The Neal Larson Show

9.17.2024 -- NLS -- [BONUS EXLUSIVE: Julie asks Neal about "Lady Things"] Double Standards, Assassination Attempts, and Gas Station Etiquette

September 17, 2024 Neal Larson

On this episode, we dive into a lively discussion touching on political double standards, assassination attempts, and media bias. Neal and Julie explore the mainstream media’s response to recent events involving Donald Trump and the left’s apathy toward violent rhetoric. We also tackle Kamala Harris’ role in shaping public opinion and the impact of emotional reactions on political narratives. The conversation shifts to lighter topics as they debate the etiquette of using public restrooms at gas stations and whether shoppers feel obligated to make purchases. Tune in for a mix of heated political commentary and everyday dilemmas. 

It's the Neil Larson Show podcast. Bonus exclusive content. And my co-host, Julie Mason has some questions for me. What is it? I'm a little worried. Yeah, I'm in charge of the content today. There's a slight trend on TikTok happening right now where a wife will ask the husband and they'll film it. Questions that he might not know the answers to because they're female related.

So I have put together, I think there's either 7 or 8 on here. Questions I'm going to ask you the question, and you need to tell me what you think it is or what the answer is. But these are all going to be female related things. Okay. Before you ask questions, how many of these do you think I will know the answer to?

Well, I'm going to start with one I think you know. Okay. I think you're going to be good to go. But I can say for certain there's probably 4 to 5 on here. You're going to have no clue. No idea. Okay. But you still need to like, try to do context clues and come up with it. Okay I will.

And by the way, I'm going to do the same thing, but it'll be me asking the questions tomorrow. Yeah. So we're going to do this in reverse for the content tomorrow. Okay. First question. Okay. What does the letters or what do the letters L, B, D stand for. L b d. And was very specific to females only in like a medical context a fashion.

Fashion. Well I thought you would know this one. It's referenced a lot. It is LBD, LBD. Is it referenced like that. Like LBB. No idea. No idea at all. Little black dress and female is supposed to have a little black dress. I, I never would have guessed that. Okay. Yeah. Wow. That's the one I thought you were going to get.

Oh, no. Okay, I'll give you what? Another one that I think you might get. Okay. What is dry shampoo? And why do I use it? Okay, I know what dry shampoo is. It's. It's like mousse. Kind of. It's. You spray it on, and it's a foamy stuff that, does. You do it because the hot water is not great on your hair.

Okay. You're close. No, dry shampoo is not. It's like powdery. Oh, and you spray it on your roots. Okay. And it acts as a shampoo and soaks up any oil you have on your roots. So I can get another day before I wash my hair. Okay. Yeah. Gotcha. Okay. I thought it was kind of like mousse. Like. No, but there is, there is lots.

Like, I put a lot of serums and stuff in the ends of my hair, too. So that's probably things seen. Okay. All right. Okay. What is a kitten Hill? A kitten heel. I'm only going to guess. I have no idea. That doesn't sound familiar to me, but is it a high heeled shoe that has a furry heel on it?

Oh, you're so close. It is a high heel shoe. Okay. But it's a teeny little heel about this. This big. And it's usually a little. It's not completely wide, but it's not stiletto either. It's kind of in the middle. It's just a little bit of a heel just to give a woman a little lift. Why do they call it a kitten?

Oh, I have no idea. Okay. No. No rhyme or reason there. Okay. All right. Okay. Every person has one of these. But men really don't care about it. What is a water line? A water line? A water line. Does it have to do with your hair? No. Your skin. Kind of. No idea. Okay a water line.

Is this part of my eye where my skin meets my eye. Okay. That's my water line. And lots of women will put. Oh I don't, but a lot of women will put a white eyeliner there to make their eyes look more open. Oh, gotcha. Okay, a water line. Okay. Yeah. No, I never would have I. It makes sense now that you mention it.

I never would have found that on my own. Okay. This is a very common thing that women use. Okay. What's a beauty blender?

A beauty blender. I'm going to say is like a little makeup brush that blends all your your makeups and stuff together. So good. Is that right? It's not a brush. It's a spongy thing. Okay, but, yeah, it's exactly what it is. So in the morning, I apply, like, little dabs of foundation all over my face. Yeah. Get the beauty blender wet, squeeze the water out, and then use it to eat it all out.

Okay. Gotcha. Okay. Good job. I think I'm confident I can say I got that one right. Yeah, I will give that one to you. Okay. What do the initials g, r, w m stand for? G r w m g r w an. Can I ask a couple? Like, is it a clothing related thing? No skin usually. Usually are based around skin and hair and hair.

Is it different colors and shades of skin and hair? It can be. Any female can do it.

It. So is it a scale of their skin tones and stuff? Oh, that's a good guess. No, because there is a scale out there. Okay. That that you can base your skin tone on and how much sun you should get and everything. That's a good guess. Okay. Is it based on, like, how much oil they might have or how moist their skin is or.

No, no, it's a very trendy video thing that people do. The G stands for Get ready with me. And women will film themselves applying their makeup or curling their hair. And I'd say get ready with me Video but they shorten it to d g r m okay. Okay. Okay. What's a French manicure? A French manicure.

Is it okay? Well it's not getting your armpits waxed because we know the French don't do that. And I didn't say the word Brazilian. I know I wasn't going to go there so duly did. But I, I don't think I know this is a French manicure. Oh. Just a manicure like you're. No, no. Do you see?

The tips are different colors. Usually it's white. Gary is right. Usually it's white. Okay. But it mine are black because of Halloween, so. Okay. Yeah, it's a different tip color on your fingernails. Oh, yeah. I never would have. I never would have found that. Okay. Last one. Okay. I'm doing terrible at this. I got the blender right. That's about it.

So let's try to end on a high note. Oh, you're not going to get this one, but we'll do it anyway. Okay, great. Do it. What's a money piece? A money piece, Is it a handbag? Oh, that is a good guess, cause you'd have cash in it. Yeah. Like, no it's not. Oh, but that is a really.

That's a good context. Guess points for for the guest. Yeah. What's the money piece? Women will take these two little front. Like if you see how it kind of have. This is called a curtain bang. Yeah. They will lighten just right here. They don't. Your hair will be a shade lighter. Yeah. That's called a money piece because it frames your face.

Oh, okay. Yeah. Never, ever like that would never crossed my mind. Even if you told me it was hair related, I wouldn't have thought of that. No. Okay. Okay. There you go. And I didn't do any. I stayed completely away from, like, women's menstrual cycles. Everything until now.

All right. No, it was awesome. I enjoyed it, so I'll try to. And I'll do the same thing. Okay. We'll do that tomorrow for our exclusive content. Are you going to ask me all these car parts? And I'm going to have no idea what they are. Yeah, they might be car parts. They might not be. All right. Time for the podcast coming up right now.


Know on the show, I got.

And this is just who Donald Trump is. He said, you know, I'm a little mad because I was about to make a birdie putt on the sixth hole, and they wouldn't let me finish. Those same agencies that are prosecuting Trump in that jurisdiction are now going to be investigating this. I just think that that may not be the best thing for for this country.

That man cannot see public office again. He has to be eliminated. It's parents. You don't want to raise your kids. I'm going to start raising him every time we make an arrest. Your kids photo is going to be put out there. And if I could do it, I'm going a perp walk. Your kid. Good morning. It is eight minutes after the hour.

