The Neal Larson Show

9.10.2024 -- NLS -- [BONUS: Candidate Walkup Music Ideas] Debate Night Drama: Predictions, Pressures, and Public Commentary

September 10, 2024 Neal Larson

On this episode, we dive into a range of topics, starting with anticipation for tonight's big debate. We discuss the pressure on Kamala Harris and her performance on immigration, and speculate on how Donald Trump might approach the issues at hand. There's a humorous look at predictions, including wild outcomes like Kamala in tears or Trump making controversial comments. The show also touches on broader issues like media bias, political endorsements, and the public’s frustration with government response during the pandemic. Plus, we examine the effectiveness of public comment periods at city council meetings and the power of social media in engaging public officials. Tune in for lively conversation and debate predictions! 

Welcome to the Priebe. What is this call? Julie? Bonus exclusive content. It's. It's a bribe. Actually, it's a way to get people to listen to the episode of the podcast that's working. So. And we've got some fun with this one today with this exclusive content. Yes, this has been a lot of fun. And let me give the entire credit to Julie here.

She said to me, hey, I think our bonus content today should be choosing walkup music for the two candidates because of course it's debate day. Julie. We had talked about the music list that we were going to play tonight, and I went, well, if both candidates are coming on stage, what is their walkup music? So Neil and I have worked up our versions of Kamala Harris as walkup music and Donald Trump's walkup music.

Okay, Julie, you choose who should we go first? Oh. Let's do Kamala first. Okay. We we did a little brainstorming and poking around and we thought, you know what? This would be good. Walkup music, the platters. Yes, I'm the great pretender. I think this fits. Have been a game like a clown day. I seem to be, but I'm not.

You see, I seem to be what I'm not. You see. So I think that song was initially kind of a romantic song, but it fits. Her romances have been about her political career, too. Okay, can I say it's really intermingled? Those two? Yeah, she really has. All right. Should we do the second Kamala walk up or the first Trump walk up?

Yeah okay. We can do one in the other and then one in the other. So this is our first Trump walk up okay. And it's very very self-evident. Hey hey hey hey I thought I told my jokes, man. Yeah of course this is this is the anthem of toxic masculinity. So much so many. I got to be a macho.

I think. You know, we've been to several Trump rallies. I think this has. This, of course, is the Village People, has been played before. Yeah, yeah. That's Trump. We had a lot to choose from of music that had been played before. But let's get to Kamala second. Okay. Lock up music. I will say this, Julie was a little more familiar with this song than I was, but here it is.

Do you hear me? I ain't saying she a gold digger. I'm in shame. I sing when no bro bro hear me my name. Since she a gold digger, I'm she messing with no, bro. Kanye West, you little Jamie fox in there, too? Yeah. You can get that little gold digger. You think that fits it? Well, she's take a gold out of my pockets.

Get well. That's true. I wonder if Willie wants to weigh in on this hill. Yeah. All right, well, no walk up playlist for Trump would be complete without this one. We're not gonna take any. No, we ain't gonna take any. Oh, we're not gonna take it. Know I love Twisted Sister and it's such a good song, so. Okay, so there you have it.

That's great. Yeah, I'm sure you guys had lots of suggestions as well. We had so many to choose from, but these were the the four that we narrowed it down to. All right, walk up music. That was fun. All right. Let's get to the podcast here on the Neil Carson Show. And we.


You on the show one got.

Good morning. It is 807. How are you? East Idaho. It's debate day, and Julie and I are hosting a big and increasingly big watch party at the snake River Event Center at Shiloh in. We've got a lot of people who are signing up that are going to be there tonight, and we want you all there, too. Now, there's still plenty of seats with love.

Hundreds and hundreds of people there. So text the word debate to (208) 542-1079. We'll send you a link back. It's following that link. Just look for where it says reserve your seats. It's not in red because I didn't know how to make it red, but it is in bold and it says reserve your seats, click on that and then just follow the follow the process and plan on joining us tonight.

It's going to be a party. Come be with us. It's going to be fun. We'll have a Q&A before and after. This is not want you know, like when you go to a serious Shakespearean play, you're supposed to silence your cell phones and only leave in between scenes if you need to use the restroom. None of that applies here.

Bring your rowdy, crazy self because we want you to text in during the the debate. We'll have our text line going. We'll be able to watch that and we'll share some of those after the debate. We bring I say noisemakers. I don't know if you necessarily want to do that, because we want to be able to hear the debate, but plan to boo, plan to cheer.

We're not being reverent. Okay? This isn't Sunday school, so you can bring a handmade sign. You can do whatever you want here. Most important, have fun. Bring your Democrat neighbors. Let's make this interesting. Let's mix it up tonight. We're inviting them. It's great. They come. I doubt we'll see some other. We did hear a little rumor. Yeah.

We did. Somebody is going to show up and we're going to welcome them. They'll get extra popcorn, everything. We'll give them fancy seats and everything. So if they show up. Awesome. Okay. Very said. Julie, you just sent me a clip. I have not listen to the whole thing either. Listen to you listening to it. This is Melania Trump.

Is this from today? Yeah, this was released just a couple of hours ago. And she wants answers when it comes to the assassination attempt of her husband. The attempt to end my husband's life was a horrible, distressing experience. Now the silence around it feels heavy. I can't help but wonder, why didn't law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech?

There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the truth.

Okay, and then there's kind of a melania logo that splashes across the front here. I'm glad she's doing this. Yeah, she's asking the question all of us have already been asking how how in the, Georgia shooter have we arrested the shooter? Arrested the dad? The mom has come out with text messages between her and the school. We know about the kids background.

How do we know all of that? Within days. That shooting happened on Wednesday. Yeah, we knew all of that by the weekend. So less than a week ago. And we know all of that. We know nothing still in this attempted assassination. Okay. What Julie, how how does anybody look at what we know and what we don't know about?

Was it July 13th? I believe it was July 13th. That ought to be the day. Well, I mean, the left is trying to peddle January 6th. There's the day that now we'll live in infamy. I think the attempted assassination of a former and likely future president should, should eclipse that. I'll be honest with you. It absolutely should. It's unexplained secret services.

Quiet. The FBI's quiet. There's weird stuff surrounding all of it, and we know it. And, what I don't I mean, I'm kudos to Melania. This is her husband. She wants answers. We all want answers, and I support her in this. I but I don't know, I think it's just going to be stonewalling from here on out. Yeah.

The and part of this plays out the media's feet as well. For investigative journalists who say that they belong to the big ones like CNN or MSNBC or NBC news, you know, very well known for their investigative journalism. Yeah. What are you doing? How do we have interviews with extended family of the Georgia shooter? Within three days of it happening?

It's like this other family out of Pennsylvania doesn't even have anybody besides the dad, the shooter who is dead. And then some woman who lives in the house. We think it might be the mom. We don't even know that. Yeah, you're right, we don't. We don't know that. There's so much we don't know yet. There's extended interviews with family within three days of the shooting in Georgia.

So truly, there's a weird. We're weird. Okay? Where the people in the world are weird, where I think we live in America and we're like, no political assassinations happen somewhere else. We don't kill political rivals in America. That's third world country stuff. That's Russia, that's North Korea, that we don't kill political rivals here because we're America. Wake up, wake up.

Now, I'm not saying Joe Biden did it, but I think we are ridiculously naive to think that the system that worked so incredibly hard to stop Donald Trump from becoming president in 2016, that worked so incredibly hard to get rid of him as a president during his first presidency, did everything, and was successful in preventing him from winning a second term in 2020 that they would actually have any scruples at all.

In in trying to stop him from gaining the presidency once again. He is such a massive disrupter to their plan. Whatever it is, their plan for the rest of us, that you absolutely have to have that on your radar screen. And I know in my mind I'm like, no, that can't happen here. Then I'm like, yes, it can.

