But when Joe Biden remember the week that he said, the other side is garbage, Trump supporters are garbage. Hillary Clinton called them deplorables. This guy's making the same mistake. You you are. You're doing a double middle finger to half the country with comments like this. Okay. And even though you're talking about a certain subset of Trump's support base, anybody who voted for Trump is going to be offended by what this guy is saying.
Oh absolutely. I all all Trump voters should be offended. And if you're brown skinned, I can't tell you what to do. But I think if I was in your place, I would be offended. You know, they must have collaborated. Rick Wilson and Jennifer Rubin must have collaborated because she insulted the intelligence of Trump voters as well. Listen, why would ABC Disney the mouse who has more money than God, settle with Donald Trump?
I honestly don't know George Conway. I've asked why would ABC? But people ask me all the time, why is the media so messy? And there are two explanations. The one is they are convinced that if they would just move a little bit to the right, all of those MAGA readers out there, now, you'll notice the contradiction in terms MAGA readers would pick up the Washington Post and they would have more readers.
What is the logical fallacy here? Yes, reader. And there is nothing that the Washington Post could possibly do that would have those people take out subscription, but they're convinced that it was there in their subplot. Okay, there's there's a lot here. The audience sort of cackling at the insinuation that Trump supporters can't read or don't read or what it it's such low brow humor coming from people who are pretending to be highbrow.
It's weird. Yeah, it's it's really weird. If you're actually this intelligent, you you show your intelligence in other ways. Allah. Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro doesn't spend his time degrading people and calling them stupid. He actually makes points about the Democrat side. And and this is a failure. And and it's harmful for America because of this. And it doesn't match up with the Constitution because of this.
Like, that's the argument Ben Shapiro makes. The best Jennifer Rubin can bring to the stage is all of those Trump quote readers like they don't exist. Yeah, that it's a contradiction in terms or oxymoron or or whatever, she said. Yeah. It's just these people, they they try to come off as sophisticated. There's nothing really that sophisticated about them.
Now. We'll be back at 827. On Newstalk 1079. And, we're just a few minutes away, by the way, from playing one year old audio last year predictions about 2024. Let's see how correct you all were coming up this hour on Newstalk 10798 32 on Newstalk 1079. So Julie, we had some leftover ribs. And, and I thought, you know what we could do?
We could take the rib meat and make it into barbecue sandwiches. That's what we did. Yummy. Had it, over the weekend. Yeah. Super good. It was really good. Yeah. So, Grand Peaks, primates, they've got, all sorts of things that you're going to love to put in your freezer. Whether it's the ribs or the steaks or broths or chicken or, they got it all, Julie.
All the stuff I discovered that their prime rib is apparently to die for. When I went to pick up my roast the other day, that's what everyone was in line getting. Well, we'll have to put that on the list. Yeah. Keep that in mind for any future get togethers that you're having. Yeah. So if you go online to GP Prime Meats, just look up their packages and specials and just select deliveries free in the Idaho Falls area for orders $75 or more.
And it's a very affordable fee for orders less than that amount. So GP primates. All right. Quick break. News is next. When we come back, we're going to play a time capsule audio from a year ago. What you all our audience predicted for 2024. How accurate were you? Well, we'll find out just ahead on Newstalk 179. All right.
838 on Newstalk 179, Neal Larson, along with Julie Mason and Julie. Are you ready for this? Let's play it. All right. One year ago, Julie and I, well, she and I, you and I made some predictions ourselves. And then, of course, we opened up the phone lines and had our listeners call in with their own predictions. The whole segment lasted about 15 minutes.
And we want to play that back for you. And by the way, tomorrow show during the Neal Larson Show, we're going to have a similar segment that will play back in a year. So here's how last year's went. Love for people to call in with their predictions for 2024 for whatever reason. It feels like an epic year on the way.
Do you need a sneeze? Go ahead. It was going to happen, but I have stifled it. Okay. So, you know, we we have the presidential year. We have two war fronts happening, big war fronts happening in the world. We've got a lot of cultural developments that are that are going on. And so, even sports, if you want to call in and, and, predict which week the Dallas Cowboys will lose in the playoffs.
Week one, then you can't. Oh, wait. Sorry to spoil it for everyone. No, I actually think I think it'd be great if they if they won the Super Bowl. Now I'm not going to make that prediction. But because I don't it's kind of hard to predict right now who's going to win the Super Bowl. Oh, it's a very even year.
There's a there is no dominant. So yeah. So it could be anybody. If you want to do that, if you want to predict who Trump is going to pick for a vice president, you want to pick the outcome of the presidential race, whatever. There's a lot of predicting that can go on. Some people would say, and this is my dark prediction, and maybe we could encourage, not require, but encourage people to do a positive and a negative.
And and my negative would be I'm worried that China is going to depending on how the presidential race proceeds, if it's starting to look like Donald Trump very well could win the presidency. Will, XI Jinping decide we're going to reunify with Taiwan? And I worry about that. We have two fronts going on. The U.S is involved, at least financially, with Ukraine, with Israel and we have an incredibly weak president.
And now would be the time XI Jinping might say, I'm I'm making my chess move now. Okay. My negative I have a negative in a positive. Okay. My negative is that so many military age men have entered the United States illegally in the last year, year and a half, and that some of those men are being instructed to join together.
And, we're going to have some sort of attack in our own country from those people. So that's my negative. My positive is Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce last four more months. And then the relationships over I love that will I wish it was two months. But whatever I'll take for all right let's go to the phones. We're taking your predictions for 2024 with the intention of playing it back at the end of December in a year.
So (208) 542-1079. Let's just go to the phones. Caller give us a couple of predictions for 2024. Thank you. I've only got one. And unfortunately it's a dark one. I think they're going to Epstein. Trump okay. Thank you. Thank you, for the that is a dark one. That's that is I, I hope not I did have the thought about that though, because, this book I'm reading, the Jack Carr book, they, they talk about the assassination of JFK.