Welcome to the Neil Larson show on a Tuesday, the fall River propane. Collin text line here it is. (208) 542-1079. And we love getting your texts. And later in the show your calls as well. So it's so interesting to me when I watch the left. They are a fascinating bunch because it was just a day or two ago that Lester Holt and his deep voice, golden tones, talked about and linked Donald Trump and JD Vance.

His rhetoric about Haitian cuisine in Springfield to the assassination attempt. In other words, it was blamed the victim. Dana Bash made a similar inference, linking two thoughts about bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio, and the rhetoric about Haitian cuisine. By JD Vance and Donald Trump. You all remember they're eating the cats, they're eating the dogs. They're eating the pets.

In Springfield. It almost sounds like a Doctor Seuss book, but at any rate, that would be funny. I think I've seen a meme about that, too, by the way. But let so let's just set that for a moment. I, I don't believe, in fact, it's demonstrably false because those threats are coming from overseas. It's not like our homegrown people who love animals that are suddenly deciding, I'm going to call in bomb threats to wherever school or city hall, whatever.

It's an overseas nefarious bad player taking advantage of chaos in, in the US. That was governor Mike DeWine. I've got the clip. I'm not going to play that for you right now. Just know those threats came from he said overseas. I don't know if that means Russia. I'm not really sure. So you can you can point that out all you all you want that and debunk everything that they say you can David.

Mirror them and fact check fact check them in real time. They don't care. Because I'm telling you, this could almost become a mantra and it feels, well, you. The truth just doesn't matter anymore. We say it does. They say it does. Journalists, Washington Post democracy dies in darkness, blah blah blah. Because when you have a montage of clips from the left calling for violence or, to be fair, easily interpreted as calling for violence, and then violence happens, there may be a link there.

I think you can, make that demonstration. If you had to be stuck in the latest Trump ad, Mike Pence or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?

Just one of us have to come out alive.

Chris, always ask me, don't I wish I were debating, you know, I was in high school. I could take him behind the gym. That's what I wish I should know. I should. If we're in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country.

Maybe there will be that. You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about, that you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and you say, go out and you push back on them and you tell them they're not go.

You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives. Enemies of the state Herschel Walker. How do you resist the temptation to run up and ring her neck? They go low. We can please get up in the face of some congresspeople. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white House.

And then, of course, the splash logo of the Trump Vance campaign after they declare the Democrats are the party of violence. We we can show it. I don't it's so weird because I, I, I don't think they deny it. That's one thing that's kind of missing here is that they're not really denying it. Their disingenuousness comes from them trying to include Republicans in it.

This both sides ism this well, both sides are doing it is wrong. And in fact I think they try to pin bomb threats on J.D. Vance and Donald Trump because they don't want to be alone in their Despicable Me. Here's the problem. These are hoax bomb threats. They're false bomb threats. It's and they're wrong. They need to be prosecuted.

They need to be stopped. But they're not actual violence. They're just kind of scary. On the other side, the guns are real. The bullets are real. The plot is real. To kill Donald, to kill Donald Trump. Do you, if you're a Democrat, understand the difference here? Number one, it's a stretch to even imply that it's Trump and Vance's rhetoric that is leading overseas players to perpetrate hoax bomb threat.

I mean, that's so it's it's idiocy. When you say it out loud, it is absurd and it is idiotic and they know it, but they also know that their viewership has a very, very low scrutiny threshold, that they'll sit and watch and go, oh, JD Vance and Donald Trump said something about the Haitian cuisine, and now there's bomb threats.

There has to be a link. We have Kamala on tape with Elon talking about wanting to kill Donald Trump and then of course, cackling because you know what? What's a good violence threat without a cackle after it? If you're Kamala Harris, you have Madonna talking about fantasizing over blowing up the white House. You have Dan Goldman. What a tool.

Dan Goldman saying Donald Trump needs to be eliminated, unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy. And he has to be, he has to be eliminated. He has to be eliminated. That to me, that's an even worse sentiment than Donald Trump's a threat to democracy.

When you say he has to be eliminated and then you're vague, you don't qualify it. You don't say, I don't mean killed. I mean that we have to eliminate him as a potential candidate. Like, no, he said he has to be eliminated. So I think the left's okay with it. And that's how I think that we might be on the right miscalculating them.

I hate to even say this. It, I I'll say it. And let me ask you this. If you happen to be a Democrat or a Trump hater, we do have a few Trump haters. If you woke up tomorrow morning and the worst had happened to Donald Trump, what would your emotions be? That's how I think that's an important question here.

It's it's a bit of a window into your soul. Is there any question at all that you would have people dancing in the streets that the very same people. It's probably a lot of overlap here. We all remember when the great Rush Limbaugh passed away, the celebration that came from the left, the cheering over Rush's death that emanated from the left was, I guess, at that point, it was to be expected.

We we knew they would, and we knew Rush's health was failing and that that day was going to come. That day came, and certainly the left showed us the ugly, ugly, ugly people that they are. They probably ought to just be honest about, and many of them probably would be if it wouldn't trigger a Secret Service investigation or some alphabet agency inquiry, they'd probably be much more overt and preemptively dancing on Donald Trump's grave if they felt like there were no consequences for Ramaphosa's actions for it.

So where do we go from here? Because as you can tell by my comments, I have I have zero respect or confidence or trust in a vast section of the party. On the other side. They are terrible, terrible people. I don't wish them harm. I don't want to do them ill, I have no ill will for them.

I do want to defeat them politically. I think that they have had an outsized portion of power in America. And I don't just mean the Democrats. I mean the far left, loony, now violent wing of the Democrat Party. And I will issue this, not that I'm again cheerleading for it. But if one of these plots ultimately succeed in, in Dan Goldman's words, eliminating Donald Trump, Trump, we have a different America, a new America, but not in a good way.

We have a very violent, civil, war ridden America, and you might cheer and claim victory if and when this happens. But you're probably not gonna you're probably not going to like the results, because I have this belief. You have people who I think or I wouldn't say this specifically about Dana Bash, but people in sort of that orbit have this apathy about violent rhetoric from the left possibly being linked to assassination attempts against Donald Trump.

In fact, when she was on with Wolf Blitzer, she said, well, there's no evidence at all. Listen to this. I'm just going to start midstream here. You'll get the gist of it. President Trump wasn't hurt, and Kamala Harris said the same thing. Everything is politicized in this environment. So it's not surprising that that is what he said.

There's absolutely, again, no basis in fact, that they were behind this at all. We don't know much about, this guy yet at all, other than he was somebody who was trying to find a way at in his mid to late 50s go and and serve on the frontlines of Ukraine. And he obviously had some anti-Trump posts. But.

That's has nothing to do with, with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. It has. It's interesting to watch the video of Dana Bash here as she's sitting across the table from Wolf Blitzer, because I think she realized in real time her double standard, because just this weekend, she was linking Donald Trump and JD Vance, his rhetoric about the Haitian cuisine in.

I'm just going to call it that. We all know what I'm talking about. The Haitian cuisine in Springfield, Ohio, two bomb threats. She had no problem making that leap. But when we do have a series, a montage of threats that are Joe King, they are light hearted references to harming Donald Trump, blowing up the white House, eliminating the threat, threat to democracy, all of that.

She's like, there's no evidence whatsoever that that rhetoric may have inspired this, this, this nutjob on Saturday at Mar-A-Lago. There is a reason why America cannot stand the mainstream media. There's a portion that still trusts them. I have no idea why they're I don't know what sort of battered spouse syndrome they have that they keep showing up and watching CNN and and they get their their sensibilities battered in the face with a two by four, and they keep coming back for it.