Absolutely it can. For so long, Julie, we we went through Covid and we talked about the vaccines and there were things that were wrong like that. The fact that they were making either I mean, these people who say your choices are between you and your doctor, your health choices are between you and your doctor. They looked the other way when it came to ivermectin, when it came to people who said, I don't want the vaccine, I'll treat my Covid with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

They ridiculed, they Pooh poohed, they called it horse paste. They did all this. It was a psyop. It was a psychological operation that was inflicted on on the United States. Now we have many more people. Nobody wants the vax. They're having trouble getting people to take the Covid boosters. Nobody wants them. Think about that. If it was the bee's knees why is there almost zero demand now for the Covid boosters.

Nobody wants it. Yeah. Yeah I don't see people and there might be some here and there. But I don't see nearly the same level of Facebook overlays bragging about getting the vaccine or the booster or you know I got the Covid vaccine and I've been boosted 27 times. You know, you don't see that anymore. Well, if we saw it, you'd have to admit they are.

The reason that we're not seeing it is. And people aren't talking about it as they have to admit that they were duped because that's what happened. Yeah. So many people were duped by their government, even very intelligent people. We had local doctors standing up at school board meetings and saying that every child should be vaccinated before they return to school, when there was zero evidence and still no evidence exists that Covid is dangerous for children.

Yeah, yet very intelligent people were duped by the government. And now you have to admit that. So it's better to just pretend like it didn't happen. Just act like it didn't happen. Let's carry on. Let's just not remember that. Let's not not know. I'm gonna remember it. And I'm gonna remind people from time to time about it because it's these sleazy, slimy people that have no problem lying to you, manipulating you, gaslighting you.

And they're the very same people that are saying, oh, no, it couldn't have been an inside job that they they, they tried to kill Trump. I, I you're I'm not saying it's an inside job. I'm just saying I don't trust the people saying it's not an inside job. Right? Right. Does that make sense? The evidence is stacking up that this was not a lone wolf act.

No. The evidence from the beginning were like, okay, open minded, open minded, right? Just like we did with the quarter lane racist issue that happened 4 or 5 months ago. Open minded. Let's see what comes out. Well, you know what came out in this in this situation, tons of private cell phone video that made us all go, what the heck was going on?

Yeah. Nobody was even paying attention or they were purposely looking the other way. Then we have, people going before Congress and testifying with stupid conversations like, well, the slope of the roof was too steep. Oh shut up. No it wasn't. And then evidence came out that the cell phone acts between this kid and some DC cell phone was pretty regular.

Okay, then it comes out. This kid has encrypted accounts. Then it comes out. He's got apps on his on his phone where you can't dig in, or they're telling us you can't dig in and figure out stuff from it. That's not a lone wolf activity. And and let me add to that, Julie, you just had Josh Hawley the other day say that they were using Homeland Security agents that are not trained to protect the president.

They do different work. They had a brief webinar that didn't even work correctly. Yep. How many what does that number six we just listed. And there's more. Oh, there's way more. When all of that starts to stack up somebody's lying. Yes. Yeah that they are. And we do need answers. So we're not going to get them where as long as Joe Biden is the president or Mulan or excuse me Kamala Harris, we're not getting answers.

And I think if you're Donald Trump, one of his top priority, we always say day one. I think that's overdone. But I think one of his top priorities is he is going to have to get rid of the rot that is in our intelligence agencies. And I don't know how you extract the deep state because we're now, good, probably more than a decade and a half.

It probably was pre Obama. But you have people that are so deeply embedded in that I don't it's going to be it's going to be a tough, tough task. But it's important to try. Yeah. Well and what's he got to lose at this point. It's four years. We can keep praying that he wins in November. And then we can keep praying that he cleans it all up.

Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. And I, I, I hope he does. But I'm again, I'm glad that, Melania Trump is is bringing attention to this. And, and I think that when you look at it, it's not just about Trump. This is about our Republican. And as much as people run around screaming their heads off about January 6th, this right here assassinating the nominee of a major American party is a bigger threat to the Republic and the democracy than anything that happened on January 6th, than a bunch of people walking through velvet ropes thinking they were on a tour of the Capitol.

Yeah, and then tossing them in jail, for months, even years. Yeah, yeah. All right. Two. 085421079 it's Neil Larsen and Julie Mason. If you'd like to join us on the program, the fall River propane Kotlin text line is (208) 542-1079. We do have other stuff, Julie. We have this Haitian migrant disaster. They've brought in something like 100,000 Haitian migrants.

They've put them in Springfield's Ohio hail, and they are eating people's pets. You sent me a headline. Apparently, they killed a bald eagle and ate it. Fried it up, I guess. Yeah. I mean, that's a felony. Of course, in America that's our national symbol. But your point that you made earlier, Julie, is, is very well take it.

Now you have people that are upset that the, the illegals who are well they're refugees. We could argue about the semantics of that, but they that they're upset that they're eating people's pets. But they didn't say a word. When you have illegals that are killing girls and raping young girls and women and creating all sorts of havoc in communities across the country, but, oh, they they ate Fido.

And now all of a sudden they're they're angry. It's just weird. We live in such a bizarre culture, a backwards culture. I'd like to just point out we've got Rachel Moran in, I think it was new Jersey. She was out jogging. She ends up getting killed by an illegal. You have the nursing student in Georgia that was killed by an illegal.

You have the 11 year old that was, killed by an illegal, well, tortured for several hours and then killed by two illegals in Texas, even in Springfield, there was a young boy that was killed a couple of months ago. It was like a pedestrian accident or something by an illegal that shouldn't have been driving. Didn't even have a driver's license.

That didn't even make headlines, didn't even make news. But a cat gets eaten and we're outraged. Yeah. Now, whatever it takes, whatever it takes to bring the immigration crisis to the forefront, fine. But, man, people should reevaluate their priorities. Well, I, I would agree with that. If it's a pet dying that brings someone to the table after they've ignored people getting killed and raped and trafficked and everything else.

Well, welcome to the table. Yeah, I'm glad you finally showed up. I'm. I'm not. I'm not. I mean, I will judge you because you should have been at the table a lot earlier, but if it's a if it's a dead cat that brought you to the table and not a dead human, I will still welcome you to the table.

If that's what it takes to highlight and and oust this far left and corrupt regime that we have, then. Great. And you know what I think we I wouldn't say we need to tread lightly, but let's not get hung up that it was dead pets that brought them to the table and not dead children. You're at the table.

And if that means you'll vote for Trump, we'll take your vote for Trump. Yeah. Because this this obviously needs fixed. Now, some news came out yesterday. They're working on the Save Act in Congress. Speaker Johnson says it's going to be attached to the budget bill. It's going to that's they're going to put it in there. This is going to help stem the flow of immigration.

Well, the Biden administration, it was leaked yesterday saying they will not approve that budget. They will not go. They will not allow that to go forward. And so we're going to have a showdown with immigration over the next couple of weeks. So yeah, that's okay. Shut the government down I, I if I, I will this is a hill we should die on is absolutely this is one worth shutting it down.

And I really hope Mike Johnson's been a little hit in this. I'll be honest. I hope he doesn't cave. Please don't cave on this. Speaker. We will win this because you know what? There is an intense amount of pressure on Kamala Harris right now and her horrific, horrific performance on all things immigration, from border policy to this latest Haitian thing, I believe it's much more likely that the white House is going to cave.

Then I wouldn't say than Republicans, but if if Republicans will stick to it, I think the white House will cave on this. Yes. I'm excited to talk to Senator Crapo tomorrow. He'll be joining us at 730. We will ask him about this legislation and what kind of hopes he has for it. Yeah. Apparently there's a House hearing on the border crisis, and I think we got Jim Jordan.