And I thought, how is it that they haven't done this to Donald Trump yet? Yeah. How have they not pulled that off? Yeah. Let's go to the other. The phone lines are ringing up now. Caller we'll ask you real quick what are a couple of predictions for 2024?
That make it you get go ahead. Oh, I'm going to predict that. And this is my big, big negative. Biden world win will lose the House and the Senate. And then my positive prediction is, the Chicago Blackhawks will have the best record in hockey at the end of 2024. Okay. For the remainder of the season.
Yep. Okay. Great. Great. Sounds good. 2085421079I don't know hockey well enough. I don't even know if that's a possibility, but I hope so. If he's a Blackhawks fan, I hope for you. It is if he likes him. Yeah. All right. Caller go ahead. Give us a prediction or two about 2024.
The Democrats will run Hillary Clinton in the vice presidential slot because she knows how to make Joe go away. Okay. All right. That's your and that's your prediction for 24. Then interest. That's it okay. All right. Thank you for the call. (208) 542-1079 next caller, your 2024 predictions. Go ahead. Good morning. I think that, Republicans will lose again because nobody's done anything about the Dominion machines or about the mail in voting.
So I don't think that, we have a shot at it. And then I'm going to try to be positive on my, positive one. Personally, I hope that I get to see my granddaughter this year that we haven't seen since 2016 because of the election. Oh, I hope so. For you to, I hope you guys can mend that days and oh, so too.
So be positive. Oh, wow. That breaks my heart. That's that's almost eight years now. Yeah. Not seeing your granddaughter or something like politics. Yeah. Oh, I hope they can mend that. Oh. Me too. All right. (208) 542-1079. If you'd like to join us, we'd love to hear your. For your predictions for 2024. And, and we're, we're taking both positive and negative, predictions.
So I think it's fair that she's worried about the Dominion voting machines. That's a fair one. I you know, I would agree with that. Is isn't that a lingering worry for all of us? Yeah. Because I one of my positive predictions, I, I believe Donald Trump will win, the election. I think that America's fed up with what's been going on on the border culturally, all sorts of things.
I but I don't I don't know if I trust that they've remedied the problems that we had in 2020. Next caller, your predictions for 2024. Well, okay. Have you heard of the Ezra's Eagle prophecy? Neal I have heard of that. Yes. Okay. Because of that, Donald Trump will not win the election. Okay. And whoever wins, it will not serve as president.
Okay. A lot of weird things are going to happen by the end of next year. Okay. That's that's my prediction. Okay. What's the one thing? I would play it back. All right. Thank you. Thank you for the call. Yeah. If you want some really interesting reading, Google Ezra's Eagle prophecy. And, it's, it's a fascinating, a fascinating, theory, I should say.
And it's, it has to do with, feathers on an eagle and how long the feathers are, as an indication of who's going to serve and for how long. I know this. Now, I didn't know that's what it was called, but I know this now. Okay. Yeah. So, let's go to our next caller. Your prediction for 2024, Colin.
Go ahead.
Email. My my prediction is, something that I feared for a long time. I feel that we could possibly see the, total collapse of our economy. And, that is my biggest fear and predictions. Okay. All right. Thank you for that. (208) 542-1079 and, go ahead. Caller you're up next. What's your prediction for 24?
I think that Donald Trump will win and that Russia and China will formally align. Okay. All right. Thank you for the call. And, Terrifying moments there. Yeah, that you don't want that to happen. That's not good at all. But caller, your prediction for 2024. My negative proxy, prediction for Patrick Mahomes. Mahomes is that, Kelce and Taylor Swift remain boyfriend and girlfriend for another four months.
And my positive prediction is that, Trump somehow weathers a storm and becomes president. And, and we'll see what happens in November after he's, so. Okay. Positive prediction. All right. Thank you. 285421079. We have one on Facebook. It says find out there will be a financial wreck, a black swan event. Bitcoin will rally. Joe will pardon Hunter and himself and then step down.
Okay. Interesting little set of predictions there. Caller go ahead. What is your prediction for 2024? My prediction is Trump is going to win in November, and this year is going to put the summer of love to shame in terms of violence. Okay. All right. I hope not, but you could be right. Next caller, what is your prediction for 2024?
I think Iran will be in war with Israel. I think China will take Taiwan. And I think my Denver Broncos will have a winning season next year. Okay. Oh. Good luck. Thank you. On a Denver Broncos note, they just benched Russell Wilson for the rest of the season. So yeah, good luck with that in a little bit of disarray.
All right. Next caller. Your predictions for 2024. There will be no romantic dinners at all. No. Okay. Get off my phone. Next caller, your prediction for 2024. Good morning. Neal, how are you? Good, good. Got a couple of bad ones. Really good. One. Trump's going to win. Okay. It's going to lead to civil war in the United States.
And China will invade Taiwan as soon as Trump is announced the winner. Because before he takes office, we still going to deal with weak Joe Biden. So I hope these two of those three don't happen. Okay. Have a happy New Year, guys. All right. Thank you for the follow up on all that with it. And have a happy New Year.
We're all going to hell. Happy New Year.
(208) 542-1079 and, we will take your prediction here for a couple more minutes and, we'd love to hear what you think, 2024 has in store for us. Caller go ahead.
Hello? Hi. Go ahead. Hello? Hi. You're on. I think, that in 2024 that, the Democrats will stay in party. They won't leave office. And they've kind of virtue signaled what they said Trump will do and that they'll, also, not leave office and and then also, Shut down the internet. Okay. All right.
Interesting set of predictions there. No, color. Go ahead. Go ahead and start over. What are your predictions for 2024? Oh, I'm Neal dooley. This is Dave in Pocatello. You know, first off, we have a happy new year. Likewise, I think. Yeah, I think the communist Democrat are going to try to pull out the digital currency, create more chaos, etc. and since they know they've been caught cheating in the 2020 election, I think they're going to do everything to cheat more because they know with a real DOJ in place that, that they will be prosecuted with the real president as well, and that they may not win for generations to come.