It's absurd. I, I wish people had more self-respect than that, but I think they do, because CNN's numbers have dropped to record record low levels. But Dana Bash, I don't think she'll ever realize it. I don't think she can ever see it. I in in ways, in a certain way, I feel bad for her because she has this massive blind spot, and I think a lot of people in the media do, but when they show apathy about a presidential assassination attempt on the surface, then what are they really experiencing behind that facade of apathy?

Are they hoping it happens? Are they cheerleading it? Are they hoping that a man maybe the third time will be the charm? Is that is that their sentiments? Because what they're showing that most people don't give out their true full breadth of their emotions, they just don't. So what is the rest of it? What is the rest of your iceberg look like?

If you're on the left? And the tip we see of the iceberg is apathy about a presidential assassination attempt, what is the rest of that iceberg under the surface look like? I can't help but think that there is an almost eagerness for their agenda to be rid of the disruption that is Donald Trump. I know it's a cynical view.

It's it's a jaded view. But I also think that it is a defensible view of how they approach this, just simply looking at it. J.D. Vance, last thought here before I break, J.D. Vance brought this up, and it's very important that we understand this. We have two sides here. One side is literally getting shot at by people who want to kill a nominee and a former president.

And what's looking more like a more likely future president. The other side, not so much popular on a lot of quarters of the left to say that we have a we have a both sides problem. And I'm not going to say we're always perfect. I'm not going to say that conservatives always get things exactly right. But, you know, the big difference between conservatives and liberals is that we no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months, and two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months.

I'd say that's pretty strong evidence that the left needs to tone down the rhetoric and needs to cut this crap out. Amen. There's a phrase biblical by their fruits ye shall know them. What are the fruits of the left? We'll be back at 825.

831 on Newstalk 179, it's Neil and Julie and you. And if you'd like to join us, the fall River propane call and text line (208) 542-1079. Julie, I have a prediction. Tell me that Sheriff that said, if this keeps up, I may perp walk your kids if they call in these hoaxes, these tips, whatever, that aren't real. I bet if it hasn't happened already, the left will slam him for doing this and and taking a strong stand, because anybody who takes a strong stand, that's reality based.

They go after those people, especially when it comes to criminal activity. Yeah. When is the left gonna own that? That we like to allow criminal activity to happen? I don't know, it's like a mantra of theirs, right. Yeah. Look at the the BLM riots of 2020. The Chaz, encampment in Seattle. They pretend like that never happened, but they were all in on it when it was going on.

Yeah, the burning of the church in DC. Remember how that was all of a sudden? That whole story was about Trump walking across the street with a Bible in his hand. Oh, yeah. Yeah, right. They're the ones that enjoy the criminal activity. And then they point at the right and go, you bad guys. Yeah. When we point out the criminal activity, so are they mentally ill or or do they know the, the sham thinking that they're engaged in.

No, I think they know I, I think so they know they're being dishonest. Yeah. They want to destroy America. And there's lots of ways to do it. And one of those ingredients is to increase criminal activity. Yeah. Well, even Kamala Harris, she was helping to raise money to spring bad guys from jail. Trump should talk about that at every turn.

That was his biggest screw up at the debate. He went down rabbit holes. He didn't need to go down. Yeah, he needed to pay attention to her policies. What? She has failed to do for three and a half years and, like, just tell her story. Stop trying to defend yourself against an already debunked hoax. Yeah, he should have just walked right past that.

But he didn't. And or just say everyone knows that's garbage and move on and and then say it. Yeah. That was the biggest failure of the debate. Here's the upside. Polling since the debate is showing that and we're a week away. Yeah, a week past the debate. It did nothing for her. Yeah. The Trump could go. They're three against one.

They could never fact check her. Only fact check him. Allow lies to be said. And it didn't help her in the swing states. The only bump she saw was in the national race slightly. And those are in states that she's already captured, right? Yeah. She she made a few gains in blue states where she doesn't need it.

So Nate Silver put out the latest if you, if you don't have any tossups Trump right now is at 312 electoral votes. And Kamala is it like 227, something like that. So now of course we still have a good month and a half to go before the election. It's come and go like it's it's getting close. So, but, I feel like the only and we've talked about this before, the only time Kamala makes any gains is when she's in an incredibly scripted and controlled environment, like the DNC or what appears to have been a debate with David Mirror and Linsey Davis.

ABC news helping her out. Announcing a running mate, Tim Walls. We've seen sort of these really marginal gains for her very, very little. They don't appear to be permanent. Like they come down really quickly because she gets back out on the trail and she starts cackling, or she starts using some accent that she doesn't really have. She's just pandering to an audience.

And I think people are like, oh, this is the real Kamala. Not the manufactured version of Kamala that that takes multiple days to put her together for 90 minutes. Right. This is just who she is. And I think that's probably what she fears the most. She did do that sit down interview that's turning out to be a massive disaster.

It was horrible. And and when people played back the clips from that interview, she only I think she took four questions. It might have been five. I, I lost count, but it wasn't very many. Yeah, because she rambled and rambled and rambled after each question was asked, but actually never answered the question. And when it was replayed by, you know, like regular mainstream media, they cut out large portions of her rambling to try to make sense of the answers that she gave to the four questions.

That's how bad she was. This woman can't stand in front of a foreign leader and lead the country. This woman cannot gain respect from high level business experts, from energy experts, that she's not going to be able to do any of that. She's basically a puppet that that has a heartbeat. Unlike Biden being a puppet who we wondered at times if he had a heartbeat.

Yeah, that's true, right. But the thing about Biden is he had times in a previous political life where he was lucid and I would say even capable of being the president, I did. I disagreed with him on a whole host of things, but his mind was sharp and he could handle different environments in different situations. I don't think she's there yet because, and I say yet, like, she'll get there.

No, I just don't think she's there and never will get there, because that's not how she rose politically. Yeah. She used other things to rise politically. And what a sad commentary that it worked. Yeah. She sure nominee Democrat party. Yeah. And she didn't get there on merit. And not just you know. Oh she was a B instead of an A.

No. She was a solid F. Yeah. But got to this position. Hey how disappointing for your party. You know, it it was fascinating. And multiple pundits pointed this out right after the switcheroo happened and Kamala entered the stage as the unearned nominee. How? They turned her into a rock star overnight. Nobody's liked her for three and a half years.

I mean, they thought they they would that they could create kind of this cult AOC style following behind Kamala. They never did, because every time she went out, she irritated people or she was completely ineffective, like she was drunk. Not mutually exclusive. Yes, you're right about that. But she never gained following as a vice president, even though she had Joe Biden beat in the cognitive department by leaps and bounds in terms of being able to remember where she was, and she never eclipsed him, that was a prime moment.

If you're going to look at political optics and your vice president can outshine an old senile president and become the obvious heir apparent. Yeah. They've tried to manufacture that with her. But it's so weird how once the switcheroo happened, the media came to the American people in mass and said, forget everything, clean slate, forget everything you've ever known or thought about Kamala Harris because firmware upgrade.

She's the second coming of Barack Obama now. And I think Joe actually worked for a little while. I don't think it worked for very long, but I think it was you know what it was I had to do this last night with, my mom's remote control on her TV. I had to take the batteries out and then put them back in, and that gave me about three clicks before the batteries were going to be dead again.

That was about how much the second coming of Barack Obama plan worked for Kamala Harris works for about four clicks. And then people are like, oh wait, she's the same Kamala Harris that we've been looking at for the last three and a half years. Yeah. A person who's unlikable, a person who's full of hypocrisy, a person who has done nothing.