Let's tune in and listen to this one's child. Each one had a promising life, promising life ahead of them. Each one had people in their lives who loved and cared for them. Each one, each one is a victim of the Biden Harris open border policies. Jostles, Jocelyn and Maria. Not yet. Even teenagers were brutally assaulted and murdered by illegal aliens who were released into the country by this administration.

Kayla and Lake and young women pursuing their dreams were brutally assaulted and murdered by illegal aliens who this administration released into this country. Rachel Miller in a mom of five young children, was brutally assaulted and murdered by an illegal alien. Welcome into this country by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. No Rodriguez, Sam Fagan, Gabriel Fagan, Western Thunder Teenagers and young men with bright futures were poisoned by fentanyl that this administration refused to stop from flowing and crossed our southern border.

You may have heard these names and stories and those of countless other victims of criminal illegal aliens, but not from Kamala Harris. Last week, a teenager, Manassas, Virginia, was allegedly kidnaped by an illegal alien purportedly released into the country again by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's administration. In January, two New York City police officers were assaulted by a group of illegal aliens who entered the country thanks to this administration's open border policy.

Okay, so there's, I love that Jim Jordan's doing this. He's a great one to put in the forefront on this. This is exactly who we need out there. And we were getting texts from people saying that the Republicans are going to cave. It's nice that me and you have hope for this safe act that's going to be bundled into the budget, but that they don't have any faith.

I get it, you guys, I get it. I you know what I mean? I share their their sentiments. I'm not going to argue with them because they're fully justified in being skeptical. I don't think Johnson's going to hold strong. I don't, but I hope he does. We were even called silly. Yeah, we're thinking that Johnson's not coming.

I get it, I it's a form of of trauma response. We have been let down before. People are expecting you with let down again. Yeah. And I don't Yeah. Get our heads out of the sand. Yeah. Oh, okay. They were talking about the, the assassination thing, so, Yeah. We're not naive. We understand this. I think it is more likely that Mike Johnson caves than the Biden administration.

Caves? I think there is a lot to this idea that it is theater, because both sides are getting a massive political boon by leaving this problem unsolved. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, it works well for them. It does. It does notice Republicans are always on the verge of solving the problem. It's sort of like multi-level marketing schemes. Julie, you're on the verge of making like you're about to get that big chat, that big payday.

How many times have you had, like, over the years you've been married, what, 30 plus year? You've been an adult for an adult for a while. I'm sure you've been approached by multi-level marketing names, and they promise you you are this close to making loads of money and. Yeah, yeah, look at the data. All right? Just look at it.

And I think I think that's a very valid sentiment. Look at Mike Johnson. There is a fear he will cave and I think he probably will. And and it's it's valid. Valid. You have the fear. It's all part of the script right. 828 Newstalk 179. Guess what? I still have up Julie. The 1980s bumper music. Oh, yes. Let's play it.

Paige, we'll be back after this. If you want to join us on the fall River propane call and text line. It's 208542 179.

Let's take.


You know, sometimes days take weird turns. Julie. Well, it's been this day. First, the story I told you this morning and then this story you just told me. Yeah, it's a day it. We can't even tell that story to Facebook like. No. That's like crazy. Yeah. Anyway, well what a day we're going to tell you about a story we can't tell you about Troy.

You know what we'll say to you boy. Open your eyes in this area. Open your eyes to what's going on. Because there's a lot if you start paying attention. Yeah. There is, there is a lot. Okay, Julie, you know what we're going to do? Tell me. We'll probably do it next hour. We actually went long in the first break, so we've got to take, quick break here in just a minute.

But next hour, let's do a flagpole. But it's open ended, and we just want to give you. It's more like a best 10s call in. Give us your prediction for the debate tonight. What do you think is going to happen? That's great, because I think for those people who think it's going to be a disaster, I get it.

I, I've had those nervous feelings about this debate. I'm feeling much better as the days have gone on. But we live in a time when anything could happen, including one possibly Harris backing out today, so who knows? Yeah. Amy. Thing could happen. So I want to hear what people think. Do you think she will, though? Do you know how that would be a disaster for her if she were two less?

I mean, we're under 12 hours now. If she withdrew from the debate with less than 12 hours to go, she would get the coward label and she would not be able to get rid of it. It'd be horrible. She can't. She can't. This I know I've seen this all. I, I still think, we had someone text in there.

Like, I still predict that she can't, she's she just can't do that politically. That would be the end for her. So you could back out, you can find reasons to back out a week or two before a debate. You can't do it within this time. Time frame. I guess one thing I mean if we're going to think that she needs to have some sort of a quote unquote excuse about her performance, I guess they could start leaking today how sick she is, but she's going to show up anyway.

And and then they could blame that on her. Yeah. Like if she doesn't have a stellar performance while she was under the weather. You know, they do this in pro sports all of the time. Yeah. They did that with Biden during their one debate. Yeah. They said well he's sick. So. And didn't they blame it on they did it after not before.

Oh God. If they were if they were being intelligent about it, they would have done it before and say he's not feeling well. So possibly they could do that with her today. It's like when Michael Jordan had the flu again. He goes out and scores 45 or whatever. Like I can't even remember how many points it was. Right now.

All right. Know still bugs me. It's like he's the goat and I always will be.

Why does he have to be so darn good? I know, right? Do you know what? I looked up his net worth yesterday. Yes, Michael Jordan's net worth. Oh, I didn't realize. 75 million. 3.9 billion. Oh, wow. Yeah. Wow. So he. I mean, I know he's had a gambling problem, and a lot of former athletes, they squander away their fortune.

He was such a superstar. And I think he's had problems with alcohol. And I think he's had gambling issues. But, the, the sauce that I found because I thought because LeBron James just surpassed a billion a few months ago or something. So I wonder where Jordan's at with all that. And no, it popped up. He's worth $3.9 billion.

That's phenomenal. Yeah. You're talking about gambling problems. My daughter went to Bruno Mars in Vegas. He's doing an extended concert. I think he performs three times a week. Yeah, in Vegas. And he's just living there. There has been tons of link to leaked information that the reason he's even doing that is he had such extensive gambling debts, he had to pay them off.

Oh, and this is his way of working them off. Is that a rumor or is that. Well, if it just came from one source, you would think it was a rumor there. Yeah. There's been several sources confirm that this is why he's doing that concert in Vegas. That extended concert in Vegas. Okay, like, I didn't realize gambling was that addictive.

Yeah, I've heard about it. No, I'm sure I'm like. I've never gambled. I have no desire to gamble, you and I, when it gets to $1 billion or something, we'll go get some lottery. Sure, that will show their audience, but. Yeah, but yeah, I've never, like, gone and like, you know, but I've never sat at a table in Vegas.

No, I haven't either. I don't think I've ever. Not that I can remember maybe once or twice at a slot machine just to pull the handle. That was it. I don't do any of that. Yeah, well, I was with my buddy when I went. Here's a quick story I think I can tell over eye of the Tiger. When Reagan passed away like 20 some odd years ago, we went down to Simi Valley to his funeral.

Anyway, either on the way back or on the way down, we wanted to eat at a buffet, and we thought, okay, let's see if we can just win enough money to. But I had him do all of it. I gave him some of my money. But I'm like, you do this because I don't want to go to hell.

Did you cover your food? I think so, I think we won. Like, hey, well done, 25 bucks or something. And, then we ate at a buffet. So anyway, which would get you a spoon and a fork at a buffet. Nowadays, I know 25 is not even close enough to get to a plate. What happened to the good buffet deals in Vegas?

They're they don't exist. They don't exist anymore. Yeah, the cheap ones are like 35 bucks. Yeah. And that was before inflation. Well, a couple of years ago. 841 will be back after this. All the dreams of the past. You must fight just to keep them alive. It's me, I don't I don't bring up the fight like. 847 on Newstalk 179.