So I think that's, President Trump. I think President Trump, regardless, is going to win. Okay. All right. Thank you for the call. I'm actually been a little surprised at the number of people that believe Trump is going to win. I'm really surprised about that, too, because this is one thing that you and I disagree on. I don't think he wins in 2024.
And maybe it's too much of my PSA pessimist side coming out, I don't know. But do you do you think he wins but they steal it or you just think he doesn't win. I think he he doesn't win because they create so much chaos like they did in 2020. Gotcha. All right, let's go to the phones. Your prediction for 2024 caller.
Trump wins. We are the Congress in televised classrooms. Say the second one again. Televised classrooms. He thinks that there we're going to have in our public school system, we'll be able to see what's going on in classrooms. Is that what you're saying? Exactly. Okay. Okay. All right. We've talked about that before. Cameras in the classroom. Let's go to the next caller.
What is your prediction for 2024? Good morning, Neal and Julie. Hi. I predict that Trump's going to win. And they also predict I'll be on the radio in a year. How's that? Okay. So he thinks we're going to play back the Trump. Yes. Yeah. Gotcha. All right. Well, thank you for the call. The second one is iffy because I have to actually remember to do it.
So. All right. I will I'm going to put a reminder in right at the during the commercial break right now. For the end of, December. So thank you all. Interesting predictions Julie. Couple of surprises that I didn't anticipate. So. Right. And keep in mind my prediction that Trump is going to win is is a very soft prediction.
Like I I think he's got a shot I think he's got a very good shot. I'm relying on them counting the votes accurately or at least accurately enough. So anyway. All right. 936 will be back after this. Okay, Julie, that was the, prediction a year ago. What do you think? It's interesting, I we mentioned this before.
We're. So. I felt so good listening back. How many people weren't pessimistic like me? How many people were positive that Trump was going to win? So I love that part of it. If we look at what you and I predicted you printed predicted that China would be emboldened and that Trump would win. I predicted that immigrants, would join forces and, and, potentially attack America.
Now, they did this. It was on a much smaller scale. Obviously, you've got the Venezuelan gangs in Denver and, Chicago shut them down. So that all happened. The very first call we took predicted that Trump would be assassinated. Yeah. That was that was interesting. Well, and weren't there a couple of different calls that talk about they're going to try to Epstein Trump in there.
Yes. So yeah. Yeah. So that absolutely came true. There was also the prediction that Biden would pardon himself. Pardon his son and himself. He didn't pardon himself, but he did pardon his son despite saying repeatedly that he wasn't going to. So that person was, correct. Somebody predicted that there would be the collapse, collapse of the economy.
We didn't quite see that. We've had some difficult times, but they're we're not in a collapse situation. There was also somebody that predicted that there would be civil war following Trump when Trump's win. I think all of us were worried about that. I would agree to. In fact, I would have made that prediction myself too.
Yes. And gratefully, none of that's really happened. Gratefully. None of that's happened. All right. 855. By the way, we're going to do the the same thing tomorrow for New Year's Eve. We'll take a 15 ish minute segment and have you call in with your predictions for 2025. And then I'll put a reminder in my phone again for a year from now.
So quick break. We'll come back. We'll wrap up this hour just ahead on Newstalk 179. All right. It's 858 on Newstalk 107. I have a good flagpole. Julie. Okay. Should we have a speaker fight this week? No. Yeah. But it looks like it may be gearing up for. Problem is going to happen, and I'm sure there's people who disagree with me, so.
Yeah, sure. Okay, let's do it. We may ask you that, here in the next hour on Newstalk 179 and, I would say yes, but not right now. All right. We'll be back and welcome back to the Neal Larson Show. In more demand than a bathroom at Times Square on New Year's Eve.
And sometimes treated the same way. Welcome back. If you'd like to join us. We just don't want it to be as smelly as that bathroom that those many people are going to be using. Luckily, it's not quite that smelly. Yeah, but if you'd like to reach us, the number is (208) 542-1079. And, Julie and I are here. We will be doing a show tomorrow.
Of course it is New Year's Eve. And, will have that segment where you make predictions for 2025, and then we'll kind of time capsule it and set a reminder to listen to it in a year. We'll be doing that. Also, there's a lot of chatter about replacing Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. And, Julie, yeah.
Look, I, I'm one that I've not been the biggest fan of Mike Johnson. I feel like his promises are 5050 propositions. And, he has made promises before that things will not be included in a CR that end up getting included in a CR. So, I don't feel like he is. I don't feel like he has been as great as I would have liked him to be.
My I completely agree with what you have to say about that. And my response to Republicans about that is time and place. Yeah. March. You go right ahead. Yeah. Get rid of Mike Johnson if you want. But now is not the time because there is cabinet members to get through. There is there are immediate things to be addressed and it's just not the right time yet.
Don't add this complexity. And and here's what I would say too, because, granted, Mike Johnson's let us down. At the same time, he's also been speaker of the House at an incredibly difficult time. Narrow thing majority with a Senate that's not of his party, right? With a Democrat president in power to. Everything changes January 21st. Let's see how Mike Johnson can do with a Republican majority in the House, a Republican majority in the Senate and a Republican president.
And and I would say if Trump wants him and and he's got Trump's blessing, let's not have this fight right now. Let's just say, okay, we're going to put you on a you said March, let's put you on like a 60 or a 90 day probationary period here. And let's see how you do with a completely different landscape in Washington.
I'm open to that. Yeah, that's I mean, that's great. Also, I wondered and and maybe I'm not giving enough credit to our congressmen and Congress women, but I if every single person is there with the vacancies and everything that's happening, if every single person is there, they can only afford to lose one Republican vote. Massie has already said he's not going to vote for Speaker Johnson.