Yeah. Been completely ineffective for three and a half years, but says how awesome she is. But all of a sudden we have to have a new page. Yeah. I loved the clip by Peter Doocy yesterday where he explain that that she will stand on stage and talk about how awesome she's been, yet her mantra is she's going to do something new, which is it?

Which which one is it? Yeah, but Julie, that kind of thing works in our society today because people can hold two competing truths and it's okay with them, like you and I can't. We don't have that capability. We're less talented. But some people have been programed that they can both believe that it's good to turn the page, and that we don't have to turn the page.

Right. Because Biden Harris has been doing so awesome. They're amazing. Says exactly what I always wanted. But will you bring new stuff? Yeah. Right. Right. It's. Well, again, I get back, maybe I use this this connection too much, but it is mental illness that you can do that, that you can believe two competing truths simultaneously. Sure. I, I don't know, I maybe it's mental illness.

I think all of it has a root cause. Speaking of Kamala Harris and her tasks to find things right, I think the root cause is hatred for Donald Trump. I think you you take out Donald Trump and you put DeSantis in the place. Yeah, this is a different race. Not and I'm not saying DeSantis would be winning. I'm just saying the attacks would be different because the hate is not there anymore.

Yeah, they they hate that man. Oh they do. And secondarily, they hate you. Yeah. Because you like that man, which I think explains in large measure why the second assassination attempt of Donald Trump in as many months was met with a ho hum by the, by the mainstream media. All right, quick break. It's 842. Time for the news at the bottom here on Newstalk 1079.

So yeah, we'll finish that conversation a little bit later. Welcome back. It's 848 on Newstalk 179. It's Neil Larson along with Julie me. So I asked you a question this morning and we won't talk about the events that led up to it, but when you stop at a gas station or a restaurant or a store to use the restroom, do you feel obligated to buy something?

And I will say, I do like I, I rarely go in and just use a restroom and leave because I thought, I'm using their facilities like a, you know, so sometimes I just buy a soda or a candy bar, pack of gum or something. If I'm not needing something, I don't make it a high dollar affair. But, I, I always try to support them.

I think there's one exception, though. If I'm going into, like, a large chain, I don't really feel as much of a need to do that. Like, if we stopped at a Walmart and I went in and use the bathroom at Walmart, I don't think I feel obligated to buy something there at Walmart because I we spend massive amounts of money already at Walmart.

Right? But if it's just some gas station enroute to somewhere else and I'm like, I gotta go, and I stop and I go, I, I always feel obligated to to buy something there. I, I feel obligated to buy as well. I sure somewhere in my 51 years. So I have broken that rule. Yeah. I can't think of an exact time I was with several women in Manhattan, and if anyone has ever vacation in Manhattan, restrooms are hard to come by it.

They're not everywhere. Yeah, and they do that to prevent homeless and things like that. Sure. I'm using their facilities. We needed a restroom horribly. Yeah, I'm on one. I have two stories from that trip. On one occasion we needed a restroom. Horribly. There was a Starbucks, so we went in and bought food items and they let us use their restroom.

Yeah, okay. Gotcha. Then the second one we were, it was getting late and there was nothing open, and we kind of covered for each other and snuck into a high end hotel and used the restroom in the lobby. Oh, gotcha. But we weren't staying at that hotel. But we but we looked good enough that we could kind of fake it.

You fit in. Yeah. Right. And and that's how we found a restroom in Manhattan. Okay, that's totally fair. Yeah. All right, that's the rich. Stick it to the rich.

All right. 285421079. Not really intended to be a big topic on the show today, but I thought it might be an interesting, just an interesting question. So if you're out there again, I don't want to invite a bunch of phone calls on this, but do you have the same rule? If you stop somewhere to use the restroom, do you feel obligated to buy something?

Let's go to the phones. Caller, how are you today? Good. Good morning to you. Good morning. I feel quite a bit the same as you guys. It kind of depends on what I lay down. And if if I, destroy the bathroom, I'm going to buy a case of chili. A couple package hot dogs to make up for what?

I laugh, but if it's just a little twinkle, twinkle, you know I'm out of there. Maybe with a pack of gum. So it's kind of proportional to what happens in the restroom. And I don't mean to be specific or not too far, as I'll say, but yeah, you got to see what. Yeah. Gotcha. Okay. Well, I think that might be the call of the week.

It might be the call of the week. I feel like I've got to clarify this topic. Did not come up because of anything to do with me. I'm pleading the fifth. Let's go to the phones. 208542 179 hi caller. How are you? Good. You guys ready for a story? I yes, I guess so. Go for it. So there is a location I won't disclose the location along I-15 heading to Utah.

And this particular instance happened earlier this year after my father passed away. Funeral was in Rexburg. Burial is in Clifton, Idaho, and I've got a nine, six and three year old sons with me. After the funeral, we're heading down to the burial. We're in a hurry, of course, before dark that time of year. And we go into this gas station and clearly at they have posted, we would appreciate your business instead of just come in and use our restrooms,

Well, and I and I and I can understand that. Right? But we're in a hurry. We run in, we use the restrooms, we don't buy anything. But not only does the sign post that, but the cashier actually came out instead of helping those at the desk yelled at me as I'm getting in my car and said, we want business, not for you to just use our restrooms or something to that effect of restrooms are for paying customers only.

And I said to myself and to my wife in the car, I will never go back to that location again because of that customer service. Yeah, I think I'd be the same way. Like this is all about a courtesy thing, and there may be times when you're in your situation and and it can't happen. I can't believe that somebody would actually chase you out of the store to to give you a care and lecture about it.

That's that's nuts. Yeah. I almost my wife talked me out of it. But on the way home from the the burial that night, I almost wanted to stop in and buy something and just leave it on the counter and say, here's your business. For me, using your restroom earlier like it was. It was outrageous to me, right? Yeah.

Yeah. That's a that's a little. That's a lot. Yeah, yeah. Well, thank you for the story in the call. Yeah. Somebody said if you feel the need to purchase something, just make sure you stop at a gas station and just hop off your tank. Yeah, cuz you're going to use that gas anyway, whether it be now or in, you know, 100 miles.

That's a really good point. We have we have smart listeners. We really do. All right. Back, it's 854. We'll continue just ahead. All right. 858 on Newstalk 107 nine. That's going to do it for our one. But Julie and I, we're back for a whole nother hour. Another one man Facebook Live and we'll be on Facebook Live mere minutes away as well, right here on Newstalk 179.

Welcome back. Our 202085421079. That is the fall River propane call and text line. And we would love to hear from you. The smart. We're getting quite a number of different opinions Julie, about if you stop somewhere and use the restroom at a commercial establishment, should you feel obligated to buy something. And I think we have a variety of different, but defensible positions on this, I this is one of those issues where I don't I don't really foist my preference on other people.

Like, I don't look down on people who just stop running and use bathroom and then then, you know, probably because I don't have the bandwidth. Well, there's so many other things that, yeah, you take priority over that. Yeah, that it's just not worth. Yeah. That emotion. But well, there's a lot of other things to judge people about. And I just don't have the bandwidth to judge them for that.

So. I only judge them if they're Democrats. That's it. That right. That's true. Yeah. So, we got a text, Julie. And this person I. Okay, I feel like I'm taking bait here. Oh, you you're right. You're absolutely taking bait. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't take the bait. Right? It's fine. They text it in and quite often out of the blue.