Okay, we're going to do a flagpole next hour and it's more of a best 10s we'll ask you, how do you think the debate will turn out tonight? We want you to present a prediction to us that, Kamala will be in the fetal position crying by the end of the night, or Donald Trump is going to say something dumb or whatever.

We want to hear what your predictions are and how you think that it's going to turn out. Also, I want to talk for just a moment, Julie, with you about Grand Peaks primates. Yeah. We still have not I know what are we going to. We have to do it tomorrow. We don't have time today to do it tomorrow.

I just during the commercial break I just ran across a recipe. Yeah. For French onion meatloaf in the crock pot. Oh, that does not not sound amazing. Well, speaking of recipes, I've been watching these ones where they take ground beef and they flatten it out on a tortilla, and then they cook the ground beef inside, and then they cook the tortilla side, and then they put a whole bunch of other really good Mexican type stuff on it and eat it and like, that's your dinner.

Yeah. Okay. We've got to try both recipes, but we need more ground beef from Grand Peaks. Okay. Well, we'll we'll set it up. We'll get over there and, get enough to fill our freezer for the winter. How about how about that? There we go. Okay, GP If you go there, they certainly have for far more than ground beef.

They've got lots of steaks. They've got ribs. They've got pre cryo bagged pre-cooked sous vide crockpot meals. So much to choose from. Competitive prices, free delivery in the Idaho Falls area for orders over 75 bucks. You're absolutely going to love it. Okay. You want somebody's prediction about the debate? Yes. Okay. My prediction. Not that anyone cares.

We care is the debate will proceed as scheduled. Trump will make Kamala look like a buffoon, and the media will cover for her by misquoting Trump and slandering him for the next two weeks. Yeah, that's true. That's a fair they will pluck. I'll make this prediction. They will pluck something. Donald Trump says out of context, and try to make hay out of it for the next week or two.

Yeah. Well they, they're pretty much experts at this at this point like Olympic level trained experts making sure that they can take something small and make it huge when it comes to Trump's really, really good at. Yeah they got it. Good people on both sides. Suckers and losers. Well they made up a whole collusion hoax about him.

Yeah. But he didn't even have his fingerprints weren't anywhere near it. Nothing to do with it. Nothing. But they, they ran that whole theater, so I did. I have a question for you, Julie. After the Russia Trump collusion hoax, why would anybody believe anything that those people say about Donald Trump? Why? Because they hate him. I think that that's what it is.

They just hate him so much that you can look the other way right at the very beginning of the day, very beginning of the day, we got one of our antagonizes texting us and said they had given lots of thought to our Dick Cheney conversation yesterday, and the only thing that they could come away with was that we've been brainwashed by Trump.

That's what he came away from. That came in this morning and I missed that. Do you did. And you know, what was funny is that person pretended like we were going to talk about Dick Cheney for a month now. We were so terrified by Dick Cheney's endorsement. But yet they're the ones still talking about Dick Cheney. And we hadn't brought it up ever again.

We didn't bring it up in the 9:00 hour. We didn't. Yet we were in his words or her words, I don't know. I'm not going to gender them. We were terrified and intimidated. It's words. It's words. We were intimidated by him, by it, that we were so scared. We had to talk about it as much as we did.

And you and I were both tempted to send back. Well, it was the news cycle, but okay. You choose to look at it the way you want to look at it. And what they chose to do is, is examine us for hours. Thanks for letting us live rent free in your head. By the way, can I can I make a confession?

I don't even think I thought about Dick Cheney today until you just said his name. I didn't I, I haven't thought about it since I read the text. Yeah. Anyway, I cut you off. Go ahead and let's. Okay. I was I was just telling the person he was texting. And thank you for letting us live rent free in your head that you had to go over the show and finally come up with the solution in your mind that Neil and Julie are brainwashed.

I guess that makes that person feel better. I don't know where we're brainwashed. Okay, but that's your answer to how do they how do these people find out that Russia Trump collusion hoax is all a gigantic fabrication, yet they can't think that the mainstream media is lying? Yeah, that's because they're so bad in that there's no way that Dick Cheney can be compromised.

It's me and you. We're the ones. We're the compromised ones. Yeah. Well, and we simply pointed out they've been calling Dick Cheney a war criminal since the early 2000, made a movie about him. Yes, they did, and I think they're trying to conveniently forget that they made. And it was a it was a terrible characterization of Dick Cheney.

Now I want to watch it. Yeah. I never watched it before. I'm a little terrified. We were by Dick Cheney. You and I never even seen the movie. But you know. Yeah. Right. Right. That's so I mean, I'm a little fascinated by it. I it's pretty fascinating. It is kind of fascinating. Like, I want to understand why they think that we're now trembling in our boots because Dick Cheney is supporting Kamala Harris.

Like, I, I like, I like I genuinely have not even thought about Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala Harris. It was we spoke about it at 8:00 yesterday. It was a ridiculous and laughable. You know what I think this was? It's probably hard for him to see his daughter taking a lot of heat for endorsing Kamala Harris, and he wanted to have her back.

So maybe he's like, I'm going to back up Liz and also give an endorsement to to Kamala Harris basically taking some of the arrows, maybe I and I wonder if that was it, because there is there is no benefit. None whatsoever ever for Dick Cheney. I mean, George W Bush was smart enough to just stay out of it and just go, yeah, I'm not I'm not going to make an endorsement in this race.

He obviously can't endorse Trump. The feud with the bushes goes back to Jeb in 2016, because Jeb Trump was terrible to Jeb, and Jeb deserved every bit of it. He made him look so bad. He did. Actually, he highlighted that Jeb was making Jeb look bad. That's what happened. Yeah, that that's true. Yeah. Jeb. Exclamation mark. We got him.

Yeah. He needed a little help. Jab. He he needed to infuse some enthusiasm in his campaign with punctuation. You know, you're boring when you have to put an exclamation mark behind your name to just seem normal. I just this that how he expected people to say it from there. Previously people going Jeb and now it's Jeb. He know.

I remember for a while when we covered that race, every time I said I didn't say, well, yeah, Jeb Bush, I said, Jeb. Got this. You know, that's how it's spelled. Yeah. 855 we'll be back. All right. 858 flagpole next, our predictions for tonight's Trump Harris debate. We'll do that right at the outset. Next hour.


Let's talk about it. Our two underway. Welcome back. It's 907. And by the way we are on Facebook Live. And all you have to do is text that word live to (208) 542-1079. And we will send you the link to join us. And, okay. Julie, we want to do this without further ado, which is a French word.

Adieu, India. Adieu. So d you wax. Yeah, I yes, I EU, I think, but further adieu. What is your prediction for tonight? What do you think is going to happen? Okay, I, I believe I can be wrong on this, so I'll set that, that disclaimer out there. Okay. I believe we're going to get a disciplined Trump game.

I think we're going to get a hollow Kamala. Okay. And if Trump stays consistent with policies and attaching her to the Biden administration. Yeah, it's a knockout blow for Kamala like it was for Biden. I think it's the it will make that big of a difference in the polls. Okay. All right I love that. I know I'll say that knowing it's very rare that a debate alters, a race that much, but you think this has the potential?

I think it has the potential. All right. (208) 542-1078. That's the fall River propane calling text line. And we're going to go to the phones. We'd love your predictions if you call them in, you can also text them in. We'll share those as well. And caller, give us a few seconds. Your prediction for the debate tonight, nailed Julie.

I think that Kamala will try to put on her, prosecutor base from all from California. And if she can take Trump out of his game plan, then it will be more of an even deal for a bet. But as soon as Trump takes Kamala out of her game plan, she will fold like a wet tent. So I'm predicting that Trump will take it, but he's got to stay disciplined.