So we've already expended that one vote. Are you assuming that absolutely everybody is going to make it back and make this happen? Yeah, I don't maybe I just don't trust our leaders enough, but I don't trust our leaders to make sure that that happens. I, I would agree with that. I would agree with that. And so, now look, the idea was floated to put Elon Musk in as speaker of the House or Vivek Ramaswamy, if they can get that done and it doesn't create a whole bunch of a, you know, a massive self-inflicted wound for the Republican Party.
Okay. Do it if you know the votes beforehand and you can make the transition. I'm all in on that, but I don't think right now we can afford a protract to battle the way that that Matt Gates started, what, year and a half or two ago, that was incredibly damaging to Republican unity. And quite frankly, was it worth it?
Because here we are again, talking about replacing the speaker. And and I said at the time, it will all depend on how this turns out. If Matt Gates ends up unseating McCarthy and we get someone in there who's stellar and delivers and does a bang up job, then I will retroactively say, good job, Matt Gates. I don't think we got that.
I don't think we ended up with this stellar speaker that is is getting things done kind of the way Newt Gingrich got things done. 30 plus years ago. I so I don't feel like that was necessarily a good gamble. I wasn't a huge fan of McCarthy, but you have to know what you're putting in its place. And so, yeah, if we can make a transition, but you got to know how it's going to go down before you before you enter into this process.
Yeah. It's like replacing your quarterback because you're not happy. And then then the replacement quarterback has really done nothing more than the the first original quarterback did. And you sacrificed a whole bunch of your franchise dollars because you had to pay out the first quarterbacks contract. Yeah. I mean, we basically did that. It was an actual quote, dollars.
But it was it was time. It was unity that we sacrificed. Yeah. It's that we're still in an not great place. So what was was that sacrifice worth it? Like if you if you put up McCarthy and Johnson head to head. Don't tell me Johnson's been that much better. Don't even try. I don't I don't think he has.
Yeah. So what did we get for this trade off? Not a whole lot. What I will say is, I do think that Mike Johnson, his communication skills are a little more crisp than Kevin McCarthy's. Were. But in terms of backing up the talk with action, I will tell you, I've probably been just about as disappointed with Mike Johnson as I spent about the same Carthy.
Yeah, at the same time, we are where we are. And a bird at hand. Right? And I don't know that we can actually get much better I and by that I mean there are other people I'd much rather see in there. But to be able to get you have to get every Republican vote essential in order to make this happen.
I don't know if that person even exists in, in the House of Representatives right now. And, you know, I'm not a big fan of squishy. Like, I don't like squishy politicians. I like people who have these strong values. They stand on them. They know when to push. They know when to back off. They I like politicians who think clearly and not emotionally, and I feel like squishy people are only concerned about, oh, this is what this person thinks of me.
Okay. I will mold to their values on this this concept. Yeah. And I love that. However, in this situation, Mike Johnson is a little squishy. Like he just kind of is. Yeah, Trump can do a lot with that. That's true too. Trump could use that to his advantage. He could I would agree he could. Now is that my favorite and is that the way I want all of this to function?
No. You know, I want people who actually do what they, they they say their, their conservative values are. Yeah. However, if we were going to have someone who maybe was a little able to be pushed around, I think I think Trump can do the manipulation of Mike Johnson well. And I also think that everything should be all about Donald Trump between now and January 21st.
You know, why not? This is a time for Republicans to celebrate. It's a time for us to build momentum. It's time for us to sock away some political capital. But I feel like you have sometimes the Thomas Massie and I like Thomas Massie, but sometimes you have that wing of the party. They're terrible at reading the room and and looking at, okay, what is the best window of opportunity we have here to to really make some change?
So if you let's look at it, if we do give Donald Trump all of the oxygen in the room for this next little bit. What's the upside. The upside is you're basically forcing Democrats to sit down and shut up. Yeah. Why not do that during these cabinet pick nominees or hearings? Why not do that? Why not back them down and say no, these are all going in.
If you present with weakness that the house can't get their their crap together. We've had senators step out and say, I'm not sure I'm going to vote to confirm this person. All you're doing is allowing the Democrats to become emboldened. Yeah. It's true. You're you're playing into their hand. So all right. To 916 (208) 542-1079. We'll throw that out there.
Do you think now is the time to try to unseat Mike Johnson, or do you maybe view it a little different. Yeah. Because maybe there's people who think that no, you can't give this up. Do we allow listeners to disagree with us on Mondays? Yes. Oh we do okay. Yeah. All right. I wasn't sure. Page 17. Halfway down.
It's the subset under rules of the show, but it's a fifth moment. I think there's a carve out for a fifth Monday. You're not allowed to disagree with the hosts on a fifth Monday, but I'll allow it benevolently. You can disagree. (208) 542-1079 we do have, a a lot going on. Julie. I think you got a handful of people in the media that are dreading Donald Trump being the president.
Oh. For sure. For sure. They're dreading it. Do I feel for them. No. What you ask of media is to at least have some logical strains with them. I'm okay if you're passionate I'm okay if you're emotional. I just want you to be logical about things. And they lost their logic months, if not years ago. Yeah. I'm not going to feel bad for them.
No, I'm not either. We just went through four years of their dementia ridden president. Okay. Cry, cry all you want. Yeah. All right. Let's go to the phones. (208) 542-1079 Caller how are you today? I'm good. Thanks. How are you? Good, good. Doing well. Hey, I think this Mike Johnson situation is nothing but a symptom of the problem.
And the problem is, it's the Republicans need to learn from the Democrats on how to stick together. Agreed. Agreed. And I you know what? I I'm not a big fan of groupthink, but I do think there are times when we we got to stick together on some things and maybe sacrifice our immediate impulses. Agreed. I like I agree with that, and I agree with what Julie just said, that if the Democrats learn that they can stop some of these nominations, then it's going to be an awful rough four years because they'll stop everything they want to stop.