And it's very clear they're just trying to push a button. Let's see. This is Polk, the Bay area, and see what happens. So your favorite convicted felon is coming up with unfounded accusations. Still, at least he's consistent. And it does keep people distracted that they didn't pay attention, that he's offering zilch when it comes to plans and policies.

He would do, I guess that whole no tips on over or no taxes on tips is a zero plan. Yeah or no taxes on overtime? Zero plan. Yeah. Or getting back to being energy of, independent and rolling back the sanctions that Biden put. Zero plan or zilch as he says. So we texted back, I'm kind of proud that we texted this back to you.

We just said, Jesus is our favorite felon. We like Trump, but Jesus would be Jesus is our favorite felon. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Because almost all of his text start with something about convicted felon 34 times or whatever. So yeah, I'm really hung up on it. You know, he's hung up on Archie. They're hung up on two things.

Spending four hours a morning listening to us. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah. And then on you know this made up charge and conviction of Trump. So okay we have to be careful though because they're very next text will be an invoice for because we've been living rent free in their head so they might start charging us. I'm sure Biden has an executive order that will make that possible.

Probably so. And then they said, okay, your second best convicted felon. So what a comeback. Two. Oh, super creative, by the way. Good job. (208) 542-1079 if you'd like to join us on the program. It does remind me though, and I've seen shirts like this, but we were going to Bozeman, and one of one of the people on the bus said, I'm voting for the felon.

Yeah, I love it. Just don't it it, we Hillary Clinton made us all a big basket of deplorables and we were all part of the vast right wing conspiracy. And I think we even made up coffee mugs and t shirts about it. So yeah, yeah, yeah. Trump the felon. Yeah. He's up there with my favorites. Sure.

Do I have a question? Because you're you're a true crime podcaster and wrongful convictions are a real thing. Are there people out there who don't understand what a wrongful conviction is? Or do they think every conviction is a legitimate conviction? Oh, I think that that's all relative to their hate, because let's let's get something clear here with this person who texts in.

Yeah, it's not about the conviction. It's not about that. Yeah, it's about the hatred. Yeah. But to answer your question about true crime, I think there's people unwilling to look at honest facts, like there's there's people that fall into a camp. The law enforcement is always correct, or there's people that fall into a camp that lawyers wouldn't do anything dirty, or they're you know, and instead you should actually examine situations without the level of emotion that this text put this person texting in has.

Right? Yeah, yeah, that that's true. And, but I don't think they can like I, I, we talk about Trump Derangement syndrome. We used to use that term just kind of tongue in cheek. It was just sort of a funny reference. I actually think we're much closer to it being a real thing then the tongue in cheek acknowledge meant that we gave it before.

Like, I really think there are people who have thrown any skepticism out the window, any level of saying, okay, let's honestly assess this because they hate Trump that badly. So any information that comes in that reinforces their Trump hatred rock solid, believable, and they swallow it hook, line and sinker. Anything that comes in that might counter that they immediately reject it.

So let's talk about something here. Just about mental health in general, because really, that's what Trump Derangement Syndrome is, is it's a, a bruised mental capacity. And it for some people I actually think it goes to being diagnosable. But let's reference this person who keeps texting in. We talk about politics every day because we get paid to talk about politics every day.

Can you think of another item that you bother to send a text about on a daily basis, five days a week? No. That occupies that much of your thought? No, I don't have a single thing in my life that occupies that much of my thought that I don't get paid for. I send texts about my small business. I send texts about, true crime with people.

I get paid for all of those things. I get paid for politics. You and I text back and forth about, I don't have a single thing that I text five days a week and give up time of my life. That's true, that for me, that's the biggest example that this has taken over. And a portion of this person's mental health.

I don't mean to be a twerp. We get paid to read this person's text, but they get nothing. They get nothing for sending it. And no, I'm not sharing.

That that's that's a really good point because that tells you what your passion is like it. And and I think for many people, their purpose when they wake up in the morning is what can I be outraged by today that Trump did yesterday. How did he piss me off today or how is he going to. And I think that that is part of their daily mental ritual.

They're their day. It may not be their entire lives, but I think it's among the first handful of thoughts that they have in the morning, especially when they turn their phone on or they turn the TV on or the radio. They are they they are poised to receive whatever information they get that will fuel their Trump rage and hatred.

That I think is a real thing. Yeah, yeah. So the hyper focus on something like that, I actually feel bad for the person I, you know, I would recommend maybe take a breath maybe. Yeah. Just breathe a little bit. Let life happen. You don't have to be this person. But no. Maybe it's comfortable for them I don't know.

Yeah. Take take a breath. All right. Let's go to the next caller. (208) 542-1079 welcome to the the show caller. Yes, I was talking with a friend and, a coworker of mine. And we were talking just about the, the shooter that tried to shoot Trump. What causes a person to get to that mindset? It's the information that they're receiving from somewhere that causes them to want to go out and harm Trump.

You know? Well, I, I when you look at the environment that we've been existing in for the past 12, eight years, it's just these layer after layer after layer of how Trump harmed the country or harmed you or is a threat or, or whatever. So I think there's a segment of the population that is close to that tipping point, and at some point they get tipped into that that crazy place.

Yeah, I think from the information they're receiving from the media. Yeah, yeah. For sure. Yeah, yeah. And all various things. Tick tock. Not just the mainstream media. I mean we go after them a lot. Yeah. But, these people listen to podcasts, they listen to to Tick Tock. They, they get involved in Facebook groups. They and and you have to be super careful not to put yourself in an echo chamber.

We've always said, go, go research on your own. Two we love that you're here and we love to share information with you, but be independent because that makes a strong republic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, thank you for the call. Great .2085421079. And we go to our next caller. Go ahead.

Hey how are you done. Good good. But hey I I was going to put this on Facebook, but I'm actually taking a break from Facebook because of the vitriol. You know, for a few days. So there is a logical fallacy, and, I mean, I'm very conservative, but there's a logical fallacy on the right that I wanted to point out.

Yeah, I think all three of us remember the 1980 election, right. And against, and again, part of since that time, there have been two elections in which, there was a two term Republican president and the vice president was running against a Democrat in both of those cases. The Democratic challenger said, well, you said you say you're going to do this, this, this.

And the Republicans have come back. We have, he was the vice president. He didn't have the authority to do that. So why are we being intellectually dishonest ourselves and not allowing that indicates that the conceit is not the one that this administration. And this is David Axelrod and, and Barack Obama's third term is actually.

Yeah. Gotcha. Go ahead. I was going to say, I don't think we've had a situation like this in recent history. It was clear that our president was, mentally diminished, I think is a tender way to put it. She also was a given, given strict assignments. She was in charge of the border, whether or not you want to call her a borders.

Whether or not you want to figure out the root cause of of our immigration problems. She was tasked with that, and she failed miserably. I think she can be held accountable for that, even though she is the vice president. And I think that there was a stronger push for her to step forward because Biden was diminished and think that actually makes sense on on the issues that she was given the authority.

And I can see the argument from that point of view. I'm also seeing the other side, which is, you know, as I said, well, like you said, we haven't had a situation that was just like this before, but we have had situations that where, you know, a vice president put forth their every campaign platform. After I think, you know, two terms on Earth or something.

And, and our comeback has always been well, as vice presidents, they didn't have the authority to enact those things. Yeah. So I'm just pointing out one, one little piece of, one little part where I think conservatives are not being intellectually honest. So I an I get the point that you're making. But but I also want to add to everything.