Okay. All right. Thank you for that prediction. (208) 542-1079 Kollar, your thoughts about tonight. Go ahead. Camila will also the stage floor assume the fetal position and suffer some. And Trump will stand over her shoulder arms and say you're fired. Okay, I like like that very theatrical, prediction. There with part of that, what he's saying the I fired could actually happen or you're fired could actually happen.

He could throw that one line in. Yeah. Somewhere when he's talking about the last three and a half years and what a failed administration has been. And he could say something like, and you know what the American one of the American people want to say you're fired. Yeah. That's that's that's true. That could be put out there. That could be that could be a repurposed phrase for Trump.

(208) 542-1079. So we know part of the rules is that the the mics will be muted. When it's not the candidate's turn to speak. Do you think that helps Trump more or does it help Kamala more? I think it helps Trump because she relies on that. I'm speaking I'm speaking I'm speaking thing. And I think that shut her down with that.

Yeah. Yeah. She clearly wanted the ability tenor up trumps which I think is an insight into her primary strategy. Right. We've got a text that says Kamala will take every chance that she can to portray Trump as a misogyny and white supremacist. Okay. Well, yeah, but does that does that stick, though? Trump is Teflon on those issues?

I don't think that that's winning for her. I don't feel because I think it when I think about the target demographic with that approach, like, I get it, we're you're a misogynist, you're a sexist, you're racist, you all those things. I feel like if those were convincing, you've already left the Trump realm. Like you're not going to vote for him anyway.

Yes, yes. And and for people who are undecided, they're like, yeah, tell me something new. So yeah, but I agree with you. I think it's too tempting for someone like Kamala to go there. Caller go ahead. Your thoughts about tonight? Yeah. Good morning guys. I think, I think a lot of people come out with the narrative that this is a message filled with joy.

Caller one second call. Are you want a Bluetooth? No. Okay. We can barely make it. Sounds like you're underwater. Yeah. Can you maybe talk a little more directly into your phone then? I'm doing nothing different than any time I've ever called you before. How does it sound? So weird. It is? Yeah. You sound like you're underwater.

Does sound like it's underwater. Because you're. You're. Or your voice is obviously familiar to us. So that was the weird thing. Yeah. Go ahead and make your point. Well, Yeah. Mean, but let me try one thing that, tell me is that. Yeah. What did you do different? Yeah. Change. Yeah, that was it. What'd you do? Well, I've always used my speakerphone on the cell phone.

That's always worked perfectly. This is the first time you guys have ever, ever said anything was different, but, you know. Okay, well, I'll finish it. I'll finish. I'll like this. Yeah. I think what we're going to see, Kamala, is there's a is a tremendous message filled with joy and hope and possibility of what can be unburdened by what has been or some other crap like that.

Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if she goes back to those talking points. Yeah. No thank you for that. I think that's a, that's a yeah I think she will do that because that's a crutch for her. I don't think it's a potent talking point because we mock it now. But I, I think I think we may get some of this.

We might get it. We have another text that has an interesting part to it. It says the media will undoubtedly compare Kamala's performance against Biden's performance, and that's how they'll prop her up, just as they do with the economy compared to fill in the blank crappy date. So I they will look go what look how much better she was than Biden.

Look how much better she was than Biden. Yeah. And that's how they'll make her look good. Yeah. Because how do you get worse than what Biden did with Trump? Yeah. That's that's a good that's a that's an interesting view on it. Let's go to the next call. Go ahead caller. But me too. Yeah. Go ahead. Yep okay. Well this is and Donald Trump is stick to the issues the facts and then the people are more concerned about like immigration than means crisis at the border.

And also he can mention about all those children. Then we don't know where they are at. You know, those children have disappeared practically. Yeah. And then the economy, which is hurting everyone, gas prices and and then he doesn't have to go talk too much about abortion because that's what Kamala Harris is going to do. I focus about abortion.

He just has to make it clear here. He wants each state to decide what how they want to handle abortion. So he has a lot of ammunition to yes say it clear. And he. Yes. And he must stop to be sometimes Donald Trump the celebrity no insults, nothing like that. And I think he will do great. Yeah I agree thank you for the call I would agree I think Trump has a much wider path to a debate victory tonight than Kamala does.

I would agree with that. I also would agree that Kamala is going to try to trap him in an abortion conversation. And I will say it again, as I have said repeatedly, the answer on the federal level is it's the state responsibility. And you stop, don't expand that at that question. No, I don't you're right. But there's something in my mind going back to 2016, the final nail in Hillary Clinton's political coffin was pointing out her position on late term abortion.

That is one that America is solidly against. So I don't know if those two points are mutually exclusive, where Trump is saying no, this is a federal issue and and a state issue. It's not an issue for the federal government. But at the same time, maybe he can find a creative way to tie late term abortion to Kamala Harris.

I think that that might be if you can find a good talking point to, to flip it like that, it might be a good point. Maybe you could even say it. No, that's not true. It's never going to be a federal issue. As a president. I'm never going to have a national abortion policy. Individual states, if they want to adopt late term abortion like you want Kamala, they can do that.

Maybe, maybe do something like that. Yeah, yeah, that would work. I hope he's that nuanced with his with his comments, a couple of texts. Someone said, I'm not as optimistic as you. I think the guy who goes from windmills to bacon in three words will have some huge gaffes tonight. Okay. I think he's been much more disciplined. I, I would agree, I believe he's done that before, but I don't think that's the Trump we've seen for a couple of months.

Well and furthermore he's leading in the polls right now. Like even if he is, even if he goes from windmills to bacon in three words, it hasn't hurt him. Yeah. As long as Trump stays focused and on point he'll take it. Another one. Kamala will focus on him being a felon. Someone said the exact same thing and a bully.

He'll shut her down with the failures of her current administration. I think he'll stick to the issues. And glad he won the coin toss for the final comment. That's true. Last one, I think Trump should look at Kamala and say the American people don't want to be burdened by what has been. Yeah, that would be a great one.

Liner. Yeah. All right. (208) 542-1079 we'd love your thoughts. Your quick take on how you think tonight will turn out. Someone else said, I don't think it matters at all. This is like the cheering section at a high school football game. If you don't know who you're voting for by now, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. Apathetic voters won't care enough to watch then.

I think there's still some undecideds out now. I think where the undecideds might play in this is those who were so in for RFK, and now they're like, oh, what do I do? And they'll watch the debate to figure out exactly what they're going to do with that. Yeah. So I think there will be a few, eight of undecideds or those who were deeply in the RFK Jr camp.

Well, and that's that's the thing to remember, too. I would say this will be meaningless if you had one candidate ahead by 8 or 10 points. This can come down to a few thousand votes in a single state. So I think it's a it can matter. Someone says regardless of who wins the propaganda media will misinterpret and project their own perverse interpretation on whatever he says.

Oh yeah, I think we can accurately predict the media take tomorrow, which will be Kamala had a stellar job and Donald Trump said, insert comment out of context here. And he's terrible because that's going to happen. Yes. So and, I'm hoping the fact that this may be the only debate a lot of people will be watching tonight.

Yeah, there's some mainstream media sources you can guarantee no matter what happens tonight, that will be the comments tomorrow. The view, Mika and, why can't I think of his name right now? Joe? So, yeah, Mika and Joe there. I mean, Joe's lied back and forth about this administration for the past four months. So I think you can guarantee on some, mainstream media you're going to get that.

But hopefully we're going to have CNN's been a little bit more neutral recently. Maybe they'll be, better at analyzing this performance. And there's also the wild card of will ABC really serve her some soft ball questions and really go hard on Trump? What is your thought on that? Like, I, I saw a story yesterday that out of all the media, ABC has been the most biased.