Yeah. Agreed. We kind of I mean, I'm not usually this kind of guy, but I think we kind of have to demoralize the Democrats, or else they become. Yeah. Go ahead. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I cut you off. I agree with you. And we finally got ourselves into a position where maybe we can have some real change and have a real nation different than we've had for the last four years.
And these guys are just going to kill it by still just thinking about themselves. The problem is, a guy like Mike Johnson gets in there and the Republicans have a chance to kind of show their cards, and then we realize, yikes, some of these guys stink like Democrats. Yeah. Yeah. It's true. Anyway. It's true. Thank you. I just wanted to make that comment.
Thank you. Appreciate the comment. (208) 542-1079 it's Neil Armstrong and Julie Mason. Hey, you said it. I think best that sums up that call is that he. Republicans really need to learn to read the room. Yeah. This is not the time to cause this kind of disruption. I, I would even say the last time they caused the disruption.
Disruption? Even though I didn't love it, at least it was timed appropriately. I'll. I'll give them that much on that. Don't do it now. Yeah. Well, and and also I think it's important that we don't that we're not always jousting at windmills. You don't get everything you want every day in every political battle. And, and you go in give it your, your best shot.
But you know what Reagan I think Reagan probably said it best sometimes half a loaf is better than no loaf at all. Look we just went through this with the, the the CR. Yeah. It came as a bloated 1572 or, I can't remember, over 1500 pages. Yeah. Of of, changing of words and money going here. And this bat getting scratched and Trump and Republicans said, absolutely not.
It got whittled down to this, much smaller version, something like ten pages. And that's what ended up getting passed. And we you just have to toughen up. So when the media says, oh, Trump lost, he lost to the Republicans. No. He got oh, he got like 90% of what he asked for there. Yeah. The only thing he that he didn't get was the debt ceiling removed.
So you know what? Trump considered that a gigantic win. Sure. And you got to toughen up when the Repub when the mainstream media, like, pokes at you with that. Don't fall for their games. No. You got most of what you wanted. Yeah. That's a that's a very good point. 921 (208) 542-1079. We'll take a quick break and we'll be back after this.
I'd love it. If you don't want a calling, just text in with a simple yes or no. Should we have the speaker fight right now? We'll have the results for you on the other side on Newstalk 179 922. Okay. And see, someone said no. Most they're correcting their grammar. When they said most. Gotcha or actually misspelling not grammar.
Mostly knows you got to get a couple of yeses. You can make little smokies. That's kind of like a New Year's thing for you. Yeah. Yeah, I think we will. You don't like little smokies, do you? Now what? I mean, you you usually go to bed, like, 15 minutes later than usual. Yeah, that's about it. That's what I'll give to it.
You'll be like, I'm going to bed at 915 instead of nine, and I'll watch last year's ball drop and pretend it's this year's. Now that you read the news story about people wearing depends it New Year's Eve in Times Square because there's no bathrooms available and they they're not going to supply a porta potties. I don't even want to watch it, because all I'm doing is looking at these people going, who's peed in their pants?
Who is walking around with pee in their pants right now? Right. That's true. You're right. That's all you'll think about. Okay, so I'm fixing a few problems. Yeah. One. Yes. In all of that. Yeah, I see that one. Yes. That's it. If you make anything for New Year's Eve, what would you make? I make this, like, queso dip, but it's got chili in it.
You mix the queso with the chili? Yeah. Crock pot. I you could do it in the crock pot. I do it in a pan in the oven, but you. It could absolutely be done in the crock pot. And, I, that's one of my favorites. I love that one. Yeah. That is one thing that I get stuck on.
If I'm on Facebook is like, they'll do these crock pot recipes and I'll be like, oh that looks I can watch that. Yeah. I was telling Julie I made a breakfast casserole on the fly yesterday and it turned out it's fantastic. It was super good. Breakfast for dinner? Yeah. Yummy. You made the breakfast casserole and I made sour dough.
Discard waffles. Yeah. I don't know what it is about. Discard waffles, but they are so crispy. And that's how I like my waffles. I don't like soggy waffles. And discard ones are, So good. Yeah, very.
Serious. All right. 927 on Newstalk 179. Overwhelmingly, Julie, are listeners via text said no, now's not the time to try and flip the speaker. So, we did get one. Yes, one. Yes. Everyone else said, no. Don't do it right now. That was not. That was bad timing. Okay, let's go to the phones. Caller go ahead. How are you today?
I could be a lot better when we had when we were watching Trump and his rallies, our, theme song was, was, either the Battle Hymn of the Republic or, I'm sorry, I'm missing one. Could have been the Battle Hymn of the Republic. But right now, I'm afraid the Republicans have adopted Slip Slidin Away, is there?
That's anthem. Yeah, it does seem like we do some self-defeating things. It's true that the, Rush Limbaugh, I think, used to put it as a circular firing squad. Yeah. And we're just piling on the ammunition. Anyway, love you guys. And, keep it up. Well, likewise. And, Thank you. Have a happy new year. If we don't talk to you before, then.
Yeah, yeah. We can't we can't let off the gas, man. We like to do this. How often do you hear a conservative Republicans say, I'll just live and let live. You do your thing, I'll do mine. I mean, I say that all the time, right? Yeah. That's so great when you're talking about your neighbors. Yeah. When you're talking about the battle in DC that doesn't exist anymore.
You've got to be very strategic. You have to know what you're going to get by making this move. And you have to be thinking for moves ahead. Yeah. And this oh just let him be we one. It's all going to be good now. No it's not. No. You got to keep pushing. Yeah. You really do. Let's share some of the sentiments.
Keep Johnson. Trump knows he's doing what he can. Ben Shapiro gave a good argument about how difficult it is to get what you want. You have 39 moderate Republicans. You will never get the whole loaf. And that's a really good point. Yeah. Really good point. Such a good point. Oh. Go ahead I was going to read another one.