Julie said there were moments where Kamala pitched herself as the decision maker. She said she was the last person in the room before Afghanistan, the Afghanistan withdrawal. That was before it turned out to be this horrific debacle. So in holding her to her own presentation of the role she played in the white House, I think it is fair to hold her accountable for, a number of the Biden-Harris policies.

And you might be right, maybe there's a little exaggeration on the part of the on the part of the right, but I don't think it's completely unfair. Well, I definitely think it's right to hold her accountable for the tie breaking. Those that she cast on on bills as they passed. Yeah. Because as vice president, she was the tiebreaker.

And so I do think it's right to hold her accountable on those things. But really holding her accountable in my and, you know, my experience with politics only goes so far as the things that she had the authority did. And, I that's not as much I would I would disagree with that. I think you hold her accountable to the level of influence she said she had.

I don't think you look at it and just go, well, what was her constitutional authority? I think when she presents that, she had an awful lot of influence. In fact, for the past two years, they've been calling it the Biden-Harris administration. When did they ever call it the Carter Mondale administration or the Reagan Bush administration, or the Trump pence?

Yeah, the Trump pence. They never did. But they knew Biden was flailing. So they included her in the name of the administration. I think it's just fine to hold her accountable to that level of influence beyond what official authority she had. And I understand her point. And and it makes a little bit more sense to me now. I don't think you're being I don't think conservatives are being intellectually dishonest.

I'm just seeing a place where I think we might be putting too much on. Well, if she says she's going to do this, why didn't she already do it? I don't think that is the winning talking point. Credit for the right side. Well, but here's the thing that that is her job to respond to that it's not our job to not ask that question.

It's her job to explain why she didn't. And I've never actually heard her say what you just said, which is I don't have the authority to do it. She doesn't want to present that way because then she looks weak. Right? Well, it's a political campaign. She doesn't want to look weak. But also, I don't think there's frankly knows enough about how politics is done.

Yeah. Or about the Constitution to come up with that argument on our own. Yeah. So anyway, you know, thank you for the time, I appreciate it. Great. Thank you for the call. (208) 542-1078. Thought provoking questions. It is. And I think it's a I think it's a fair question. But I'll also ask this question. I'll just put it out to the ether when and the debate was a good example of this, where Kamala can lie about Donald Trump at will.

But yet we have people on our side saying, you have to be intellectually honest in everything you ask and say, well, that's like going into a fight with Mike Tyson with one of your arms tied behind your back. Like it? It's sort of this unfair environment that we live in. So if if she gets to throw all of these accusations and insinuations and just flat out dishonest claims about Donald Trump, how can we expect our candidates to just toe this line with perfect intellectual honesty in how they approach it when there's there is no reward for that?

Yeah, well, I think what we have as a result of of an unfair system going on, and if we continue to just submit to these rules that have been decided by the Democrats, the unfair system is going to keep going. I, I mean, I appreciate a thought provoking question. I don't have zero hesitation asking Kamala Harris, what did you do the last three and a half years?

I have zero hesitation asking that question. I don't feel like I'm being intellectually dishonest asking that well, and I'll also say this and understanding that politics is replete with distortion. If the Biden record had been stellar, she would have claimed massive amounts of credit for it. She's running from it. So if you get the benefits as a candidate, even though you were just the vice president and you only had limited authority, you're going to claim the successes.

You're going to claim that you were part of that. The flip side of that is you also get the liability of their losses and their failures. And so there's a price tag there. We have a perfect example of this. Actually, no one wanted to be Kamala Harris as vice president. There's a reason why they did not want the political liability attached to this woman, because even if she wins, they know the country is going to keep this under under the same pathway that it has been with the Biden-Harris administration.

That's not going to look good. And you don't have a shot at being president after that. Yeah. They do not want to attach themselves to that political liability. So they had to go to the clearance. Been Dollar General and they found Tim Walsh. Yep. Exactly. Seriously that he is terrible. Notice he has lowered his profile down to a mere simmer.

He must have been polling so horrifically. That man is out there. Nowhere. In fact, they the from the rally that he did. The one clip that made headlines was his wife, and she seems to be equally as bizarre. Yeah, but she's new, so she's a shiny object for a second. But yeah, bizarre is the right word. All right.

We'll take more of your phone calls when we get back on the fall River. Propane. Colleen. Text line (208) 542-1079. Okay. You talked to them. I'm going to take this call real quick. Okay. Screen it. How about that rain here at the station, our, south parking lot that's between us and the hotel. It is completely flooded. I wouldn't drive through it.

It's it's deep enough. I wouldn't take my car through it. Also, Alex, who? I do the, we Share podcast with her. Her house had some sort of a lightning strike or something, so she's got lots of electrical issues this morning, I guess. Causing problems. I can't imagine what it's doing for the farmers. And, Brad, to address your issues.

We are interviewing Hiram Erickson on Wednesday about prop one, so that will be at 730. He is in favor of it. We've interviewed him one time before. He's willing to come on again since Luke Mayville will not won't even bother to answer all of my inquiries. So, Hiram Erickson is going to come on. So 730 tomorrow, we will be talking prop one.

Yes. Looking forward, we got to cut a promo for that to done. But we have a caller who's going to say what happens in the presidential race if Trump were to get us oh they sent a text in. So this must be really concerning to them. Yeah. What happens if a vacancy occurs after the primaries and before, during the convention.

But we've already had the convention. Yeah. What if a candidate left the race? So on if a vacancy occurs on the Republican side, the RNC can either reconvene the national convention or select a new candidate itself. That's what would happen. The Democrats are different. The Democrat Committee is empowered to fill a vacancy on the national ticket after the convention.

Under party rules, after the party chair consults with Democratic governors and congressional leadership. So they'll consult with governors and Congress while their own party. But Republicans can just reconvene, have a convention and pick a new nominee. So that's pretty easy. And who do you think it would be? Oh, DeSantis. I think Nikki Haley stayed in longer. I think at this they're not they're not obligated to pick a previous JD Vance.

JD Vance I would think since he's got the momentum and been rolling, I, I would love I mean I want Trump but if it if if we were to get to that point then it would be. Yeah I would think I don't know though. Yeah I, I don't know, it'd be a fight but behind closed doors it would be a big fight.

Yes. And then hopefully it would be a united front once a decision was made. But yeah, which is kind of the beauty of a primary season, which these parties have the latitude to, to maneuver in and move. So okay, here we go.

931 on Newstalk 179, where we have a particular affinity for hair bands from the 80s. Scorpions. That makes us even more likable I know. Right. One of these days, you know, we're going to have to do, we're going to have to play only 80s, which I've got the page all set up for 80s hair bands, but we bring in our Rubik's Cubes and our Walkman, Sony Walkmans.

And you dress in like, like those legwarmers neon colors, Legwarmers jelly shoes. And I'll find some Levi's 500 ones and and a jacket to have a denim jacket, a Levi's denim jacket. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Was 1980s day. I might need to get you a wig. Really? You had to go there, didn't you? Just offended him. Okay, no.

It's fine. Let's go to the phones. We have our caller Lane. Lane has a great question, and I think we have the answer. Lane. Go ahead. I was just wondering what happened since there's now been two attempts on Trump's life. What happens if they kill him? His JD Vance move up like Kamala did or what? So you know what goes on there.

The quick answer on cancel the election. Okay. No, hold on. The quick answer on the Republican side is the RNC could either reconvene the national convention or they could simply select a new candidate. So that's what would happen if at this point, this late in the game, something were to happen to Donald Trump. It wouldn't have to be JD Vance.