Yes. Against Trump. We were worried about that was CNN the Biden the Biden Trump debate. And Tapper and Bash actually did a pretty good job of moderating that debate. Maybe they'll go above and beyond to try to be fair tonight. Hopefully. Yeah. And it's going to really stick out if they don't. Yeah I agree. Hopefully Trump brings up her plan for future capital.

That's the thing. All Trump has to do is bring up the ideas that she wants to put forward because they're that crappy. Yeah, yeah. Someone said, on the Facebook chat, a lot of AR 15 buzz right now. Kamala will bring up gun control. Yeah, I wouldn't be fearful about her bringing up gun control at all. People value the Second Amendment.

They do, and they've already made up their minds on this. It's like that's not a needle mover issue. It's a passionate one. But I don't think it moves the needle. All right. Thank you all great comments in the text. We appreciate the phone calls as well. And that is our flagpole for the day. We're going to break away for a bit.

It's 921 on The Neil Larson Show on Newstalk 179 okay okay. Good comments. Yes, man. Today, robust audience participation. Oh yeah. The text line is out of control today. Yeah it is night. Like our streaming numbers are super solid too. Yeah. So tomorrow will be a huge day because people will want to hear about the debates. Oh my goodness.

Somebody is making a point and on the text line that in the abortion comment that Trump should mention that abort the amount of abortions per month have actually gone up since it went back to the states, because those states that have made it more accessible. Yeah, people are traveling to those states to have their abortions done. Okay.

I, I don't know that number. They quote a number. I don't know what the exact number is there, I don't know. I think that you're getting into some sticky territory there and Trump doesn't do very well with details. Yeah, I don't oh, that makes me nervous for him to go that route. Yeah, I, I really, I, I feel like he's going to be fine tonight I hope so.

Our country needs it. Wow. Did you hear about the mom in Arizona? She was hauled out of City Hall in handcuffs because she was questioning, the city attorney's salary? No. An Arizona mother hauled out of a city council meeting in handcuffs in front of her ten year old daughter last month, is suing the City of Surprise. It's kind of like Jeb.

Surprise. And it's mayor for violating her First Amendment rights. Rebecca massie, age 32, is an active participant in government meetings and had previously spoken out about zoning changes. On August 20th, she had complaints about the city attorney's salary. Surprise mayor Skip Hall cut her off minutes into her time on the podium, accusing her of, quote, attacking the city attorney personally, talking about his salary.

Isn't it public information? Yeah. He told her that specifically criticizing any municipal employee or member of the council, regardless of whether it was by name violated its policy, referring her to a note to that effect on the back of the council's agenda. No, that's what the First Amendment is about, that you can criticize your government and government employees or ask questions of their salary or what that that's off limits.

You can ask that question. So she shot back and said, I could get up here and I could swear at you for three straight minutes. And it is protected speech by the Supreme Court. And then the hauled said back to her, do you want to be escorted out of here? You've got to stop talking. Massey reiterated that the policy is unconstitutional, and in response, Hall called surprise police officer Steven Chernick to escort her from the building.

When Massey argued, telling the officer not to touch her, he placed her in handcuffs and removed her from the room. Yes, this lady might have a lawsuit on her hands. I think she's got a case. Let me see if I can easily glean the audio from this Fox's video. It's. They make it very hard. Yeah. They do.

That's that's not Constitution. Yeah. She. Okay, okay. We'll start about that. We can talk about this. Oh. See. And then it minimizes back okay. It's just terrible. They're terrible. You know. You know it kind of reminds me of these institutions that I really like and respect. And their tech is loud. Okay. Like the church apps.

You want to get Julie go and talk about the church apps. Okay. All I'm saying is that the Lord deserves better apps than than what? What what is getting them? What is that now? Yeah, yeah. Going it. Yeah. There's been more than one time that I've been sitting in a church service trying to get the church up to work, and I'm, I'm doing this with my phone.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Yeah. I'm excited for tonight. It's going to be fun. Yeah I worked my heinie off yesterday so tonight can be enjoyable. And I got it done. I got lots done. So it can be, it can be more relaxing. Yeah. What if that phrase was real? I worked my heinie off. Like you could actually work it in one day and get rid of.

Oh, that love handle went away, Nice. Oh. We're on. Hold it. Okay. This music is very apropos. I was not paying attention. Welcome back to 085421079 at Julie. This happened in a town called surprise, Arizona. There's a mom who showed up, and she's. She's kind of a busybody, like, she shows up to she's engaged in her local government, which I respect people who are like this.

So she's questioning the city attorney's salary? I don't know how much the city attorney makes, but she shows up and she's told she can't mention city employees by name, and she can't. And I'm like, yeah, you can. This is called the First Amendment. And the whole purpose of the First Amendment is to petition your government to, effectuate change.

So this is part of the council meeting in which, in the end, she was hauled away in handcuffs. It's nuts. And the city attorney did nothing as far as that title nine and 38 have conflict of interest pieces of information, and it was deemed that there was a conflict of interest. Title 39. There are numerous public records requests that I have open right now that are, quote, pending legal review that I am entitled to request.

I've got to interrupt you here because. Okay, are you gonna stop the timer? This is the public meeting forum that you agree to when you speak. And I want to read this to you that, there are oral communications during the city council meeting. You may not be used to lodge charges or complaints against any employee of the city or members of the body, regardless of whether such person is identified in the presentation by the name or by any of their reference that tends to identify him or her.

That's all fine, well and good, but that's a fine violation of my First Amendment. So that's well, this is your warning. Okay. For what? Warning? For attacking the city attorney personally. This is all factual information. It doesn't matter. You're violating. And this is this is what you agreed to when you first speaking. This is the forum. It is unconstitutional, mayor Hall.

Well, it's not unconstitutional. It is. And if you're the Supreme Court has I take it up here and I could swear at you for three straight minutes. And it is protected speech. No, by the Supreme Court. It is no. Why don't you look at case law? No. You can't. I can. So if you want to be also the terrorist, you want to be escorted out of here, do you want to be escorted out for violating my First Amendment right?

Talking. You were violating my First Amendment rights. That's your opinion? It's not a matter of opinion. Do you want to be escorted out? It's messy because that's what's going to happen. And it's going to happen in the future. Also, any time you attack, that's why you change the rules or that's why you changed the rules. This has been on the back of this form.

I understand, Mayor Hall, but that is completely unconstitutional. Now you're also engaging in debate, and so you should actually be holding the floor to somebody else. Managing chief, could you have somebody come down here and, escort Miss Massey? Really? It's not necessary. Yes. In front of my ten year old daughter. You're going to escort me out for expressing my wishes.

She can go with you. I'm not leaving. Well, can you just, I'm. No, I'm expressing my feet. Do not touch me. Do not put your hands on me. Just do not put your hands on me. Come on now. He's cuffing her now. Do not put your hands on me. Come out with me now before you get.

You want to. Are you kidding me? Yes. Why do I need to tell you what target. What is this is okay. So. All right. I have a property on I have. You cannot ask me. She can go out there. Okay? Okay. I'll entertain a motion to go into session. Motion to go into session. Okay. So they go into executive session.

You should because you're about to be sued. Yeah. That's not looking good for them. No. Why not just let her say what she wants to say about the attorney's salary and say thank you. So scared about. Just let her talk and then go. All right. Moving on to the next thing. Look, it's not slander like it's. It's such a weird thing.

So she's 32 years old. She's an active participant in government meetings. Surprise. Mayor Skip Hall. Cut her off minutes into her time on the podium. Said she was attacking the city attorney personally. We heard all of that. So now she has an attorney? Connor Fitzpatrick, with the Foundation of Individual Rights and Expression, said the woman was detained for at least two hours and given a pretty invasive patdown.

Okay, she wasn't being violent. There is there's no reason for a pat down, not at all. And then fingerprinted an ordeal that violated her Fourth Amendment rights, according to the lawsuit. Her daughter did not come with her to the police, department, Fitzpatrick said, and she was not told of her daughter's whereabouts. Throughout the ordeal, she was charged with trespassing, the status of that charge is unclear.