Somebody said Rome wasn't built in a day. Stop looking for additional bias to slow the work that truly needs done. We can replace Johnson later if need be. Yeah. Someone said we're not winning until things are changing. Okay, but just because you're changing doesn't mean you're winning either. Because you might change, too. Yeah. Like we said, you they got Johnson.
But if you do a comparison now of what Johnson has done with his time in and what McCarthy did with his time in you didn't you didn't gain anything. Yeah. Don't change just to change. I mean, you may not like that. You know, your car radios. Not very loud, but if you traded in, you could get a clunker.
Like, you know what I'm saying? You you don't. Unless you know what you're getting is going to be better. Think twice about trading it in. Yeah, it's true in marriage. It's true. It like grass greener than the other side thing, right? I mean, I think sometimes we just crave something different without thinking through it, and, Yeah, I feel like we didn't.
Kevin McCarthy had his strengths. He certainly had his weaknesses. I don't know that we we traded up. Yeah, I really don't. Which goes back to my standard for, for Matt Gates, which is this better work. We better get something better than Kevin McCarthy. I don't know that we got that. And I, at that time when Matt Gates made the stink, at least we had wiggle room to be doing it at that time.
Yeah. I don't think you've got that luxury this Friday when this vote is supposed to be happening. Yeah. Someone texted in. Everybody needs to be a little more patient with Speaker Johnson. Got to build a foundation before you can put a building on top of it. So having said that, I may have said this on air or off, but I told Julie that.
Why don't we see how Speaker Johnson does when there's a Republican majority in the Senate and a Republican in the white House? The way you would function as speaker of the House is very different in that environment than what Speaker Johnson has had to deal with the last couple of years. Yeah. I mean, you change your game plan in football, whether it's an outdoor stadium or an indoor stadium.
Yeah, it's it's the same kind of concept. This is it's this is actually a different atmosphere that you're playing in now. Yeah. Your offense is going to be a little different. Yeah. Yeah that's true. And you know what. Like you said you we can change it a couple of months down the road. If it's not working out then you can make a move.
Someone said we're not winning. We've lost 15 steps and only gained three steps back. Well, I don't know if I agree with that characterization. We now have the white House, the Senate, the House, and a conservative Supreme Court. It hasn't been like this in a long time. And that's just on the government level. We're winning in other aspects.
Two D-I programs are dropping like dead flies. Yeah, they're getting rid of them at colleges. We we had Disney last week change one of their major plot lines to remove a trans character. We yeah, we're winning in other ways. We we can't just focus simply on the fact that that we've had some bad years with Biden as president.
Now, I would never make the case that our audience is a perfect representation of the tone in in Congress or the country. However, the reaction that we've gotten from our listeners, Julie, it gives me the basis, I think, to predict there's going to be an effort to flip McCarthy out. I don't think it's going to be successful. You mean Johnson Johnson?
Yes. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I, I don't think it's going to be successful either. I think people are ready to put all of that to bed and just move on and see what Trump can do. Yes. Yeah I agree. I just I don't want to go through how many rounds did we go through to finally get McCarthy?
It was embarrassing to eight. I know that doesn't matter what they do enough to embarrass themselves. So that actually shouldn't factor into it. But it was embarrassing the way that people were acting. Yeah, it it you're right. It was all right. 934 Newstalk 170 (928)Â 542-1079. Somebody just texted in for speaker. I'm all in on that. But here's the only way.
I'm all in on that. If it's certain that he will replace Mike Johnson. Yeah. You got to have all the votes and everybody committing to it. You got all the votes going in and you know you can put him in do it. But but the possibility of Vick being the speaker as a Hail Mary pass I'm not in on that.
Yeah. All right. All right. 934 on Newstalk 179, we're going to break for a little news, but we'll come back if you'd like to join us on this Monday morning. 20854210790 yeah yeah baby yeah baby. So I sent Neal some audio yesterday from Media Day for Penn State and Boise State. Some media day happened and Penn State's coach James Name can't remember his last name.
He his first name is James Dell. Remember his last name? He early. Early, early in his career was a coach at Idaho State University. And, one of the reporters asked him to reflect on his time in Idaho. And it was it was so just, like, humble and warm. He talked about how he's loved everywhere that he's worked, and he appreciates the differences at the places that he's worked.
He talked about how, the, the dome was being used for multiple things, and that on a Wednesday you'd have rodeo, on a Thursday you'd have bull riding. Then on Friday, Shania Twain, Shania Twain would be playing a concert. He said the one time he, was leaving for the day and his offices and the offices surrounding were being used by Shania Twain and and her people to get ready for the concert.
And he stepped out of his office and bumped into Shania Twain, you know, and I mean, it was just great. And he was very warmly remembering his time in, in Pocatello, which is awesome. Yeah. Okay, I got this in the Facebook. Now let me remember about his season in Pocatello. Yeah. So, yeah. So he coached for Larry Lewis back when Larry Lewis was that issue coach.
So it's fun, super calm. But he was also it's not part of the audio that I sent to Neal, but he was also incredibly complimentary of Ashton Gente. Called him one of the best football players of all college time. Not just this this season. Yeah. He's good. Yeah. Gary, the tiles on the studio wall are are hard.
They're not soft and squishy. And the the fabric that's covering them is. It's not scratchy like the church walls, but it's not soft. Yeah. Yeah, I would like, like, in the material to men's dress pants that aren't comfortable. Yeah. Not quite burlap, but. Yeah. You know. So Larry Lewis coached at Idaho State from 99 to 2006. So he was like Jared Allen's coach.
He was the coach. When I started doing public address full time. He was the coach then. So.
Is that true? Did, James Franklin hold his team in for the national anthem? I don't know. Yeah. This goes back to 2017. Was he at Penn State then? So there won't be the opportunity for that to happen because the Lions won't be on the field. James Franklin was asked if Penn State's staying in the locker room at Iowa while the Hawkeyes were out for the national anthem.