It wouldn't have to be one of the previous candidates. It could be who the RNC decides they want. And so that's how the Republicans would do it if it happened. On the Democrat side, it's kind of similar. They could fill a vacancy on the national ticket after the convention under their party rules, after the party chair consults with Democrat governors and congressional leadership so they will consult with elected Democrats, national elected Democrats and then make a then make a decision.

So but ultimately, it's kind of the same answer. It comes down to the National Party that they would decide who would fill the space. So then that's the reason why, those other candidates, suspended their campaigns so that if this ever did happen, they could pick up and go right then. And no, the reason they do that is so they don't have to give the money back, any, any donations that come in.

If they end their campaign, they have to give the money back. So the war chest, that's all it is. Oh, that's a good one. And the government gives them some of the money anyway, so thank God for the government. That's okay. Okay. Thanks. You guys. You bet. Thank you. Thank you for the call. Yeah. Good question though.

Yeah. Because I. Okay. On a scale of 1 to 10. Yeah. Ten being it's absolutely going to happen. One being. Not at all. Yeah. Do you think there will be another attempt on Trump's life before the election? I want to say no. But every day, even before the first one, even before Butler, how many times did we have the conversation when Trump was up on the TV?

He was at a rally, or you and I were at a Trump rally and you're just watching because, you know, there's Trump derangement out there. And, you know, there there are people that hate Trump, that you just feel like he's always vulnerable. That was before he was shot at the first time. I, I'd like to say no, but I think the possibility of it is very, very real.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's why I posed the question because then we have we just looked up the answer of how would we get I mean, if they're successful. Yeah. How would we get another nominee and no, no, no hesitation at saying they hope they're successful. They haven't hidden it. Yeah. They want an assassination attempt to be successful.

Yes. Yeah. Now I also think and we go back, let's walk down the conspiracy rabbit hole for just a moment. If, and especially Butler, there's alarm bells all over Butler that some of our own agencies, our own people knew something was up. They were not. You know, we could go through all the litany, of that, this one I'm not quite convinced yet.

I know I've seen some memes about how did a guy from Hawaii and North Carolina know that Trump was going to be on the golf course, you know, none of that is is quite convincing me yet, although I want to know where the sniper's nest was. How much of a slope was there?

Just kidding. I don't know how he stood on that slope. I know that's it's crazy that he was able to. I know you're being funny, but, you know, one of the things I want to know, his money trail, I want to know is where the money came from. Because would you have enough discretionary income to move around that much and go to DC?

Yeah. No, I mean, that's that's a decent amount of money that he had to put towards good things. So I want to know the money trail. Yeah. Yeah. That's. Yeah. That's a that's a good point. I mean now if, if there is you know what this is like. And I think some people are already at that point, I don't believe we've ever had two legitimate assassination attempts.

The this close together this close to an election. And you remember on the morning of 911, we saw the coverage after the first plane had hit the first tower, and then when the second plane hit, there was a collective, Holy crap, they're in trouble is an orchestrated attack on America. I feel like if we get another one, this cannot just be random.

And I think there are an awful lot of people, understandably, they're already there. They're like, it doesn't make sense that you would have two assassination attempts in two months, just 2 or 3 months before the the election like that. The math doesn't work out like that. That's that's never happened in American history before. And so I think there are a lot of people that feel like they felt when that second plane hit the second tower of the World Trade Center, that, okay, there's something orchestrated going on here.

Yeah. I, I saw in on Twitter last night that Don Trump Jr had tweeted out that his very first thought was I don't know how many more lives my dad has left. Yeah. And for all those people who think that this is just politics, these are real human lives. Yeah. This is why Afghanistan and the withdrawal of it was so important.

Because those were human lives. Yeah. And I know it didn't matter to the Democrats, but it does. And this person's life matters. And I, I feel like we have legs to stand on with that because there was multiple times we said it is unfair what they're doing to Biden. Yeah. His life matters. Yeah. The problem is I feel that way.

You feel that way. Democrats don't feel that way about Donald Trump. His life doesn't matter other than to be exterminated. Yeah. There's also a sense, Julie, we'll get to the phones here in just a moment. You talk. You've you've referenced this before that there's this binder with these different plant. Covid was a binder. It was a plan that was taken off the shelf and implemented to achieve a certain political end.

We know that lawfare was a binder that they you had prosecutors from every even barely connected jurisdictions that were going after Donald Trump for different criminal and civil cases and infractions. And it was orchestrated. It was all happening at the same time. And if you're not suspicious of the timing in the two years leading up to an election, you're nuts.

You're not looking at it correctly. And yes, that's a reference to our previous person texting in this morning. When you look at Russia, Russia, Russia, the whole that was a binder. That was an effort to stop the disrupter Donald Trump is the ultimate binder, the last resort binder to just kill him. Sure. It's got to be is there a binder that is they don't want to they'd like to do it peacefully with lawfare.

They'd like to do it by just running around with their hair on fire because of something he put out on, on Twitter last week, or whatever it is. None of that has been effective. In fact, just the reverse happens. Every binder that they've implemented against him makes him stronger, makes him tougher, makes him more adored because he is the guy walking through the fire.

And I worry the level of rage and hatred that exists right now for Donald Trump. I'm worried. There is a binder with the A word on it. Could be I if if you presented me hard facts that that existed, you wouldn't shock me at all. There's a portion of me that wants to believe that that's not reality and that people aren't that ugly, but I, that would be somebody who would be refusing to look at history.

Yeah. People are that ugly. Yeah. And I think I think they would. Which last point before we take this next phone call, the better Donald Trump does in the polls in these last weeks leading up to November 5th, the more his life is in danger, the more beatable Kamala Harris looks, the more Trump's life is in danger. Yeah, I just hope and pray that the men and women whose duty not just job but duty, is to protect Donald Trump.

We'll have God with them because I do think that his life is at times in mortal danger simply because of the the disruption that he poses. Yeah. All right. Let's go to the to the phones. Caller. Welcome to the show. How are you today? Go ahead. What's up? Oh, they hung up. Okay. That's all right. We'll take a quick break and be back after this.

On Newstalk 1079. It's a Tuesday edition of The Neil Larsen Show in the fall River. Propane call and text line is (208) 542-1079. Somebody then asked, what if Trump gets elected in November, gets killed in December? Would Vance become president in January? Yes. Yeah, yeah. Let's see if a president elect was to die. Timing is again important under the Constitution.

It is electors meeting in state capitals who technically cast votes for the presidency. While some states require that they vote for the winner of the election in their state, in others, they have leeway. The congressional Research memo, which cites several congressional hearings on the subject, suggests it would clearly make sense for a vice president elect to simply assume the role of president elect.

But the law itself is murky. I think it's, it is. I don't think it's actually stated anywhere what has to happen. But I think everyone would go. This makes sense because they're elected. Yeah. Under the 20th amendment, if a president elect dies, his or her running mate, the vice president elect becomes president. There could be some question, for instance, about when exactly a person becomes president elect.

Is it after the electors meet in December or after Congress meets to count Electoral College votes on January 6th? So you know that shenanigans would be played with this, that if there was any way we know we all know that, right? Someone else on text brings up a good point that, much like the sheriff that we played out of Florida who said, I'm going to perp walk your kid.

Yeah. And if I can, I'm going to put the parents pictures up, too. That's a fear. Like the sheriff is going. This is what I'm going to do. I think there's a little bit of that in this binder. If it's potentially a binder with a gigantic A on it of scare them so bad he goes away. Yeah.