Fitzpatrick told Fox News digital public officials are elected to serve the public, not silence them. They might disagree with what the public has to say. There's nothing in the law that says that they have to do whatever the public asks of them, but they do have to listen. Fire, initially founded to file lawsuits against colleges and universities that stifled their students First Amendment rights, has also branched out to represent mayors and chairs, abusing their powers to silence and punish people who go to public meetings and say things they don't like, Fitzpatrick said, adding that these instances are more common than they should be.

Okay, my very first response to what you just read is that a trespassing charge is not going to stick. No, that's going to be removed almost immediately. Yeah. Even when she was told to leave that I think that's probably what they're holding on to is that after she was commanded to leave, she didn't. I don't think that sticks at all.

I don't think a judge is ever going to take that further. So I she's not going to face any kind of a legal penalty here. Yeah. So then you're looking at does her lawsuit against the or if she does file a lawsuit, does it have merit? I think it does I do too I just watching that I don't when if you're going to give time and now it's true not all city councils or school boards actually have a public comment period.

They're not required to. There's no law that says that. And there have been some cities. I think Pocatello is one where they've considered getting rid of that altogether, because some cities just don't don't have it. But if you're gonna do it, they're still protected by the First Amendment. But I the confusion here is that she wasn't calling him names.

She wasn't spreading rumors about him. She wasn't saying he's sleeping with so-and-so. She there was none of that going on. She wanted to publicly announce his salary. That's not slander. No, it's it's not. There wasn't anything in the transcript of this story that suggested she was saying anything that was untrue or that was slanderous. And so I don't I think she's got it.

I'm going to watch this closely now watch and see. I think she's got a I think she's got a case here. She's and the backlash against this mayor, I bet it's it's pretty hot today I would imagine. Man. Arizona's just right on that tipping point aren't they. Yeah. There it is. So much of a battle right now. Such a strong purple state that the people are are putting their stakes down.

Yeah. Where they feel because I think they're feeling uneasy about politics. And that gets you into situations like this. Yeah, well, it really does. And, she didn't cross any kind of a threshold. You you can't just write something on an agenda. And it has the force of law that dictates someone else's speech. You just can't. You can suggest, you can encourage.

But if you're going to take public comment now, the only thing that the First Amendment is doesn't protect you on is slanderous speech. Or if your speech is likely to cause violence or something like that. That's what she was saying. Doesn't even come close to any of that. Right? Well, wow. Okay. Wow. So interesting. I wonder how this will compare to the mom who I think purposely and we interviewed her, got arrested in Boise during Covid because she wanted a kid to be able to play on a playground.

Yeah. I mean, I looked at that case and went, okay, she absolutely was pushing the boundaries. But this is ludicrous. Those kids can play on that playground. Yeah. And I think most people look at this one and go, okay, this is ludicrous. She's just saying the city attorney salary. That's it. Yeah. Why are you freaking out so bad?

Yeah. She the city's going to be paying. I bet you in a few months this is going to be a story where they settle this thing out of court or something, because that she's got a case. Yeah, yeah. Let's listen. Gateway pundit I know Fox. Fox. Oh that's right. We were having a struggle with the website. That's right.

Yeah. Yeah. Someone said, this. Well, it's just a throwaway comment. I'm not going to even repeat it. Okay. Called her name. All right, we'll take a break. 937 on Newstalk 107, I will take phone calls when I get back. Right here to do to Robert. It was surprise. Arizona. What do you think happens to the mayor?

Does he get forced out over this? I don't know, I think that all depends on the politics of surprise. And I don't know what it is. I because I think it'll be. Do the people who have enough power get outraged about them? Yeah, maybe. But you know what? Those. How big is surprise? Arizona. Okay, Spencer has a great point because I thought about this while that clip was playing.

That mayor put that police officer in a really crappy situation. I agree, I agree. Oh surprise. Bigger than we think. Surprise 143,000. I would have never guessed that it's Maricopa County, so it's a suburb of, Phoenix. Okay, then he probably stays in. You think, that. Yeah. Dang it, I want to. Darn is his job. And that also makes sense.

Maricopa County is a wreck. All right. Yeah. So it surprise is like, the most extreme north west suburb. Like it's past Glendale and Peoria. So it's way up there, although it looks like a bunch of it is rural, but it's a prairie 143,000 people. So wow, wow. We didn't talk about James Earl Jones dying. Oh, I've got clips I'll play.

Oh, so we can fix this tomorrow. But whatever they did with the internet, I can't even get that to do anything. What? You're gonna fix it right now? Let's. Okay. Okay. I guess you have Fox. I've got Fox. I'm fine. Yeah, I have three minutes. Let me. Let me just try like we do on while you're fixing that on our end of the show, Facebook Live.

So in the post show part, let's talk about this new, grocery line that Amazon launched. Okay. Yeah. I don't know about this. I didn't know about it either till I saw National story on it from CNN. Like they're competing with like Walmart. Yep. What do you think of it? People aren't gonna want my, my take on this.

I use a lot of Amazon you guys a lot. I know a lot, a lot, especially even if the let's say the product is $0.75 more than what I would pay at Walgreens. I'll order it on Amazon because it's worth my time, saves you the trip. Well, you save that much in gas. Yeah, yeah. And if I may, I mean, I'm sure if I add up all of this stuff, people will be like, well, you spent this much extra it it's still worth it to me.

Well, it's your time. I worked. How long of a day did I work yesterday? When did you finish? One 750. So you had about a 14 hour day. I don't have time to run to the store. These TVs are acting weird. I. Oh, you got a further than I did. Like, this one's totally black, but it says it's.

And then the app just craps out. Just craps out. Okay. Are you just wearing that to the debate tonight? I don't know, am I changing this outfit? It's very relaxed, so I don't think we need to be fancy. Okay? I ain't staying in this outfit, but if you're showing up in dress pants and a dress shirt, I don't know if I like these jeans.

I might. I might change where you were. I'll let you know what I'm where you're like the thin, soft material ones. Oh, okay. Yeah. Like, just they're not. They're little more like gray that you have. Oh yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Okay. All right. I can do that. I can do that. Picking out Neil's wardrobe for this sort of cargo like.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cargo things on it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I was gonna, I was gonna hoist upon you the thought that you got those from Costco. I don't know if you did buy them there, but they sell pants like that, which I think is awesome. Yeah, I think I did get them here. And if you join us on Facebook Live, you hear compelling conversations like Julie and I coordinating our wardrobe for the debate tonight.

I was just telling him what he should wear. It's okay. Yeah. All right. By the way, you can join us on Facebook Live by texting live to (208) 542-1079. And, Julie, we have a call. They've been waiting through the break. Should we take the call? Yeah. All right, caller, go ahead. What's on your mind today? Well, it's just a comment on what you always co-host were addressing with that little bit you played about the Dow being escorted out of the, I guess, meeting with her city officials.

Good. Trouble for the traffic for Pocatello. They had a little, about to do public comments for the city council meetings. I believe it was Pocatello. And you're not required to have a public comment, period. Some cities have had it, and I think those that do, their residents sort of feel entitled to it, like like it has to be there, but it's it's not in state law that you have to have them.

Some cities do them as a courtesy. And I think there was a consideration in Pocatello that they were going to get rid of it or curtail it in, in some way. Now, you can put rules on it, like time limits, or you can only bring up one topic or something like that. But I don't believe that you can govern people's speech.

Like, you can't say this or you can't criticize public officials or well, you know, so but yeah, there there was an issue in Pocatello, I believe. Okay. Now there's that whole truth for like, school district, city council meetings, county commissioners is the same thing apply to them. Do they not do not have to have a comment.