Last Saturday was some form of protest, he said. That's our normal routine. We don't do the national anthem at our stadium, so we just stick to our normal routine. We anyway, so that's what he said, is that they never do it. Yeah. 940 on Newstalk 179 it's Monday, and so Penn State coach James Franklin was an assistant for Larry Lewis, who was Idaho State's head coach 20 ish years ago.
So Larry Lewis coached from 99 to 2006, and he was asked by a reporter about his time in Pocatello. And here's how he answered. James, I know it was 25 years ago, but what do you remember about a season in Pocatello? Yeah. So, my first full time job, I was at Washington State as a graduate assistant.
I got to Washington State about a month after the the Rose Bowl game with Ryan Leaf. I was there for Ryan, and his pro day workouts, was there for a year. Larry Lewis, who was the D-line coach and assistant head coach. He got the, Idaho State job. I got my first. I got my first, full time job.
I was making 23 three. Feeling really good about myself coaching the wide receivers. I got a young man coming to practice today named Darren Finley, who played for me at Idaho State. Had a great staff there. Joe Law, who's the special teams coordinator at Oregon, was my roommate. He just had a great experience in in Pocatello, Idaho.
Used to fly out of either Boise or Salt Lake. Went to my first hot springs. Just had a great experience. I'm one of these guys. I've lived in nine different states or countries, and in this journey, and I've loved things about all of them, all of the schools, all the places, all of the experience.
I had a great experience. And the title, kind of an interesting story. So these, you know, they got a dome right, and they're trying to maximize that dome. So like I remember literally it would be you played a game on Saturday and then on Wednesday they'd roll the turf up. They bring in dirt and it'd be monster trucks on like Wednesday night.
And then Thursday they would flip it over and it'd be bull riding. You'd go down in these massive bowls. And then I remember, I remember, Shania Twain like that same kind of concert. And she used our offices as her life changing area. And I remember walking out like they're Shania Twain. Teeny little, teeny little thing. But I just.
I got great memories. Larry Lewis was was great to me. I learned a ton under him that Larry ended up coming and working for us at Penn State. So I just I had a great experience. Nick Whitworth, was with us and now is the special teams coordinator at Washington State. So I had a great experience, and I'm grateful and appreciative of the time.
Before we leave, I'll show you on my phone. I got a picture of my, apartment, in Idaho State as well. Again, Joe Lord was my roommate. So anyway, cool story. That is a cool story. Yeah. Have fun to fun to hear his memories of that. Now, of course he's he's must have been the head coach at Penn State for quite a while now.
Yeah, it must be if that one story went back to 2017. So yeah yeah, yeah. Okay okay. Big game tomorrow Boise State Penn State. Yeah. You said five ish is the kickoff time five 3530. Yeah. So the I mean there's probably pre-game stuff but what do you now Penn State's favored by I think ten and a half points.
But I think Boise State can exceed all those expectations. Yeah. They were embracing the concept of being the underdog. They're great with that. They we've been the underdog in this bowl game before. We're going to do it again. Yeah. No bring it on. They even had t shirts made I don't remember the phrase on the t shirts, but it says something like please underestimate us or something like that.
Yeah I and that's fine. I love it. Like that's what, that's why football's good. It is good, it is good. And I love the the drama lead up to this. So yeah. Yeah. All right 945 Newstalk 107 chili there's an interesting political story out right now. Apparently Joe Biden is privately telling people he's mad that he stepped aside and he's mad at Merrick Garland for not trying to put Trump in prison more aggressively.
What do you what do you think of this? Is this just Joe not not able to let go of the reins of power? Yeah. And I, I believe the rumors that we've also heard that Jill and, and others are trying to get him to burn it down before he leaves. I mean, we've we've heard that people surrounding Joe are, like, torch this place as you go out because they treated you so horribly.
And if he's hearing that, let's just say is, if he's hearing that, then I'm not surprised that he's dropping these little hints, because that's his way of quote unquote, torching the place as he goes out. Yeah. But I yeah, I do I think it's effective. No. Yeah. I think you have way bigger ways to torch the place. But at least he's giving in a little bit here.
So here's the story. President Joe Biden regrets tapping Merrick Garland to be attorney general, as he privately complains the Department of Justice did not do enough to prosecute president elect Donald Trump, people familiar with his comments told The Washington Post. As Trump is preparing to enter the white House in less than a month, the criminal cases against him have dissolved.
Special counsel Jack Smith's two federal cases against the president elect will not proceed, and at the state level, two cases are also likely to be dismissed. Biden, in private, has complained that Garland's DOJ was too slow in its prosecutions of Trump and too aggressive in its prosecutions of his son, Hunter Biden. Biden's first chief of staff, Ron Klain, pushed for the president to pick Garland as his AG during the 2020 transition.
Clean argued that Garland would help restore trust in the DOJ following Trump's administration, but Democrats have voiced complaints that the Pic has had devastating results. US Attorney General Merrick Garland takes a question from a reporter during a news conference at the Justice Department. October. Oh, they're referencing a photo. That's weird. It's right in the middle of the story within the party.
Democrats wonder if the DOJ had moved faster on its prosecute of Trump. Could he have faced more damning trials and charges ahead of the 2024 election? Garland appointed special counsel David Weiss in August 23rd to investigate Hunter Biden, and a month later, the special counsel brought charges against the president's son. Weiss alleged that the president's son knowingly possessed the cult Cobra while addicted to drugs, and made false statements about his drug use on the purchase for.
So Joe Biden is upset that Merrick Garland didn't law. Fair enough? Yeah, basically. And quick enough. Like he waited too long. Yeah. Okay. Well, everything that you law fired him with wasn't time sensitive. They fell apart because they fell apart. Not because of time. Right? They just fell apart because they were trash. There wasn't anything really to to prosecute.
There. Do you think ultimately because Julie, I don't know, I haven't looked in our text lately, but I'm sure our troll who calls us or who says that Donald Trump is our quote unquote favorite felon. Once that is dismissed, and I think it will be, I think it's going to get tossed on appeal. How long do you think the apology will be from?