He's not going away. No, he was irritated. He couldn't finish his round of golf. That's how much you're scaring him. Yeah. What's on the Google banner today? I don't know. I saw that text. It's Constitution day. Register to vote. And then they have it in Spanish. Registrar. Para voter.

Wow. Oh, the guy who called in text it in said good points on my comments. I'm still not willing to lay down my king on this particular point about intellectual honesty, but I'm not as uncomfortable with the argument against Harris's campaign promises as I was. The problem is, it becomes murky because you have tangible, defined political power, but then you have a gray area where it's your level of influence, the role that you play.

And I'm sure that Kamala Harris had influence on Joe Biden. She should be responsible for whatever influence that she had. Yeah. I don't think you can just draw this bright red line of what her official duties were and hold her accountable only for those. Well, in the debate, it was brought up that she talked to, Putin just three days before the Ukraine's war broke out.

Yeah. She has to take responsibility for that. Yeah. You know, there were acts that she did that she 100% can be held accountable for. Yeah. Agreed. Wow. They're going as far as to put up a tip line for people to call about the trafficking that P Diddy Combs did. Oh my word. That's aggressive. Was it that widespread? Well, yes.

He has multiple lawsuits filed against him. Multiple. And the the heftiest I covered this on rising crime, so I know, but the Heftiest lawsuit is filed by a man who worked as a producer with him and came and lived at his house for a year. He has video proof of him trafficking people. Okay. He turned that over. So the FBI has that information.

Plus it's in his lawsuit. His civil lawsuit. So it's it's not like something that can be hidden because now it's on two different levels. Does that make sense? Yeah. And I think the FBI had to go on and and like, flush this out like you couldn't with the lawsuits that have been filed. Yeah. All right. Get with it, Toto.

(208) 542-1079. That's the fall River propane call and text line. So a couple of other. Oh. Let's just go right to the phones. Caller, what's on your mind today? Hey, so I, I'm a solid 9.5 on your scale there. Oh, they're going to try it again because they they've, as you pointed out, they've been ramping this up.

Right. They started out with, hey, he's been he says all these stuff. And now we're going to start convicted him of felonies. And stuff that the average person would never face in a million years. Yeah. And they're constantly small for the right to tone down their rhetoric. I think it's nothing more than we're going to get more and more violent if you don't stop and get in line, if you don't be quiet and get in line.

We're going to get more and more serious about taking you now you're a candidate. Yeah. I mean I, you know, so maybe it's a binder of degrees. Yeah. We'll try this one. And if he doesn't back down then we'll try this one. And if he doesn't back down we're going to ramp it up even more. Yeah.

I mean, if JD Vance said yesterday how he wanted his family to be kept safe, too, like he understands the level of the way his remarks were framed was that he feels like Trump, besides being his running mate, is a friend of his and he wants him to be a father and a grandfather because he has a role to fulfill there.

And he says, and I feel the same for myself. There's got to be a level of fear for JD Vance at this point, because he's going to have even less of us of a Secret Service detail. And that would be another way for them to you better get scared enough. Yeah. Yeah I, I yeah. You know, one thing I always think about.

And Rush Limbaugh used to talk about this all the time that the craziness that happens from the left when they are in the process of losing political power can be astonishing. Sometimes it's comical, sometimes it's shocking, and sometimes it's downright scary. But when you think, Julie, about how the left views government power and political power, it is their religion.

It it is that level of of adherence for them. They need it. It it is at their that devoted to it. And so when you take that away from them, they go nuts. They go they almost can't help. I'm not making an excuse, but they almost can't help it because you are gutting them of their identity for them.

The government being able to implement different policies and programs and saving the climate. And, you know, you think about all the things the government does today that was never intended when the founders crafted our form of government, a quarter, you know, a millennium ago. When when you start extracting that from them and they don't have access to being able to implement that, those religious level ambitions, they lose it.

And so that's why I think that you're, you're, you kind of have this ho hum response by the left to a second assassination attempt on a former president, very possibly a future president. There. Their, their apathy is almost more concerning then than anything else. That they're it's like it was almost just another news cycle for them over the weekend when in reality, there are alarm bells going off about our republic, that we have these leading political candidates who have to fear for their lives the way Donald Trump does.

Yeah. It was almost as of as if, well I guess that happened. That was the attitude. Yeah. And and that whatever has to happen for us to get our desires. Okay. I, I but I don't think this is new. It's just different because for me, Covid screamed the exact same thing. Well, whatever we have to lie about to get the the vaccine in everybody and have the pharmaceutical companies make all of this money and hopefully kill off a large portion of the older generation.

Well, some things have to be done. Right. So the ends always will justify the means, no matter how despicable the means may be. I don't like being in this place. I got to tell you, I, we need an America and a republic where we have a consensus that it is not okay to kill political foes. Yeah. From both sides.

Both sides. Everyone we need to come to the table and say we need to to knock it off. I saw a story. I don't think I pulled the audio this morning. Apparently, Sunny Hostin. Have you heard this of the view? No. I, I, I try to stay away from that. I know your blood boiling. That is a very good choice.

And I did not seek it out this morning, but I stumbled across it. And she is condemning people. The she's like on our side right now. Really? And I'm like, you may want to talk to the lady 1 or 2 seats away from you on that view desk, because she is one of the biggest perpetrators on your show of political division and Trump hatred.

I do not care how much my contract paid me. I could not sit at a desk with Joy Behar. I couldn't either let no amount of money would be worth that. Would you take $1 million for ten minutes? I don't know if I would. Ten minutes at the table with Joy Behar would you take $1 million? Is it going to be broadcast?

Not because I would be. I don't feel like I can meet up to her level. Yeah, but because I would probably get to an irrational place emotionally and I don't like to get there, she would hear words come out of Julie's mouth. She doesn't say. You're right. She would make me like, there would be so much irritation being next to her for ten minutes.

I probably couldn't contain myself. I'd probably take the million, but. And do it and get through it. But I would hope nobody would ever talk about it again. Yeah. I would say I did it for my family. I'm building a retirement fund. Leave me alone. All right, let's go to the phones. Caller, welcome to the show. How are you today?

I'm doing pretty good. I'm really enjoying your program greatly. Thank you. I feel that was as much backing as the Democratic Party. The communist people involved to criminal civil rights. The oldest drug cartels are providing all kinds of reasons. You try to guarantee that Trump does not get into them, you know. Thank you. We're actually up against the clock.

But I think that that's a very good point. Don't discount any foreign bad player from getting involved in this. They don't want Trump. All right. 956 we'll be back. We'll wrap it up after this. Okay. Okay. And to fix a little problem here, I have come up with our exclusive content already. Facebook. And you're going to get to watch us film it.

So you want to stick around for that? Yeah. Or recorded, I should say not film it. It will be filmed because you guys are going to be watching it. But should I be worried? No no no no no okay. No. All right. It'll be fun. Yeah. Julie's asking me a bunch of questions, and I have no idea what they are.

Yeah, he doesn't know. Yeah, okay. I took that call, and it's like, 955. I'm like, why did I do? It happens way too. Pretty concise though. She did good. Yeah, she was really good. Yeah. So, like, lots of memes out there about Utah women now because of Secret lives of Mormon wives, I can never get that title right.

I have to really think about it before I say it. But one of the biggest takeaways is how much Utah women love Diet Doctor Pepper. Really? You fit that mold isn't really an extreme. 958. Be sure to join us for Facebook Live. Julie's asking me some what questions? Questions that only women would know. Men won't. Okay, so I get to try to answer those coming up on Facebook Live.

You want to be a part of it and we'll see you all tomorrow.