I don't believe any of them do. No. Okay. Well, I guess the real question I have in if is if everybody chose not to have a public comment, how do you redress grievances with your government official? You email them, you schedule meetings with them, you give them phone calls, you vote against them, you campaign against them or for them.

But, I mean, there's a lot of avenues to to communicate with them. Yeah. Well, I would hope these entities would consider having some form of public comment at their meetings maybe once a month. I, you know, I can understand that they need to do the executive sessions to get work done, but I think the personal communications needs to be there, because sometimes that's really the only way you get to attention.

And thank you for your program. Thank you. Thank you for the call. 285421278. It's always so nice to thank us for the program. I know it's very polite that way. Yeah, I could you know how I say I can argue either side of the marijuana debate. I could actually argue either side of this as well. You know, I think that there are quite possibly is more effective ways than standing up and giving public comment.

If you repeatedly email a city official and they don't respond and you go to social media and you show your emails and they're written well and you're not getting any response, actually, I think you get more traction with that than you do at a public comment section. Yeah. Because a lot of people don't even watch the city council meetings, even though most of them are broadcast.

But you might get a lot of traction online on your social media with an interaction between you and a city council member or you and a school board member. So maybe this isn't the most effective way, and the only way it gets a play is when it goes bad or south like this. Yes. Yeah, I would agree.

I think a lot of cities do it because they want their residents to feel more invested, more involved. Like, I think it's good. If I were the mayor of a city, I'd want to have a public comment period, because I want the residents to feel like they have that forum to show up at the meeting and and to be heard.

But I also understand the, you know, the this lady that we played. I don't think she falls into this category, but there are people who will show up and they just want to cause trouble. They're not trying to accomplish anything. They're just they're being a thorn in everybody's side. So I can understand the sentiment of why do we have the public comment, period?

And is it even productive? This happened, and I'm not going to repeat what happened because it doesn't have value. But at an Idaho Falls City Council meeting maybe a year ago, there was a personal issue brought up about a relationship. Do you remember what I'm talking about? Barely. And, that person got escorted out. That was completely inappropriate to get up and talk about a personal relationship that was existing on somebody that was, on the forum.

And so I get the fear. This is why I could argue it. Either way. I get the fear that people have that the commenting will go rogue and could potentially be really ugly and really bad. Right. And and if that woman in surprise, Arizona had gotten up and said, well, I heard you're leaving town with your secretary, you know.

Yeah, if I were the mayor, I'd be like, that's not city business. Okay. Whether it's true or not, that's unless you're using the city credit card, which is a totally separate issue. But but she was there talking about an attorney salary that's very clearly within the purview. And it's a taxpayer expense and it's part of the city.

So yeah that but to me but yeah I kind of remember that. But now I'm going to take a break because I need you, not for me to tell you what's going on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I forgot about that. Yeah. So yeah I could, I could argue either way for, for or against it. Yeah. And I would to address the caller I would say I think there might be more effective ways than standing up and giving public comment.

Yeah. Well I think times change. Well here's one. And my friends in newspaper probably just tear their hair out when they hear me talk about this. And I still think it's kind of, I don't know, it's a scam or what, but it used to be a state law. I think it's still is that you have to put public notices in the newspaper.

Yeah. That was the only way to disseminate it. Years and years ago, we didn't have the internet and but you so government at pretty significant expense would have to buy space in the local newspaper to put out the public notices. We haven't moved with the times and now it's it. It isn't. We've departed from the spirit of that law, which was let everyone know about the legal notices, surplus property for sale or whatever it is.

We don't need it anymore. A government website should just have a section that says public notice. Anybody can access it and it doesn't cost you anything. You don't have to go buy a newspaper. You can go to the library and get on the internet. If you don't have a phone or you don't have internet at home, it's way more accessible than than your local newspaper.

But it's a holdover, and the newspapers are like, we're going to go out of business if you don't keep throwing money. Our way. Well, yeah, but we don't need you. Yeah, but we're going to go out of business if you don't keep throwing money our way. And it's this hold over that has just become a subsidy to the newspaper industry.

I almost feel like in it, when that last caller called, we have so many ways to reach our public officials. Most of them, their phone numbers are public. You can you can call the text them, you can send them a text, you can email them. And the nice thing about an email is everything is then public and can be subject to a public records request.

So I would suggest you email your your lawmakers. I think you should because then you can prove they received this email. I, I think on social media, lots of them, most of them have social media pages. You can comment on that they're it's not legal for them to go through and delete comments from constituents. It's on the record.

So I think we have a lot of ways now to reach our elected leaders that we didn't have before. So for my true crime podcast, you would be surprised at how often I go to the police department's Facebook page to get information. So say I'm covering a case in Dayton, Ohio. I will go to their police departments page.

They have released a statement on the case. Guess where I get a whole bunch of nuggets from the comments, the comments on that post, which is why I'm saying it's probably a lot more effective to go the social media route versus standing up at a city council meeting, because now people are interacting with what has been said on the post, and I can get a lead from there and then start researching from oh, really?

So, for example, I wrote a story last night about an officer who left his K-9 dog, his dog, the K-9 officer in a locked car, and the dog died from the heat. Yeah. Guess what? It's the second K-9 officer that has died in the past six month that I wouldn't have found that out had he not gone to the Facebook page of the police department.

Right. Information is available in other ways. You don't have to rely on all of the old ways now because it's out there. I know there's probably some nostalgia for being able to show up at a city council meeting and talk directly. I think there what, like you said, your point well taken. We have we have lots of different ways to do it.

And quite honestly, I think better ways to do it now. All right. 954 we got a break. We'll be back after this. Okay. The story was the mentally unstable man who stood up and made a claim about Chief Johnson's wife. Oh, you remember that? I do remember that. Yes. And it was very well-documented how unstable this man was.

I remember that so that there was no merit to it. But it's not worth. Yeah, we advertising that to sometimes not allowing that is protecting that person from slandering themselves like yes and and and committing slander. So yeah that's that's true. Yeah I do remember that now. And I remember how I mean, instantly it's just unfortunate. The whole thing was unfortunate.

Okay. Let's see. Oh my gosh. We just had 16 more sign ups for tonight. Great. Dang. Makes me so excited. I am excited to be in a room full of people. Yeah. So feel like we do. Yeah. This is going to be awesome. Yeah. Oh yeah, said Pocatello took away public comment for a time because of the same ten people would get up there and just spew crazy conspiracy nonsense.

Yeah. Okay. One last debate plug, and then we'll, do Crapo tomorrow. Oh, Peter, it is the debate starts at 730. The doors for the debate open at 630. Yeah, I was thinking about that. Jeannie's asking if we're going to have a Trump side and a Harris side, you know, like at the wedding where the groom's people sit on one side and the bride's people sit on the other side?

No, I think we mix it up. I think it's more interesting if we mix it up.

Yeah, I was, I was hoping and I still may look into this, although it's it's kind of late in the game. You know how when you watch a debate I haven't seen it this year at all, but where they'll, they'll have a graph and people watching can say, I like this, I like this, I don't like this, I don't like this.

I bet you they have apps that you can download for specific events where people could do that. I'm sure they do. But remember we have used at other events that we've emceed. Yeah. Dan Beck's system. That's right. He has a system like that. Yeah. Oh, that is positive. Negative. Yeah. Remember how people could give, like, a question or a feedback or.

I'm sure his system does the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. So I, I bet it's out there. Yeah. I don't know how we access this, but I bet it's out there. All right, we want you at our debate watch party tonight at the snake River Event Center inside the Shiloh Inn in Idaho Falls. All you got to do, it's totally free.

Just text debate to (208) 542-1078. We've got a lot of signups this morning. It's going to be such a fun party Julie. We're really excited. Come join us. All right. And join us for Senator Crapo tomorrow right here.