There will be no apology. Don't don't set yourself up for failure like that. You know, last. Come on. A man can dream that humanity will have some level of integrity when you're when you're comfortable hurling insults. That's how I'm going to say it. At some people, based upon your, quote, religion slash political following because that's what this this textured that's the level that it's at.
Yeah. Yeah. Don't apologize. It's just not in you. It just. No that's true. Because if you had the integrity to apologize, then you wouldn't say the things you're saying in the first place. Yeah. That's true. That's a good point. That's a good that's away disappointed over there I, I care about your feelings and I don't want you on this emotional roller coaster.
So don't don't set yourself up for that. All I'm saying is I'm just going to put it out to the universe that if our incessant true, although I say incessant, he actually did stop for about a month and a half. Yeah, yeah. The like we started getting worried because there were no texts at all. It was worried about his depression level, but he started back up about a week and a half ago.
So he's back. But I'm just saying I have faith in humanity that I won't say it will happen. I'm just saying it could happen. And I want this person to know I'm more than open to a heartfelt apology from you all. Just opening the opportunity there for them to apologize to us. The door is open. Invitation has been offered.
It's it's there. And out of the goodness of the has a plate of orders I would like to share with you. Yes. Yeah. We we could share or deserve. Well, there will be one plate for him and one plate for me, but not really. No, there's probably not going to apologize, know it's okay. Although we don't really need it, do we?
We just keep marching forward and winning. No, I will, I am more than willing to accept when I'm wrong and to change and and become better. I actually feel like I'm a pretty good self reflector and, I don't need to reflect on anything that that person has said to me because, you know, you know what? It just doesn't matter.
I just maybe you reported this, Linda Lavin of Alice fame died. I did not report that in the news this morning. She was 87 years old. She was the famous actor star of the 1970 sitcom Alice. And she was actively working during the month of her death. She promoted her new Netflix show, No Good Deed, and was in the process of filming the Hulu comedy series Mid-Century modern, in which she played a leading role.
Levin's public relations representative said the beloved actress has suddenly due to complications from recently diagnosed lung cancer, according to deadline, so that Linda Lavin, not the only celebrity that was taken by cancer over the weekend, we also lost Greg Gumbel. I saw that to cancer. So Greg Gumbel, Linda Lavin, and Jimmy Carter all in one weekend. Yeah, it's a lot.
All right. 952 on Newstalk 10792085421079. If you'd like to join us this morning, Linda, did you watch Alice? Yes. I was thinking about something. I said, oh, yeah, I did, I don't I have very vague memories of it centered around happy days. So it must have been on prior or on after happy Days at some point.
Because I can tell you like, I remember episodes from Happy Days. Yeah. I don't I don't remember anything other than the diner and Alice was Mel. Yeah, she was Mel's. Dinah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's that's what it was. And that's how Happy Days was tied in. I don't remember because they tied. They did plotlines through all of those.
Was it Alice in Happy Days that had a connection? I thought it was. Oh, no. Who played Flo? Who was Flo? Was that Linda Lavin? Was that Linda Lavin? See, I only have, like. Yes, much memory. This much? Yeah. I'm trying to remember now. No, no. Happy days. All happy days. Mork and Mindy. I feel like Alice was tied into that.
Laverne and Shirley, Laverne and Shirley? Yeah. Alice had no title. No, I don't let. Well, I mean, let me just ask was Alice. And then to happy Days. I don't think so. Did you just choose Chachi? I think copilot well, yeah. So I used copilot over the weekend and I got noticeably angry. Copilots I do, I am, I don't I feel like copilot is condescending.
First off, I asked it a very simple question. I asked how many lawsuits is, Sean Combs currently involved in? This is not hard. Yeah. This is this is not hard. Copilot would not give me an answer. I'm sorry, I cannot I cannot provide you information about that right now. I've tried to use copilot task political questions that are pretty benign.
And it won't do it. It it just like, oh, no, that could be controversial. I'm not gonna answer. And I'm like, what good are you, then? Yeah, yeah, that was one. Our phones nice phones are having struggles. We need to put our phones in counseling. Yeah, or you could just get an Apple device. Okay. We don't know. Oh, Joni loves Chachi.
That was another. That was another, spinner. So Joni loves Chachi. Mork and Mindy were connected to Happy Days. Yeah. Oh, I think you have, read today. I do. Okay, let's do that. Okay. Standby. 956 on Newstalk 107, I Neal Larsen, along with Julie Mason. This is a great time to remind you guys that the year end clearance event is happening right now at Timberline Home that's located at 711 East Anderson in Idaho Falls.
It's an amazing time to just go in and look at what they have to offer, because here's the deal. There is a markdown on furniture in every room for your home. Like every bit of furniture that you would need for your home office furniture, living room furniture, dining room furniture, bedroom furniture, mattress, like all of it is marked down.
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And they're offering options like 48 months interest free on approved credit. So get in there. Shop today. It's ending at the end of the year, so you've only got a couple days left. Again, that's 711 East Anderson in Idaho Falls. Timberline home okay, so we just have a minute or so left. A Julie and I were trying to sort out some 40 plus year old memories here about Alice because Linda Lavin passed away and she, of course, played Alice in the TV series by the same name.
Okay. And, it was not a any connection to Happy Days. That was Laverne and Shirley. So that's where where we were at. Yep. Yeah. And, anyway, apparently Alice was on from August of 1976 to March of 1985, almost ten years. Yeah, I, I just don't know why I connect those two. Like I said, maybe it's because they ran next to each other.
Maybe Alice was right before Happy Days reruns or something, I don't know. Yeah, but could be. Yeah. In my head. Yeah. We were little. We were, we were just little. All right, kiss my grits. Remember that? Yeah, I do all right. We'll be back tomorrow. It's 959. Mark Lee, Van and Robbins up next, right here on Newstalk 179.